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Shark Custom Inlay - Inlay Materials. Baubles and beads | Bead Shop Girl. December 31, 2013 by Emily Miller January’s Birthstone: Garnet Zodiac stone Capricorn December 22-January 20: Garnet Aquarius January 21- February 19: Amethyst The 2nd Anniversary Stone Almadine garnet beads January is the only month with no alternate birthstone, but Garnet more than makes up for this with a wide color spectrum of stones. There are 7 main types of Garnet, almandine (deep red to purple), andradite (red, yellow, brown, green or black), demantoid (green to yellowish green or blue green), grossularite (green, brown, red, yellow), pyrope (deep red to black), spessarite (orange yellow), uvarovite (bright green).

Garnets posses nearly identical physical properties despite all the differences in color, garnets are neosilicates, with a differing mineral producing each color. Relatively high on the Mohs scale, 6.5-7.5 garnets are well suited to faceting and setting in jewelry. Green grossularite garnets Spessarite or Hessonite garnets in an orange yellow color. Quilted Big Leaf Maple Lumber Xxxxtreme Figure. Place bid Review and confirm your bid Bid confirmation d h m s day hour hours FREE shipping See item description (Approximately ##1##) (Enter ##1## or more) (Enter more than ##1##) Your max bid: Increase max bid Confirm bid Cancel Change bid Close , you've been outbid.

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Your bid is greater than or equal to the Buy It Now price. Virgil Guitars - What's New? DSC01726.jpg (950×385) Bellucci Guitars | Tropical tonewood Properties. PRS Semi-Hollow Body Guitar Building Project - Making Plans. Taking the time to design your guitar project before you jump into it is the most important step in building any guitar. Before you can design your guitar, you must figure out exactly what you want in your new guitar. Your guitar's design will be shaped by the playing style, hardware and overall feel of the instrument. I decided that I wanted to build a semi-hollow electric guitar for a few different reasons. I like the way they sound and I don't have one like this yet.

The Blueprint. I decided to model this guitar after the PRS McCarty double cut. The Body After some careful consideration, I decided to go with a 12.75" lower bout, a tight 7.75" waist, and a 9.75" measurement across the horns. Since this is going to be a semi-hollow guitar, I had to pick a top piece of wood and a back as well as decide how thick I wanted to make it. The Neck Although there are many advantages to using a multi-piece neck, I like the traditional look of a one piece neck. Fretboard Scale and Fret Count. Photo Gallery. Jensen 5 String Acoustic Bass The Jensen Acoustic 5 String Bass is a one of a kind Bass Guitar that truly replicates the low frequencies not seen in current manufactured acoustic Bass guitars. This is due to the simple fact that the size of the bass is what allows it to replicate and project the correct low frequencies.

This Bass has what it takes to hit those clear full low notes. Plus it has the volume to keep up with the campfire bluegrass jams were before nothing but an upright could be heard over the other instruments. Jensen Grand Concert in the Making The Parlor Guitar Cocobolo Tree Inlay on the back of the Jensen Guitar Necks. Jensen Guitar Booth at the Kerrville Folk Festival Listen to a Jensen Guitar here. Customer Support Center | Bridges. PRS Tremolo Back in 1984, Paul Reed Smith was granted a patent on his tremolo system. The design elements are simple and resemble the traditional fulcrum tremolo but with some important differences. 1. In the front of a PRS bridge, the six leading edge screw holes are counter-sunk from underneath, providing six brass knife-edge fulcrums.

These rest against the six notched brass body mounting screws. This knife-edge set-up ensures that the bridge will return to pitch after use. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tuning and Setup Hints If the guitar is returning sharp after using the tremolo arm, put a little lightweight machine oil under the head of each screw (do not loosen the screws). The correct adjustment of the six brass screws, which act as a pivot and anchor the tremolo system, is level with each other so the bridge floats 1/16" off the body. The Bridge saddles should be low in the range of adjustment to keep the action low and leverage of the bridge in good working order.

PRS Stoptail. Perfect Tonewood Selection: Monterey Cypress Blanca | Tsiorba Guitars. Milling your own Wood for Guitar Buiiding | J.S. Bogdanovich Guitars Blog. October 7, 2012 · No Comments Cutting wood from larger planks for guitar back and sides can save you a good bit of money if you can find suitable wood. I used to mill my own wood for guitar building quite a bit.

