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United States Reports. NSCI Cyber Reference Library. Reports. A Virus Called Fear - Documentary Short Movie. KolibriOS - The art of small. Updated: March 16, 2012 This article includes a Flash movie! How much is an operating system worth? Are you excited when you hear about this or that system that boots with as little as 16MB of RAM?

Well, that's nothing special. KolibriOS is a small, open-source operating system written entirely in Assembly, the language of dragons and savants and uber-gifted, capable of doing just that. Having fun - three seconds to glory On paper, KolibriOS has or can do all of the following - run on an IA32 compatible processor with as little as 8MB of memory, boot from a variety of devices, including NTFS partitions as well as from within Windows itself,preemptive multi-tasking, VESA graphics support, AC97 audio support, FAT/FAT16/FAT32, CDFS and partial NTFS/EXT2/EXT3 filesystem support, and a few more things besides.

I allocated a more than sufficient 64MB of RAM to KolibriOS and let it fly. And the Youtube link for the rest of you. I recorded the video using gtk-recordMyDesktop. Other stuff Conclusion. Find Missing Articles or Non-functioning Links. Find Missing Articles and Non-functioning Links Instructions For Finding Missing Articles Where You Have a Quote or Excerpt: There is an easy way to find a free copy of most news articles or other important webpages which have disappeared when you have some text or a quote from the article or webpage.

Copy and paste seven to ten words quoted from the article or webpage into your favorite search engine. Put quotation marks at the beginning and end of this phrase or sentence, and then press search. The results will very likely show that the article has been posted on several other websites. Instructions for Non-functioning Links: For any link that does not function, you may be able to use the Internet archive to find the original article. To do this, first right click on the non-functioning link and select "copy shortcut" or its equivalent. Now, go to The above method will show you exactly how the webpage looked one the date it was copied into the archive. Sitemap. The National Security Archive. December 9, 2014 Torture Report Finally Released Senate Intelligence Committee Summary of CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program Concludes CIA Misled Itself, Congress, the President about Lack of Effectiveness.

September 28, 2014 THE YELLOW BOOK Secret Salvadoran military document from the civil war era catalogued "enemies," many killed or disappeared. More recent items The National Security Archive is an independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A tax-exempt public charity, the Archive receives no U.S. government funding; its budget is supported by publication royalties and donations from foundations and individuals. Industry Day Briefings/Holmes NSW Ceros Ind Days 2011 Final.pdf. E-Print archive, viXra:1311.0123, General Relativity Unequivocally Repudiated. Authors: Rasjid Chan Kah Chew Abstract The argument is given here that absolute time is a principle of our physical world. Any physical theory that violates this principle would be found to be invalid. So it is not surprising that special relativity is trivially repudiated by the Dingle observation. General relativity predicts gravitational time dilation. There have been claims of it being verified with cesium clocks - but it is no verification. Gravitational time dilation is unverifiable and it is only an internal logical contradiction of a theory.

The argument is made that a physical theory is acceptable only if it is found to be valid for all clock-time type. Comments: 4 Pages. Download: PDF Submission history [v1] 2013-11-17 11:28:20 Unique-IP document downloads: 77 times Add your own feedback and questions here: You are equally welcome to be positive or negative about any paper but please be polite. E-Print archive, viXra:1103.0073, Polynomial Representations and Primordial Self-Similarity in the Hierarchy of Universal Lexicons. Authors: T. E. Raptis A set of fundamental objects is presented that facilitates derivation of some new results with special interest in a variety of topics including Chu spaces, dynamical systems, symbolic dynamics and the theory of polynomials. Three alternative representations of the power set of binary patterns in their associated exponential intervals are presented in terms of polynomials and a natural conjecture on their fractal structure is deduced.

Comments: 30 pages. submitted in "Chaos, Solitons & Fractals" Download: PDF Submission history [v1] 16 Mar 2011 [v2] 27 Mar 2011 [v3] 19 Apr 2011 Unique-IP document downloads: 183 times Add your own feedback and questions here: You are equally welcome to be positive or negative about any paper but please be polite. Advanced Tools for Mammalian Genome Engineering. Objective Improve the utility of Human Artificial Chromosomes (HACs) by developing new selectable metabolic markers for use in human cells, new high-fidelity methods for inserting DNA constructs of at least 50,000 base pairs (bp) in length into defined genomic loci, and new methodologies for facile intercellular genome transplantation.

Description The ability to deliver exogenous DNA to mammalian cell lines is a fundamental tool in the development of advanced therapeutics, vaccines, and cellular diagnostics, as well as for basic biological and biomedical research. Current approaches to genetic engineering of mammalian cells rely on gene transfer methods such as plasmids, adenovirus-, lentivirus-, and retrovirus-vectors, cDNA, and minigene constructs.

While these tools do provide the basic ability to deliver DNA to mammalian cells, there are several shortcomings associated with these state-of-the-art techniques. Phase I Phase II Phase III References Y. Official Solicitation.