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Q&A WPMU, le Plugin Question / Réponse pour WordPress. Connaissez-vous Yahoo Answer ? Yahoo Answer, c’est le concept de contenu généré par l’utilisateur qui est mis en application. Vous posez une question, si quelqu’un a la réponse il vous répondra, et le reste de la communauté jugera si la réponse est adéquate ou non. Ce concept est intéressant et peut s’appliquer à bon nombre de sites web traitant de sujets spécialisés, comme nous le faisons avec WordPress, le référencement WordPress, le eCommerce, l’emailing… Ce type de sujet amène forcément une partie de vos visiteurs à se poser des questions.

Pourquoi ne pas laisser à disposition de vos visiteurs une interface leur permettant de poser cette question à l’ensemble de vos visiteurs ? Votre site est sous WordPress ? Pour voir le plugin Q&A WordPress en action, découvrez notre catégorie Questions & Réponses WordPress, eCommerce, eMailing & eMarketing. Voici le rendu que l’on est en droit d’attendre de ce plugin sur notre site WordPress. [wdsm_ad id="5144" class=" " ] Très bien fait.

How to get the tag list in wordpress mysql. Querying the wordpress database with $wpdb from PHP | wasted potential. I have been working with WordPress a lot lately and I really like it. I want to have 10,000 of it’s babies. I recently needed to access the database using the $wpdb class that is built in to wordpress, but my PHP file was not part of the wordpress core, so $wpdb wasn’t automatically available.

It’s really useful for accessing info like the root URL of your site (stored in the wp_options table). If you are creating a plugin or custom feature and need access to the database, it can be hard to figure how to enable the $wpdb class in your PHP files. Luckily, the code is actually not that complicated. The first thing you have to do is include the necessary files at the top of your custom php file: include_once '/wp-load.php'; //var_dump($wpdb); //$wpdb is now accessible! If you uncomment the var_dump line in the code above and run this php file, it should spit out a lot of information.

Include_once '../../.. Just make sure you have your relative path correct. $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 50 Essential PHP Tutorial and Examples for Beginners. Those essential php tutorial and examples are important for beginner and advanced web developer to find out more about php script and project. Some tutorial also have example source code that you can download free. It is really important basics of programming with PHP to find truly tutorial with examples for easy download and testing. In addition, PHP is one of the most popular server running side scripting languages today. It is used to create dynamic web pages that interact with the user offering customized information.

PHP offers many advantages: it is fast, stable, secure, easy to use and open source (free). Web applications have been improving user experience thanks to a lot of recently developed new technology such jQuery, CSS3, HTML5. 1. This tutorial shows how for example to count visitors using PHP and MySLQ, you can count all visitors have visited your website by ip, hour, minute, date, month, year, page, browser, and stored in MySQL. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.