Whatever planks you cut should be dry with no checking on the ends. Cutting wood directly from a tree while wet you should not cut it to length right away as the length of usable wood you will end up with due to end checking cannot be guessed at beforehand. So if possible I would cut the tree up into flitches from 2 to 3 inches thick, and if possible keep the slabs whatever length they are until they are dry and you are ready to cut them up. The two to three inches of thinckness will take more time to dry but will result in less waste in the end. Cutting your own wood for guitar backs and sides will require a good bandsaw with a minimum power of 3HP since you are re-sawing wood at least 8 inches wide. PRS Guitars Factory Blog | Rules of Tone. PRS Guitars Factory Blog | Rules of Tone. Chemical Secrets of the Violin Virtuosi — Part 2 :: ChemViews Magazine. In the first part we looked at physical measurements to come somewhat closer to the secret of the Stradivarious.

In what follows, we consider from a chemical point of view those components of a Stradivarius that are the principal sources of its sound characteristics, in hopes of perhaps coming a bit closer to Stradivari’s secret. 4. Components Responsible for the Sound of a Stradivarius, from a Chemical Perspective 4.1. The body of a violin consists exclusively of wood: spruce for the top or soundboard, and maple for the ribs, the bridge, the back, the bass bar, and the sound post. Figure 4. Many professionals consider that the secret actually lies in the stellar quality of the wood Stradivari employed. As a tree grows in girth in the springtime, the cells added are short and thin-walled, and they have a large inner diameter to facilitate water transport (earlywood; Fig. 8, left). Figure 8. Stradivari utilized alpine spruce for his tops, and maple from Bosnia for the sides and backs. 5.

Fungus-treated violin beats Strad in blind test. Sci­ent­ist Fran­cis Schwar­ze of EMPA, the Swiss Fed­er­al Lab­o­r­a­to­ries for Ma­te­ri­als Test­ing and Re­search, de­vel­oped the new vi­o­lin by treat­ing it with spe­cially se­lected fun­gus, which he says im­proves the sound qual­ity by mak­ing the wood light­er and more un­iform. In the test, the Brit­ish star vi­o­linist Mat­thew Trus­ler played five dif­fer­ent in­stru­ments be­hind a cur­tain, so that the au­di­ence did­n’t know which was be­ing played. One of the vi­o­lins Trusler played was his own “Strad,” or in­stru­ment made by the most sto­ried vi­o­lin mak­er of his­to­ry, An­to­nio Strad­i­vari, in Ita­ly in the 18th cen­tury. The oth­er four were all made by Swiss vi­o­lin mak­er Mi­chael Rhon­heim­er—two with Schwar­ze’s fun­gally-treated wood, the oth­er two with un­treated wood.

A ju­ry of ex­perts, to­geth­er with the con­fer­ence par­ti­ci­pants, judged the tone qual­ity of the vi­o­lins. Fungus-treated violin beats Strad in blind test. Chemical Secrets of the Violin Virtuosi — Part 2 :: ChemViews Magazine. Grote PRS Custom (COPY) 10 years of EffectsDatabase: HUUUUUUGE giveaway! | DiscoFreq's Effects Database. Custom. Your Coolest Looking Pedal. Obviously, we're all into the sound our pedals give us, but (for me) aesthetics are a huge part of the initial draw. Post a picture of your coolest looking pedal. Mine is my Zvex Fuzz Factory. I'm a little more gaudy than most, but I love sushi.

Had to have it. __________________ Guitar: Nash T-63 Amp: Jackson Ampworks Scarlett 30, Divided by 13 2x12 (Blues) & Vox AC15HW1 Pedals: Strymon & Zvex. The Wobulator. Featuring: * 2 Triangle/Square LFO's each with Rate control (LFO 2 operates in a higher range and goes up to audio frequencies which creates some unusual if subtle frequency modulation effects. The square waveform gives a "gated" effect which can get pretty weird in stereo) * Pedal input for controlling LFO 1 Rate * Trigger Input (which can be used to sync the LFO to a particular tempo, or to create "burst" or "ramp" effects for example) * 2 Depth controls (for Left and Right outputs) * 2 footswitches (also for Left and Right outputs - disabling the modulation on either one so that the other is moving against the straight signal opens up a whole new can of rather scary worms!) * Phase switch All the above effects are available in mono where they are summed to one output.

