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Handling password arguments in a command-line. Feature Toggles. Feature toggles are a powerful technique, allowing teams to modify system behavior without changing code.

Feature Toggles

They fall into various usage categories, and it's important to take that categorization into account when implementing and managing toggles. Toggles introduce complexity. CircuitBreaker. Delivery · application architecture tags: It's common for software systems to make remote calls to software running in different processes, probably on different machines across a network.


One of the big differences between in-memory calls and remote calls is that remote calls can fail, or hang without a response until some timeout limit is reached. What's worse if you have many callers on a unresponsive supplier, then you can run out of critical resources leading to cascading failures across multiple systems. RubyMonk - Ruby Primer - Introduction to Arrays. It is easier than you think.

RubyMonk - Ruby Primer - Introduction to Arrays

There is a [] typed into the code editor already. This is how you create an array. How To Set Up SSH Keys. About SSH Keys SSH keys provide a more secure way of logging into a virtual private server with SSH than using a password alone.

How To Set Up SSH Keys

While a password can eventually be cracked with a brute force attack, SSH keys are nearly impossible to decipher by brute force alone. SSH Case Studies: Connecting Through a Gateway Host. O'Reilly Book Excerpts:SSH, The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide Case Studies: Connecting Through a Gateway by Daniel J.

SSH Case Studies: Connecting Through a Gateway Host

Guide to Windows Batch Scripting - /* steve jansen */ I love shell scripting – it’s the duct tape of programming to me.

Guide to Windows Batch Scripting - /* steve jansen */

Low cost, high benefit. And it feels like art, where one can learn to do increasinlgy complex tasks with greater simplicity. Sadly, I feel like it’s a developer skill on the decline. Maybe new developers feel it’s “not real programming”. JUnit - About. Refactoring Databases - Introduce Calculated Column. Dip.pdf.

Testing Frameworks

Linux. Python. Javascript. Tutorials for Fortran, EasyMock, Object Oriented Analysis & Design, Tika, DOM, AngularJS, IMS-DB, NGN, Sed, WCF, JPA, Apache POI, Signals and Systems, JOGL, DB2, PhoneGap, SVG, VSAM, COBOL, XSD, XPath, Redis, XSLT, Java XML, VBA, JFreeChart, Lucene, Selen.