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Negative Thoughts - How to Cope with Negative Thoughts. All-or-Nothing Thinking: John recently applied for a promotion in his firm. The job went to another employee with more experience. John wanted this job very badly and now feels positive that he will never be promoted. He feels that he is a total failure in his career. This type of thinking is characterized by absolute terms like always, never, and forever. Few situations are ever this absolute. I wanted this job a lot, but it went to someone with more experience. Overgeneralization: Linda is lonely and often spends most of her time at home. When one overgeneralizes, one takes an isolated case or cases and assumes that all others are the same. Mental Filter: Mary is having a bad day. When a person falls victim to mental filters they are mentally singling out only the bad events in their lives and overlooking the positive. Disqualifying the Positive: Rhonda just had her portrait made.

We depressives are masters at taking the good in a situation and turning it into a negative. Ten Tips – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment - Rod Sherwin. Lateral thinking. How Are We Supposed To Think About Things? This film is suitable for a mature audience. To watch the documentary in full screen, click here. What is it like to have God-like surgical powers, yet to struggle against your own humanity? What is it like to try and save a life, and yet to fail? Shot in a Ukrainian hospital full of desperate [...] Question to Dr. Weil: Is My Memory Normal? Everyone I know is worried about memory. Meet writer turned knife maker Joel Bukiewicz of Cut Brooklyn. Laughter is magical, mysterious, and one of our most honest signals.

The fourth-quarter comeback to win the game. The Invisible Hand Economist, Adam Smith, used the term The Invisible Hand to describe the self-regulating nature of the market place – a core concept for so-called free-marketeers. Mindfulness and Kindness: Inner Sources of Freedom and Happiness. How To Master Your Mind | The Extraordinary Self Development Blog |

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” Buddha Mastering Your Mind Unless you learn to be the master of your mind, you will never find the peace of mind that you so dearly want. The mind is an amazing tool, but just like with any tool you need to learn to use it. There is one law of the mind, this law is that whatever you pay attention to is what you become conscious of. You realize that you are pure consciousness and not what your consciousness had identified itself with (thoughts and mind). The Quality of Your Mind Is Determined by The Quality of Your Thoughts You must learn to consciously choose which thoughts you allow into your mind. You just need to take full responsibility and understand that mind management is essential to life management. In all circumstances your free will boils down to what you choose to pay attention to. Cultivate Your Mind Just remember that in life there are no mistakes only lessons. 1. 2. 3.

Being Spontaneous The Art of Living In The Moment | The Extraordinary Self Development Blog | Awakening Mind : How To Be Quiet and Stop Thinking | The Extraordinary Self Development Blog | “When you’re with stillness, you merge with everything around you. You can’t pin-point where it’s coming from. From inside? From outside? Where? It just is.” – Sri Swami Sai Premananda In today’s fast paced modern world it seems that many have come to find that the one thing that stands between their happiness is not materialistic wants, but their own mind.

We live each day with thousands of things demanding our minds precious attention. The only way you will ever experience peace of mind is by learning to drop the analytical thinking mind. Through mediation you will discover and catch glimpses of a state of consciousness that is truly aware and alert. It will help you develop an intimate relationship with your true self. You can only truly help others when you have become the master of your mind, free of false illusions.

The beauty of proper meditation is that it helps you create immense distance in your inner space. Meditation is the act of allowing the thoughts in your mind to cease. Living In The Now How To Go From Thinking To Feeling | The Extraordinary Self Development Blog | It’s Time To See The World In a New Way “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes” – Marcel Proust Our mind is truly an amazing tool that we are all blessed to have, a work of art really.

The human brain is the most amazing creation in the universe, but no matter how amazing it is, it also has some significant limitations. It’s important that you become aware of its limitations, that you understand how it keeps you from seeing reality. The problem is our minds are constantly categorizing everything; they never stop analyzing. Whenever you become consumed with your thinking processes you are lost in your past or imagining your future. The moment you really understand what this means to you and your life, the horror of the situation has the power to change the course of your entire life.

