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Mind &Spirit Vaults. Moving Beyond Religion. Meaninglessness. MEANINGLESSNESS and EXISTENTIAL DEPRESSION "It is here that we encounter the central theme of existentialism: to live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering. " - Victor Frankl Talk about it: What's the point? We all get up in the morning, go to bed in the evening, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, and work, day after day after day, but . . . What's it all about? The Problem "Imagine a happy group of morons who are engaged in work. "To have a reason to get up in the morning, it is necessary to possess a guiding principle.

Your LiveReal Agents are trying to figure it out . . . Many individuals view the issue of "meaninglessness" - asking "what's the point? " However, in the opinion of these illustrious LiveReal Editors, however, reality is just the opposite. It may well be a fact that life, at least at is is usually lived, actually is absurd when seen from a certain perspective. This includes many intelligent and perceptive individuals throughout history. Ancient Religions And Myths. BeyondWeird Home Page - StumbleUpon. High Existence. Tuning Into Spirit. Regular Meditation and a constant awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, actions and speech opens up our chakras, develops our spiritual guiding system, our psychic centre, commonly called the 'Third Eye' or the 'Ajna Chakra' (Ajna means to command).

With practice, we can learn how to use this in our lives. ... allowing deep breaths and slow exhaling oxygenates our blood and opens up important energy centers in our body that allows Prana / Chi ... the life force to flow through freely ... much like tapping into the energy of the universe and opening up all channels to let the light shine through ... There are many ways and methodologies to Open the Third Eye shared on the Internet & in books and videos widely viewed by thousands each day as the awareness of our own spiritual existence expands seeding the spark of evolution within our consciousness ...

The first step towards a spiritual awakening is a shift in world view from separateness to that of Oneness and Unity. Power Stations ...