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Ceiling I-Beam clamp. DGS -Gymnastics Grips, Gymnastics Mats, Gymnastics Equipment, Gymnastics Apparel - Floors. Comprehensive Workout Package. Iron Cross & Gymnastics Strength Trainer. Fitness Equipment. CFUnderdog : Helpdesk. Khan Academy. Lose the WOD Blog | 321Go Project. Something tells me having the WOD blog on your homepage is not doing you any favors. Let’s look at an example that probably plays out almost every day: Betty keeps hearing the word “CrossFit” pop up in her community. She’s standing in a check out line and over hears two ladies talking about CrossFit. She picks up her kids from school and hears a teacher talking about it with another mom. She sees a commercial on a Sunday afternoon NFL football game:) Okay, so she has heard about CrossFit three times now. She decides to look online to see if there’s a CrossFit in her town. (We are assuming she is able to find you.

This affiliate owner potentially lost a member who may have visited another local affiliate website in her area which was easier to understand, had clear explanations of what she could expect her first visit, and also a call to action to let her know her first intro, session, or one-on-one was free. 10 Tools to Improve Your CrossFit Gym. Here is my top ten ways to improve your CrossFit gym. Every gym could use a little improvement, even if you are killing it with 200 members and a 300 pound clean. You are a CrossFitter right? You always want more, bigger, better and faster!

I will touch on revenue streams, creative ideas and food that will spice up your affiliate and make it the best in town. I have tried all of these ideas and products but do not receive any kickback if you click on the links or buy their products. So this is a my totally non-bias opinion. (I am not sure if that actually exists, everyone has a bias right?) 1) CrossFit Journal- it is $25 bucks a year, probably more information then you can consume and will keep you up to date on all the CrossFit happenings. 2) Journal Menu- customizable journals for your CrossFit gym. 2) Gym Swag- Why should Reebok get all the credit?

3) Massage Therapist, Chiropractor, Physical Therapist- This is an amazing partnership to have for you and your community. Ellos tienen punto G y nosotras eyaculamos | La Botica - Yahoo! Mujer Argentina. El ABC de las paginas en facebook. The Box Builders - Turning your CrossFit addiction into a profitable business. Aire Acondicionado Refrigeracion Calefaccion Refrimatica. Calefactor Convector Electrico Panel De Mica Liliana Cm016 - $ 435. S.A. Características: Es una estructura metálica rígida que surge del proceso de corte y estiramiento en frío de una chapa de metal. Ventajas: - Permite el paso de la luz, aire y sonido. - Autolimpiante - Antideslizante - No permite la acumulación de líquidos - Comparado con otros materiales, es más liviano por metro cuadrado, soporta grandes cargas.

Aplicaciones: Pasarelas, pisos industriales, escaleras, rampas, balcones, divisiones, frentes combinados con otros materiales, decoración, etc. Presentación: Hojas estándar - (varían de acuerdo al modelo). Están identificados por código que define sus características. Por Ej. 670-22-30. 09-2101. .:: Gelhorn Plásticos, Fortaleza Plástica ::. Catálogos. Piso plástico | Storage Compat By Store Etami | Pavimentos y suelos industriales | Plásticos Roca - Productos plásticos de calidad para la industria. Reebok CrossFit Nürnberg Blog. Get Your Content to Go Viral. There are three proven ways to create content that gets spread, goes viral, and everyone reads. Before we jump into that, you must understand the importance of a good subject line.

The reason people read your article is because of the subject line. Why is it irresistible for you to pick up the tabloid at the grocery store? Because copywriters get paid major denero to come up subject lines you can not resist. Craig Ballantyne of Early to Rise says: “Don’t promise a unicorn and deliver a donkey. It needs to be something that intrigues people, but short and to the point. Below I will lay out three types of content that go viral. 1) Research Develop an article that is based on a past study. 2) Results Content This one I absolutely love and it will spread through your community. 3)Controversy People love a good fight.

If you found this article interesting it would be awesome if you shared it so others could learn these tactics too. You have the tools now so get to work. 5 Ways to Increase Your Facebook Fan Engagement. Want to increase your Facebook fan engagement ? Keep reading for some simple techniques to get your fans more involved. Even if you’re active on your Facebook page’s wall by posting regular status updates, interacting with fans and answering questions, you’re still missing out if you aren’t using calls to action. , and it can be as basic as a simple status update. Your fans will enjoy interacting with your Facebook page and your page will benefit the most with increased visibility, traffic and marketing opportunities. Many Facebook page admins aren’t quite sure how to foster an active fanbase, so here are . #1: Post Fan-Centered Status Updates You want to get your business in front of your fans . EdgeRank is the algorithm Facebook uses to determine the importance of a status update.