You live so long in this space that the past and future become more real then the present. Why does the mind do this? New Eyes Exercise Living In The Now. Observing Your Thoughts: Observe and Understand Your Mind | The Extraordinary Self Development Blog | “A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.” William Blake I consider myself very fortunate in the way I was raised, which was to live in two different worlds. I spent my early years living between a land of cowboy hats and ostrich boots in Mexico, to the fast paced city life surrounded by the Rocky Mountains. Without my conscious awareness my environments put me in a position to develop the art of observation of myself and the world.

Without my choosing I constantly felt in the middle of my surroundings. What I learned was that much of the world’s population lives in extremes; they are either all the way to the right or all the way to the left on a myriad of fundamental human issues. Why do people not realize they are living a life of conditioning? Everyone around them because of tradition and cultural norms seems to live the same type of life, so it appears normal and acceptable. One of humanity’s greatest problems is that we are constantly trying to become something. Free Online Meditation Course | Learn meditation online! What is meditation? - Meditation Explanation. Despite all its popularity, today very few of us truly know what meditation is. Some regard meditation is the mental concentration on something, others consider that we meditate when we imagine something that gives us peace or satisfaction. All these methods are being with one goal to slow down and, eventually, completely stop the incessant activity of our minds.

These exercises are not really meditation – they are substitutes for meditation because it is normally very difficult to stop our minds all-together. In reality, meditation is a state of thoughtless awareness. It is not an act of doing – it is a state of awareness. We either in this state or we are not, regardless of what we are doing in life. Truly, a man can be in meditation while doing his day’s labors as another man can be very far from meditation while sitting in a lotus posture on the top of a mountain.

Concentration Concentration is an effort to fix the attention on a particular object or idea for a long period of time. Life Meditation Rooms. Stop Thinking So Much. Video - Use the Honey Trick to control a woman's primal, emotional brain and make her desperate to be with you! By De La Soul The human mind is a funny thing. It is the mind, inside you which controls whether you succeed or not in almost everything in life. If you can master your mind, you will come off as a cool, confident, powerful man. The mind has 2 parts: The first part is like the computer of your brain.

If you program it with the necessary information it will automatically recall this information when needed. However, the second part of the mind is what ultimately controls whether you succeed or not -- the ego. Let me give you an example. In a game of football when you need to make a tackle, you will execute the tackle most effectively if you clear your mind of all useless info and let your brain's computer take control. This is because when you fed your brain with all the extra info it got confused, and presumed you were scared and needed safety, so you swung your arms ineffectively.

Meaning Experiment - Observe Your Thoughts. A few of my posts have mentioned self-defeating thoughts and their impact on our lives. For example, thoughts of worry are a complete waste of time. These types of thoughts change your emotional state and tend to reoccur over and over again or until you perceive the source of the worry as having ended. Thoughts of how you wish your life was different are also futile. This tendency to focus on what you don’t want, instead of on what you do want, is unproductive and disruptive to your overall sense of well being.

Analysing and judging situations and people throughout your day is also a real drain on your energy and creativity. The thing is though, that these types of wasteful thoughts have become a real habit for many of us, me included. Achieving real personal growth is impossible without being aware of how you are using your thoughts.

The plan for this week is simply to observe your thoughts. It can be a strange sensation to come from this more peaceful and wiser part of yourself. Eckhart Tolle Discussion Community • View topic - right relationship w/ thought? not identify w/ ANY thought? Hello, peleke said, The right relationship with thought is one in which we identify with those thoughts that are in line with our desire to be free. I was under the impression that it was best to not identify with ANY thought at all. I'd appreciate anyone's thoughts on the matter. As the human experience unfolds, the ability to remember gives rise to the image of the person.

Examine for yourself the reality of the person. So, yes, the desire to be free is based on the illusion of the thought created separate self. --j. Thoughtless awareness - "observe the thought/desire/fantasy/image" technique. Eckhart Tolle Discussion Community • View topic - How to You Observe Thought? Shaz wrote:To observe your thought is to pay attention to and listen to what you are thinking. Often times, our thoughts are unconscious - in other words, we are not aware of what we think. Try listening to the dialog which is going on in your head. Then try to realize that even though these thoughts are happening, YOU are simply observing them. The Observer is the Real you. Once you are LISTENING to this dialog in the head, you are in the NOW - you are in the present moment. And you will soon realize that this dialog is NOT who you are. Good answer Shaz, worth repeating. Renaissance, be alert for stories. If you remain alert for these stories, you will soon begin to recognize them in mid stream.

