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Wood turned art by Michael Foster. Paintings: New Works (2004-07) "Infinite Dimensions" series. Paintings: Old Works (1999 and earlier) "Dance Number Appendage" series. "THE GEOMETRY OF MUSIC, ART AND STRUCTURE ...linking Science, Art and Esthetics" copyright 2009-12, Reginald Brooks. Copyright© 2009, Reginald Brooks.

"THE GEOMETRY OF MUSIC, ART AND STRUCTURE ...linking Science, Art and Esthetics" copyright 2009-12, Reginald Brooks

All rights reserved That simple geometric principles can be responsible for the manifestation of the multitudes of beauty, diversity and richness of Nature is further supported here in this paper. The Inverse-Square-Law (ISL), a simple geometric principle, is shown to be the common link between physics, chemistry, biology, and the science and esthetics of music and art. Nature has incorporated the ISL as the major game rule to building the cosmos. Our perception of pleasing form, color and sound is prophetically built into our sensory being, our biologic evolution, and our structural past.

Nature's game rule has separate game plans for color and music. There is an innate response to design harmony, unity and simplicity...commensurate forms appeal to our sense of order and beauty (symmetry). In our art and in our science, it visual, aural, physical or mental...provides the keystone to viable, stable structures and our responses to them. On. The drawings of Leonardo da Vinci. John Hopper Artist. 33 Untooned Cartoon Characters. Belta & Frajumar Projects. Little Fascinations: Emotion Architecture: Structure, apathy, frustration... Twitter Updates follow me on Twitter Emotion Architecture: Structure, apathy, frustration... at 7:53 AM Email ThisBlogThis!

Little Fascinations: Emotion Architecture: Structure, apathy, frustration...

Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest No comments: Post a Comment Newer PostOlder PostHome. SparkleShock. Jeffrey Meyer is another great collage artist that I’m really excited to share.


This guy has got a ton of different work (illustration and cartoons), but I am most impressed with his surreal, colorful, geometric, and super extensive collection of collage work. They combine so many of my favorite themes: geometry, nature, the human body, and retro type & graphics. Meyer creates his collages traditionally out of glue and paper, but what I find so cool is how he combines the imagery he uses. Plus, some of the images are so neat…I really wonder what books or magazines he’s looking in! Meyer updates his site quite often with new work…so definitely check it out if you really dig it…I know I do…I’d love to order a print of the above work Miami Bitch. Jammes Nizam. It’s been an art-filled week here at Anthology, so I thought I’d round it out with some of my favorite pieces by artist James Nizam.

Jammes Nizam

In all honesty, I’ve been staring at these images for weeks. I’m just mesmerized; both the light installations and the sculptures have a dark, haunting quality, but the eeriness is too beautiful and strange to look away. I’ve been brainstorming a few new ideas for some of our upcoming projects, and I’ve been drawn to artists who manipulate light in interesting ways.

Do you have any favorite neon artists, or anyone working with light and shadows? ONE PERSON ART SHOWS. Motherwort pollen grain The Bizarre and Incredible World of Plants Wolfgang Stuppy, Rob Kessler and Madeline Harley. A Room for London: Cloud-Shaped Temporary Rooftop Hotel. Imagine enjoying your own little private enclave with a vast outdoor space and virtually unlimited view – right in the middle of London, perched atop the Queen Elizabeth Hall, no less.

A Room for London: Cloud-Shaped Temporary Rooftop Hotel

A competition organized by Living Architecture and Artangel called ‘A Room for London‘ sought submissions for a temporary one-bedroom ‘hotel’ that will be available to two guests per night for all of 2012, and this entry – by Design Initiatives – is almost cloud-like, floating in the space between the ground and the sky. Design Initiatives puts forth this proposal as a zen, contemplative place of withdrawal and retreat even in the midst of 2012 London, where the Olympic Games will certainly incite more activity, noise and rowdiness than ever. The abstracted curvilinear shape makes the temporary living space a sculptural object, acting as both a focal point for the city below and an overlook for the lucky guests who get to sleep within its walls. Man - Verbals Picks. Soler's Fractal Gallery. Sterling2 is an excellent and free fractal generating program based on Stephen Ferguson's Sterling.

Soler's Fractal Gallery

Download it here. Rooms 20 to 23 showcase fractals made using Sterling2. Twenty-five gallery pages, some movies and an explanation of three-dimensional fractals. It's amazing that such complex images are generated by simple mathematical formulas. Here is an annotated selection of my best fractals and here are my best 3D fractals. Click here to read about fractal-generating programs and download a free program of your choice. New: If you want to start making fractals then begin here. If you are puzzled about how anti-aliasing can improve your fractal images then click here.

So you have made a fractal, but it looks dull or the colours clash. If you already use Tierazon you may want to get Tierazon instructions written by me.