(If you only have one amp but with two contrasting inputs you can use both Wobulator™ outputs to really bend some sound!) A n a l o g u e h a v e n: w h a t w e s e l l. PedalsPlus Effects Warehouse - Guitar Effects Pedals, Pedal Boards, Boutique Amplifiers, Cables, and Guitar Accessories. JAM pedals - handmade analog pedals - Guitar & Bass Pedals. PedalsPlus Effects Warehouse - Pro Tone Boom Box Guitar Effects Pedal. From Pro Tone Pedals comes the most versitile boost pedal to date- Introducing the Pro Tone Boom Box.The heart of the Boom Box is a clean boost design utilizing a high fidelity integrated circuit chip from Texas Instrument. But thats just the begining of the this units abilities-In response to users demands for more tone shaping options,the Boom Box also features the legendary tone stack designs from 3 of the most popular amp manufacturers in history- Fender, Vox, and Marshall. As many of us know the major difference in tone stack design the that F,M, & V used was the mid range, so what we've done is added a mid range selector to recapture the tonal capabilities of those fabulous amps and tone stacks.

The Boom Box is NOT an amp modeler- simply a boost with amp circuitry. - Operates on a standard 9 volt battery. - Stomp switch built to withstand 30,000 stomps. - Durable aluminum housing with an enamel finish. - Hand built Point to Point construction. - Proudly made in Texas, USA. aNaLoG.MaN Guitar Effects Pedals. EarthQuaker Devices | Devices. Employment. Handbuilt Guitar Effects Pedals | Main.ace.fx : custom guitar pedals. Custom & Standard Model Larrivée Acoustic Guitars. All Guitars Shown Below are In-Stock! (Unless noted otherwise. In individual instrument albums you can: view the photos in a slideshow (click the Slideshow link) — which shows the photos at their largest –OR click the View Photos link and see all the photos on one page (and you can mouseover/tap the photos and they’ll enlarge.)

After clicking either link look for the breadcrumb trail of links at the top of the album (below these instructions) to navigate back to the master albums. Larrivée Guitars currently has 3 master albums: Standard Larrivées, Custom/Special Edition, and Purchased Larrivées. Larrivee Guitar Albums is the entry page for Larrivée Guitars; Standard Larrivées is the master album; S&P Showcase Series. Larrivee D03RWD DREAD AE SOLID SPRUCE TOP SOLID RW B&S NAT. S&P Intro. The process of creating each Simon & Patrick acoustic guitar all starts in the Eastern Townships, just a few hours outside of Montreal in the small village of LaPatrie Quebec, where building guitars isn’t just a job but a true passion. The luthiers who bring each Simon & Patrick guitar to life are not just guitar builders but they are also devoted artisans who have a love for their craft. Their enthusiasm for the guitar was engrained by a long lineage of guitar makers, who have passed on their knowledge to guide those in LaPatrie to become some of the finest luthiers in the business.

Every Simon & Patrick acoustic guitar is made with the utmost focus on sound and quality. Certain common features throughout the line emphasize this ideal, such as only using select solid tops allowing for maximum response and a full rich sound. However, it’s not enough just to say we offer a solid top on our guitars. From tradition, with passion, for players. Have a look around… Casey Creszenzo (The Dear Hunter) Pedalboard? Right on! Yep, just saw the friendship email on Lake & River. That's really cool youre friends with erick! That guy was (still is) a beast. I feel ya on the Acts vs Color Spectrum. Granted, there are tons of good songs, but especially the generic rock stuff off red and orange didnt WOW me. Yeah I dont really write like Casey - I'm not the main songwriter in the band. Anyway, cya around TGP and Lake & River (although I dont frequent that forum much).

Everytime I see TDH come around town, we try to open for them, but alas, we have yet to succeed. DSCN1689.jpg (800×600) How to set up Line 6 HD 500 for acoustic [Archive] I was having some difficulty getting a good acoustic tone through my HD500, so I did a few searches here and on other forums and didn't find much to help. I had seen meambobbo's guide (, so I shot him a PM to see what suggestions he might have for me. So far, so good. I'm still tweaking things a bit, but I'm a lot better off than I was a week ago! Since I had such a hard time finding info about this specific issue, I thought I'd pass on his suggestions (with permission): First, the basics of where to start- "Yes, I would use "no amp" rather than use any of the amp models, and instead use compression, EQ, and some reverb to get the sound I wanted. I find the Tube Comp works the most like a transparent compressor you'd want for that purpose.

If the acoustic or variax has eq adjustments via a direct output, I'd try to set those as flat as possible. Vegan Hemp Guitar + Drum Straps. SpiderCapo Guitar Capo | Alternative Tunings Capo | Partial Capo | Acoustic Guitar Capo. Squier_Protone_Thinline_Tele_03.JPG (468×463)