To get more comments, to ask for your fans’ opinions, stories and even advice. Lonely Planet's fan-centered status update asked fans for their input. . #2: Start Conversation With Relevant Content #4: Sign Up Now! Blair Morrison- Successful CrossFit Owner and Athlete. 4 Steps to a Successful Fitness Blog. Step 1: Capture Two Ideas a Day Write down two ideas for blog posts a day.

The biggest problem with ideas is people do not write them down. Take action today and start by getting out a notebook, putting them in your phone or keeping them on your computer. Pick one spot and store them all there. If you are at a loss one day for new ideas try to develop a new angle on an old idea; or grab some headlines from your favorite gossip magazine.

After looking through the magazine you will see those are highly paid professionals coming up with the attention grabbing titles. Step 2: Create Quality People will not read garbage. Base your posts off research. Step 3: Do Not Break the Chain A while back I read a post about a blogger who consulted the great comedian Jerry Seinfeld for advice. His secret to success was writing jokes everyday. I have used this method and it works. Step 4: Take Action Sounds easy, but it is so important I listed it as a step. Not you though. In Fitness you must do these two things… From personal trainers to MMA mega centers everyone has a goal and it should be to acquire clients and keep clients. If you have one client or 100 clients a day you should be working on these two things… Basic social interaction needs to take place. You need to talk with your people.

Not them- 10 more reps! Or them- no no do eat that! They will be an active member longer. They will be more likely to bring a friend into a welcoming environment where they feel connected. People recall conversations I had with them over six months ago about their vacation or the hard day they had at work. Food is second to religion and politics in terms of opinionated heated arguments on what is “right”. You sat down and them what to do. So instead, sit down with your new member and let them talk about their frustrations with food and come up with a plan together. AMOUNT of food- Do not over eat TYPE of food- Very important piece, quality is huge when it comes to nutrition I took this mantra from Dr.

</b>*} 4 Step to create more than just a gym. The single most important thing in a small gym is creating a community. This can be done with five members or five hundred members, but it must be done. Communities create friendships and that creates dedicated, die hard, I will support you type members. 1) The owner of the facility needs to interact with every single person who joins their facility. Meet them in person or at the very least call them and welcome them to the gym. Develop your Passion into a Business. Again Faster- How to Build, Expand, and Grow Your Business. ViewSPORT- How to Start, Develop and Grow a Successful Fitness Apparel Company. 321 Go Project, How to Build a Brand, CrossFit. How to Set Your Price to Achieve Your Profit Goals #SmallBizChat QA with Nicole Fende. {*style:<b> Every week as SmallBizLady , I conduct interviews with experts on my Twitter talk show # SmallBizChat .

The show takes place every Wednesday on Twitter from 8-9pm ET. This is excerpted from my recent interview with Nicole Fende @ BizFinanceForum Nicole is President and Chief Numbers Whisperer of Small Business Finance Forum. Nicole is a credentialed actuary with experience as a Chief Financial Officer, Investment Banker, and successful entrepreneur.

Her forthcoming book, How to be a Finance Rock Star, is an easy, practical guide to mastering small business finance. </b>*} What is the first step in pricing any product or service? You need to set your profit goals. What is the difference between revenue and profit? This distinction is crucial. Establishing a profit strategy sounds like a lot of work. Actually creating a profit strategy is really easy! 1) How many hours a week do you want to work? 2) How many weeks in a year do you want to work? Garbage in, garbage out. FICTION! Products & Equip. The 21 Most Innovative Gyms in the U.S. Ready to hit the electricity-generating elliptical, a track made of sneakers, or a treadmill— on ice? Some gyms aren’t quite like the others, and they have the facilities to prove it.

So take a tour of Greatist’s most innovative gyms, those at the forefront of developments in exercise technology, methodology, and management. Whether you’re near one or not, they’re sure to inspire your next great workout. 1. Athletes’ Performance (Phoenix, AZ) Photo by Architecture3s Go big, or go home, right? 2. Photo by Colin Gould According to Reebok, “The sport of fitness has arrived.” 3. Photo: The Green Microgym Looking for a little more green cred? 4. Photo: DeFranco's “Turn your body into a weapon.” 5. Photo: MizzouRec The MizzouRec philosophy? 6. Photo: Nike Working at Nike has its perks— and it’s not just getting first crack at the KobeSystem. 7. Photo: Athletic Republic Everything’s better on ice— treadmill workouts included. 8.

