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David Allen, Getting Things Done® and GTD® The Myers & Briggs Foundation. Personality test based on C. Jung and I. Briggs Myers type theory. Strengths Homepage. 3 Steps For Plotting Your Personal Future In An Uncertain World. In today’s accelerating world of work, it’s easy to get distracted by the million shiny objects vying for our attention.

3 Steps For Plotting Your Personal Future In An Uncertain World

All too often, we spend our time responding to the latest urgent priority, and forget who we are and what really matters to us. A sense of personal or professional mission fades, and our passion and potential goes dormant. However, forward-focused people and organizations realize that a happy, productive workplace exists only when everyone is aware of their gifts and how to best align their contribution with a larger shared purpose. Below is a three-phase process to help get reconnected to your motivations, the unique value you offer the world, and a vision for your own long-term trajectory. Cultivating this foresight practice at both the personal and organizational levels can be a powerful way to develop our greatest assets: ourselves.