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C# Game Programming. .NET Design Patterns and Architectures in C# and VB | .NET training | DoFactory. Game From Scratch | I want to be a game developer... now what? With people looking to get into game development the same questions come up over and over, so I’ve opted to put my thoughts on the subject in one place and to compile a list of resources for new developers.

Those questions? “I want to learn game programming, what language should I use?” “Should I use an engine, or create my own?” “What library/tools should I use"?” “Now what?” I will try to address all of these questions and more in the following post. For those of you that like skipping ahead to the last page in a novel, these links are for you! … the C++ question. Let me get the 800lb gorilla out of the way first of all. Alright, back to the whole C++ question. Don’t get me wrong, I totally understand why you want to go with C++, I’m just as guilty. Again, these are just my opinions ( and those of the vast majority of people that went down this road themselves! Now, if you did in fact make the decision to go ahead with C++, for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT USE DevC++. Do something.