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Anatomy Dissection Videos Video Lecture Course. Antimatter:Mirror of the Universe. Brain Explorer - StumbleUpon. Human Anatomy Model, Anatomy Chart, Anatomical Chart | InnerBody. Browse Documentary Films &Videos. All Documentaries. Welcome to the Must Watch section. It is our understanding that for a truly democratic society to exist, there must be a free flow of easily accessible information.

For the most part (not including heavy censorship in China), the Internet has allowed for this free flow of information to everyone and anyone with access to the internet and it is imperative that this right continues to be protected. Unfortunately, the principle of free flowing information does not exist in the mainstream media because our governments continue to allow large corporations to consolidate the entire media industry. For this reason, many facts, perspectives, and opinions do not make it to our televisions, movie theatres, newspapers, and radio stations. The documentaries below epitomize the importance of free flowing information and the lack of it in mainstream media. Please take the time to educate yourself and to educate others about the important issues raised in each of the documentaries.

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Ancient Civilizations. Illustrator tuts. Free Courses and Resources.