As the limiting nature of these stories becomes clear, they are more easily released and you may find a thrilling understanding of genuine presence vs ego identity. Challenge Your Thoughts Discussion: How do you observe your thoughts? I had to chuckle at this, because it's true, you can't really observe thoughts without having thoughts about those thoughts you are observing. This could turn into a rhyme like how much wood can a woodchuck chuck? Really I try doing this myself and it is an on going thing, I think I get what you are talking about.

Observing what my mind is on, I am not familiar with the book that you mention but I presume it is about being more present, about the here and now. I find that my thoughts are either looking to the past or looking to the future. I suppose the without judgement may mean, if you were thinking of something that might be considered unsavory or negative, not to chastise yourself and say negative things about yourself for thinking that, eg. I don't know I am new to this and learning myself. 25. Observe thought mechanisms. Eckhart Tolle - You Are Not Your Mind - Feature Article. The Greatest Obstacle to Enlightenment Enlightenment - what is that? A beggar had been sitting by the side of a road for over thirty years. One day a stranger walked by. "Spare some change? " I am that stranger who has nothing to give you and who is telling you to look inside. "But I am not a beggar," I can hear you say. Those who have not found their true wealth, which is the radiant joy of Being and the deep, unshakable peace that comes with it, are beggars, even if they have great material wealth.

The word enlightenment conjures up the idea of some super-human accomplishment, and the ego likes to keep it that way, but it is simply your natural state of felt oneness with Being. I love the Buddha's simple definition of enlightenment as "the end of suffering. " You used the word Being. Being is the eternal, ever-present One Life beyond the myriad forms of life that are subject to birth and death. When you say Being, are you talking about God?

The word God has become a closed concept. Meditation: Observe thoughts Reply., meditation, eckhart tolle. Expert: Jay Cutts - 9/28/2009 QuestionThanks for your answer, I still have something to ask you though; My motivation, or goal with all this, is first of all to be able to be aware of all the negative thoughts that I am having, I' ve red that if you are aware of them, they don't have the same impact, or any impact at all. So what I'm trying to find out, is how to watch these thoughts, how to be aware of them. Sometimes when I try to do it, I just end up confused / frustrated, because I can never find my thoughts / be aware of them. It' s like im always looking for their location, exactly where they are, but often fail to do it and instead Im lost in my thoughts and unaware. So i' ve been looking for that EXACT method on how to be aware of your thoughts to any time, and to find out what I am doing wrong when I don't seem to find any. When I try to be aware of my thoughts, but can't, and I am instead lost in them, what would I be doing wrong?

AnswerHi, John. Let's come back to your "goal". Yoga Meditation: Witnessing Your Thoughts. Witnessing Your Thoughts in Yoga Practice by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati Witnessing the flow of mind: Witnessing your thoughts is a most important aspect of Yoga practice. Witnessing the thought process means to be able to observe the natural flow of the mind, while not being disturbed or distracted. This brings a peaceful state of mind, which allows the deeper aspects of meditation and samadhi to unfold, revealing that which is beyond, which is Yoga or Unity. Summary page (printing this page will help in practice) Contents of this web page: Introduction What does labeling and witnessing mean? Why should I label my thoughts? Am I ready and willing to explore my thoughts? See also these articles: Summary of witnessing thoughts Uncoloring your colored thoughts Clearing the clouded mind Three kinds of karma Who is the Witness? Top Introduction Calm the mind: This practice is quite insightful and useful in calming the mind.

What does labeling and witnessing mean? Difficulty Meditating -- Solutions to common problems with meditation. Observe your thoughts? Inside the Savant Mind: Tips for Thinking from an Extraordinary Thinker. Ordinal linguistic personification. Transform Your Life With Subliminal Self Hypnosis Sound Healing. What is Enlightenment? Is it a myth or is it real? What your ego is and how to stop it from obscuring your inner peace and unconditional love.