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Flip Fluids Sticky question. Hi, i am working with FLIPs and trying to get the fluids to stick on objects a bit more.

Flip Fluids Sticky question

When i move a static DOP object, the fluid only slides off, with a few random particles remaining on. I would like to get a nice stringy vicious effect, with the fluid connecting the now separated objects. i have 'viscosity' turned on, played with ranges up to 1000. R&D: LS Splash II.


The Huber Experiments - Vol. 1. SOUP - upresing of fluids and wavelet turbulence. Naiad. Foam and spray simulation test. Elastic effect on flip fluids on H12. That setup looks good for strain.

Elastic effect on flip fluids on H12

The only big thing missing is the strain isn't being rotated by the velocity field. So if you have a blob that is stretched in X, then rotated 90 degrees, it will still try to restore along the X axis. Gas Velocity Stretch is supposed to fix this, but it is a pretty subtle thing. Solvers from Scratch. Fluid sim - feedback scale. Hi there, In attach you'll find 2 files: CPA_1 Is the same setup only this one is made by just using the shelf tools.

fluid sim - feedback scale

CPA_2 Is your file and the changes I made here were: - Pump relationship changed to source relationship - on the fluidsolver: sources => point velocity, feedback scale => 50 - rbdobject1: density => 100 - Moved the static object down because it's a source and you don't need it in your calculations. . - Moved everything up what needs to be calculated for your collision and merged it together. . - At the bottom merged everything with the relationship to none because as said before you don't need the box in your calculations - moved the source relationship node to the end, otherwise it doesn't know what staticobject1 is.

As you see, I just followed the CPA_1 file that was made with the shelf tools. Flip viscosity driven by age. 'eetu', on 07 May 2012 - 2:53 PM, said: Here's a hip where I've gone and modified the DOP sourcing to add birth time, check the added AttribCreate DOP in /obj/AutoDopNetwork/source_surface_from_sphere_object1/source_particles/attribcreate_BIRTHTIMEThen I set the viscosity in a SOP Solver DOP to be ($T - $BIRTH) * multiplier Nice effect, eetu!

Flip viscosity driven by age

FWIW, there's a way to create an age attribute fully in DOPs that's very lightweight (if a bit obscure). Foam balls on bread dough in FLIP? Viscous Teapots. CeeGee: Thanks Igor!

Viscous Teapots

Better/larger ones are en route, once I get some sims finishes Thank you for the elephants! That was such a nice looking test, technically and artistically. BTW, did you render that with mantra? Was the meshing done in NAIAD, I assume? Dynamoanders: Thank you! Can Houdini do this fluid setup? Nerox, thanks for contributing, those are some interesting points. 'Nerox', on 22 Mar 2011 - 1:31 PM, said: 1# Viscosity describes how much a fluid, internally, is willing to flow.

Can Houdini do this fluid setup?

The best way to simulate this is by using particle to particle forces, like springs. This is the first problem you run in to because FLIP doesn't have any, which is essentially the power of FLIP in the first place. Bubbles. Learning fluids. 'Ezz', on 28 Mar 2012 - 10:29 AM, said: Also I will attach my setup.

Learning fluids

I would really like to see some people come with some changes and suggestion to improve the setup. This could be an awsome post :-) Oh, doing this is surely a wonderful learning experience! (*scribbles into todo-list*) Some comments. Water Sim. H12 FLIP FLUID. The Science of Fluid Sims. Fluid sims have become such a vital part of so many visual effects films, yet are not well understood by most general artists.

The Science of Fluid Sims

We try and explain the science behind the fluid sims, and look at one in particular closely: Naiad, with help from our friends at Exotic Matter. Introduction One of the most significant and commonly requested areas of real world simulation is fluid simulation. From pouring shots to ocean vistas, directors and artists have come to rely on computer simulated water and similar fluids. Fluid dynamics is a complex area and fluid simulations are notoriously computationally expensive, yet when they work they can provide magnificent production value and breathtaking visual effects. Clustering smoke and pyro simulations. MSc Project Peter Claes. Thesis Controlling Fluid Simulations with Custom Fields in Houdini Code / downloads Houdini scene files and tools User Guide / Instructions: Help file incorporated on the tools with separate demo scenes part of the downloads A compilation of the various manipulations I did using my volume attribute transfer tools and the solvers and microsolvers in Houdini's dynamic context.

MSc Project Peter Claes

Setting a tree on fire by spreading the fuel field through the branches and applyint temperature. Setting fuel on fire that was defined by a helix curve. Using particle collisions to trigger fuel and heat emissions combined with a high initial velocity that is sampled from the normal of the collision surface. The density and tangent velocity fields for used to modify the velocity. How to emit fire from texture? How to light objects with fire?