Image: Westside Barbell 9. Photo: Peak Performance 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. La pirámide del éxito. Por John R. Wooden Traducción libre y compilación por Rogelio Carrillo Penso 01.11.00Página No. ponga sus emociones bajo control. Perseverancia. Necesitamos un propósito definido y unobjetivo si deseamos progresar. Estar Alerta e Iniciativa se sitúan en la parte interior del segundo nivel. Condición . Moral y mentalmente condicionado. Espiritualmente condicionado.Siempre le enseñé a mis jugadores que la condición de nuestro equipo dependía de dos factores: de la forma en que seentrenaran durante las prácticas , y de cuan bien se comportaban entre prácticas .

Destreza . El conocimiento y la habilidad para ejecutar los aspectos fundamentales del juego rápida y apropiadamente. Estar en capacidad de ejecutarlos no es suficiente; debe poderse hacer rápidamente. Espíritu de Equipo es un bloque importante en el centro de la estructura; y no es sino el deseo de sacrificar la gloriapersonal por el bienestar del grupo, como un todo. Carácter Confianza emergerán de la , La y el . Saber Grandeza Competitiva. carácter Ambición. Lessons in Leadership: How Abraham Lincoln Became America's Greatest President.

There is much we can learn by studying Abraham Lincoln's journey from being just another politician to becoming America's greatest president. (Wikipedia provides a compilation of "Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States" which makes it clear that in the eyes of many experts, and the public, Lincoln has consistently held this status). A key to this transformation was how Lincoln, whose birthday is today, developed the self-discipline to take one of his signature strengths—his mastery of language—and used it to serve the interests of the American people rather than his own. One of the best communicators of all time Lincoln was undoubtedly one of the greatest communicators among all American presidents. His words—as a public speaker, writer, debater, humorist, and conversationalist—continue to entertain, educate, and inspire us to this day. With only one year of formal schooling, Lincoln consciously cultivated this mastery of language and expression.

The Winning Edge. In the summer of 1994, in the tallest of Princeton University's ivory towers, Andrew Wiles was completing one of the most extraordinary odysseys in the history of math. For more than three decades, Wiles had been obsessed with Fermat's Last Theorem, a seemingly simple problem that had stumped mathematicians for 350 years. French mathematician Pierre de Fermat had noted that although there are plenty of solutions to the equation X2 + Y2 = Z2 (for example, 32 + 42 = 52), there is no corresponding solution if the numbers are cubed instead of squared. In fact, Fermat scribbled in the margin of a book that he had "truly marvelous" proof that the equation Xn + Yn = Zn has no solution if n is any number greater than 2. Unfortunately, he never put his proof on paper. Wiles was 10 years old when he encountered the theorem. "It looked so simple, and yet all the great mathematicians in history couldn't solve it.

A media frenzy followed. The Winning Edge. Meeting Tricks: Make a Great First Impression. Basic business truths keep coming back in new ways. One of those truths is that you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. We’ve been all told this since we were 2 years old. So why am I even talking about it? Because I see so many mistakes being made in this area on a regular basis. Some are old mistakes, but the new digital era also brings new mistakes. Here are the new rules for making a great first impression. Online Presence It used to be that you made your first impression with a firm handshake, a smile and a pressed suit. Make certain your picture, profile and position are on your company website–as well as those of any people on your team you bring to a meeting.Have a current and robust profile on LinkedIn.

Your Team The people who surround you are a clear part of your professional impression. Make sure your team understands all the same rules about grooming, handshakes, dress, smiles and eye contact that you follow. Communication & Details. 5 Things Every Entrepreneur Must Do Each Day. The worst thing you can do for your business is start each day in a race. I am strong believer in thinking about your day before you jump into it. I start each day in prayer before I leave my bed. I find that I am able to keep a positive disposition throughout my day regardless of what happens as a result. Years ago, Oprah Winfrey featured a book on her show called Simple Abundance; A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach. In it, she provides daily lessons about the concept of peace, joy and gratitude. This is a great book that I have used over 10 years to stay centered. Cash is King! Work on getting in front of someone who may buy your product or service every day. People do business with people they like, know and trust, but you must nurture those relationships.

One of my other favorite books is the 7 Minute Difference by Allyson Lewis.