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SpiderLabs Anterior. SQL Injection. SQL Injection Tutorial created by ande for Written December 27, 2009.Updated May 29, 2011. In this tutorial1.0 What is SQL? 1.1 Types of SQL or SQL engines1.2 Understanding the SQL structure1.3 Finding vulnerabilities1.4 Exploiting vulnerabilities1.5 Securing vulnerabilities 1.0 What is SQL? SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is mostly used for web sites but can however be used for almost any application and or service which is in need of storing, editing and or updating data in a good and structured way. In this tutorial I will be using PHP as script language for examples. No, you don't. Additionally I will be using MySQL as the SQL engine in examples.

Theoretically SQL can be used by any script engine as it is basically just a application listening on a port on a server waiting for commands/instructions. In order to run PHP scripts(at least in a browser) you are going to need a PHP supported web server. PS. 1.1 Types of SQL or SQL engines And so on... Now! So.. ). Raspberry pi Raspbian OS Installation and ssh - Welcome To Hackaholic. I am starting a New Series called “Raspberry pi hack”. In the series I will teach you about Raspberry pi. In this tutorials i am going to show you how to install Raspbain operating sytem to the micsrosd card and ssh to your raspberry pi. Watch the video for more details. Important Command Used in the video: To list all Hard drive and pendrive connected to the system . “sudo fdisk -l”Installation of Raspbain os to microsd card. Nmap - Gathering Additional Host Information. The most important process during a penetration test is the information gathering phase.

During this process we investigate our target with the goal of learning everything about it. The information we discover could be invaluable in further stages of our penetration test. During this process we gather information such as usernames, possible passwords, additional hosts and services, or even version banners, among many other interesting bits of data. There are several tools that help us retrieve information about our target, using many different sources. Our success comes from using all available resources. In this article I will cover a combination of Nmap options and NSE scripts to query WHOIS servers, discover UDP services, and match services against public security vulnerabilities. Geolocating an IP address: Note:For the script ip-geolocation-maxmind an external database is needed.

#nmap --script ip-geolocation-* --script-args ip-geolocation-ipinfodb.apikey=<API_key> Hacking and Security Community - Index.


How to Hack Into a School Computer. Hack any paid WiFi hotspot in about 30 seconds. (The above video was banned from YouTube on 9/12/2014 and hence has been re-uploaded to Vimeo. No explanation for the ban was given. The original YouTube video identifier was: Agodg3dmwaQ ). Or rather, DON'T hack any paid WiFi hotspots, as that would be bad... Also, don't turn your WiFi card off and then back on again after the hack to rectify any MAC address conflicts that might arise. The commands are: ifconfig en1 | grep ether arp -a sudo ifconfig en1 ether [mac address to spoof] Note that the term "MAC address" has nothing to do with Macintosh computers. Just a moment... Just a moment... Just a moment... Just a moment... Just a moment... Just a moment... Just a moment... CEH® Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide > Gathering Target Information: Reconnaissance, Footprinting, and Social Engineering > Summary. Prepare for the new version of CEH certification with this advanced guide Once you learn the thought processes of unethical hackers, you can figure out how to secure your computer systems to defend against them.

That's the philosophy behind ethical hacking, and it's a growing field. Prepare for certification in this important area with this advanced study guide that covers all exam objectives for the challenging CEH Certified Ethical Hackers exam. The book provides full coverage of exam topics, real-world examples, and a CD with additional materials for extra review and practice. Covers ethics and legal issues, footprinting, scanning, enumeration, system hacking, trojans and backdoors, sniffers, denial of service, social engineering, session hijacking, hacking Web servers, Web application vulnerabilities, and moreWalks you through exam topics and includes plenty of real-world scenarios to help reinforce conceptsIncludes a CD with review questions, bonus exams, and more study tools.

XSSed | Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks information and archive. Interview With A Blackhat (Part 1) [This interview openly discusses criminal activities from the perspective of an admitted criminal. You may find this content distressing, even offensive, but what is described in this interview is real. We know from personal experience is that these activities are happening on websites everywhere, everyday, and perhaps even on your websites. WhiteHat Security brings this information to light for the sole purpose of assisting those who want to protect themselves on their online business.] Over the last few years, I have made myself available to be an ear for the ‘blackhat community.’

Most of the time, the people I speak with in the information security industry understand the usefulness of engaging in dialog with the underground — even if it’s not something they feel comfortable doing themselves. One ‘blackhat,’ who asked to be called Adam, that I have spoken to a lot has recently said he’s decided to go legit. This is the first of our three-part interview. A: Hmmmmm. A: Money. 1. Hacking CCTV Security Video Surveil... From our guest blogger and Metasploit community contributor Justin Cacak at Gotham Digital Science. A new module for the Metasploit Framework, cctv_dvr_login, discovers and tests the security of standalone CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) video surveillance systems.

Such systems are frequently deployed in retail stores, living communities, personal residences, and business environments as part of their physical security program. However, many of these systems are vulnerable to exploitation that can allow attackers remote access. Such remote access, enabled by default, can allow not only the ability to view real-time video, but control of the cameras (if supported), and provide access to archived footage. Most owners of CCTV video surveillance systems may not even be fully aware of the device's remote access capabilities as monitoring may be conducted exclusively via the local video console. The new CCTV module is already available in the Metasploit Framework. Search. Real-life exploitation of XSS vulnerabilities. Successful exploitation of a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability does not end at <script>alert('xss')</script>.

Showing the real risk of a vulnerability is very important during a penetration testing engagement. It helps the client to better understand the real impact of the problem and makes him fix the problem as soon as possible. In this post we show you a method to prove your clients the real risk of an XSS vulnerability that you find in the target applications. We will use the XSS Server tool to perform the following actions on a victim user: steal cookies (if they are not httpOnly)retrieve the current page that the victim sees (as the victim user)retrieve a custom page of the vulnerable site (as the victim user)get the current URL of the victimget the current referrer of the victim We demonstrate this attack on a deliberately vulnerable banking application: Step 1 – Find a vulnerability in your target application Step 2 – Prepare a unique xss script Conclusions. The SQL Injection Knowledge Base. Default Databases Testing Injection False means the query is invalid (MySQL errors/missing content on website) True means the query is valid (content is displayed as usual) Given the query SELECT * FROM Table WHERE id = '1'; Examples: SELECT * FROM Articles WHERE id = '1'''; SELECT 1 FROM dual WHERE 1 = '1'''''''''''''UNION SELECT '2'; Notes: You can use as many apostrophes and quotations as you want as long as they pair up.

Given the query SELECT * FROM Table WHERE id = 1; Example: SELECT * FROM Users WHERE id = 3-2; true is equal to 1. Given the query SELECT * FROM Table WHERE username = ''; Example: SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username = 'Mike' AND password = '' OR '' = ''; The following can be used to comment out the rest of the query after your injection: Examples: SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username = '' OR 1=1 -- -' AND password = ''; SELECT * FROM Users WHERE id = '' UNION SELECT 1, 2, 3`'; Note: The backtick can only be used to end a query when used as an alias.

Testing Version /*! About Hacking. NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming Mind Hacks - Volume 1.