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Love Everybody, Even The Squirrelly Ones. » The WVb. Debby Cantlon, who plans to release Finnegan, the young squirrel, back into the wild, bottle-fed the infant squirrel after it was brought to her house.

Love Everybody, Even The Squirrelly Ones. » The WVb

When Cantlon took in the tiny creature and began caring for him, she found herself with an unlikely nurse’s aide: her pregnant Papillion, Mademoiselle Giselle. Finnegan was resting in a nest in a cage just days before Giselle was due to deliver her puppies. Cantlon and her husband watched as the dog dragged the squirrel’s cage twice to her own bedside before she gave birth. Mental_floss Blog » Interspecies Mommying. Proud Otter Mother Shows Off Her Baby.