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How to Make a Dress Out of a T-Shirt. T-shirts are the most versatile piece of clothing you have in your closet. You can even turn a t-shirt into a dress with minimal sewing. This cute jumper-style dress is a cinch to make, I'll show you how to make a dress out of a t-shirt in just a few minutes. What You'll Need: Scissors [recommended scissors] Needle & Thread A T-shirt Chalk (optional) Buttons Once you have your materials assembled, we can get started. The Mission Maxi. Here it is! The new sewing pattern I've been waiting, blogging, talking, and excited about. The Mission Maxi sewing pattern After seeing all of the beautiful maxi dresses out this season, I just had to make a maxi sewing pattern.

View B (halter top maxi) View A (basic tank top maxi) And my favorite - View C (godet back maxi) In addition to the 3 different views, the Mission Maxi can also be made into two different style of tank tops (basic and halter). This pattern is very quick and easy to make. Something new to my overall pattern designs is that the booklet is printed in color. Me like-y the colors! While the dress is fashionable, I can't say enough about its comfort! Anywho, the Mission Maxi is now available in my shop and the great shops that carry my patterns. Enjoy! Jamie Special thanks to Pierre Olivier my talented photographer and Taryn Goedert a beauty of a make up artist. » DIY: Tank Dress with Pockets! academichic. At long last, I present a tutorial for the tank dress I made a few weeks ago before the end of the semester blindsided me. I’ve been seeing these tank+patterned skirt all over the place lately, but frequently they were too short or too short-waisted for my particular proportions.

After some googling, and studying the really excellent skirt tutorial and t-shirt dress tutorial at Ruffles and Stuff and the skirt with pockets tutorial at Freshly Picked, I decided that even my fairly rudimentary sewing skills could handle this project. And since I celebrated my height yesterday for Dress Your Best week, it seems appropriate to post a sewing project prompted by my need for a longer-than-in-stores dress. Supplies: a tank top2 yards or so of patterned fabricscraps of a coordinating fabric for pocketsmatching threaddisappearing fabric pen or chalk Steps: 1. 3. 4. Pin and cut out a pair. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

A note of warning. I can imagine so many fun variations on this. Tutorial ~ Five Kitchen Towels Dress ~ I found this kitchen towel bundle for pretty good price (it was originally $16 and I got it for $8!). I had an idea of what I wanted to do with them... They are 100% cotton and very absorbent. I thought these would make a comfortable summer dress for Rachel! I will show you what I did. :) {You will need} Five kitchen towels (the ones that you see all over the place.

Matching thread {Before you start} I used three towels for the skirt, one for the top, and the last one for making bias tape. Look at the towels and decide how you want to coordinate them first. {How to}--Skirt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. {How to}-- Top 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. {How to}--Finishing up 1. 2. 3. My little girl is five going on six soon, but she is small for her age.

The dress is soft, airy, and is perfect for a summer afternoon to relax. Modcloth Dress Ed. Powered By Blogger Widgets | Customized By: Blogging Tips close 17,754 readers RSS feed | E-mail Search This Blog Grosgrain Archives This Blog Linked From Here The Web Modcloth Dress Ed April 22, 2012 You might also like: Nautical Summer 2012 Cute Cheap Dress: Modcloth Modcloth Daily Desire: Go PHILS!

Daily Modcloth Desire: Autumn Looks + $20 Coupon Code Linkwithin 3 {comments}: Erica said... So helpful! April 22, 2012 at 3:34 PM Hannah Jean said... This is great! April 23, 2012 at 2:44 AM clickhappi said... Is that dress pattern really a sheath? April 25, 2012 at 1:49 AM Post a Comment Links to this post Create a Link Newer PostOlder PostHome Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) image facebook Kathleen Frances See On Follow me on Instagram SheInside Aviator Hairstyle (This look is sexy on a man) About Me Kathleen Frances View my complete profile blogs Home & Garden directory.

DIY Fashion: #DIYBFW day 3: D&G inspired scarf dress DIY. Finally is my turn to house the party! For day 3 of #DIY bloggers fashion week I would like to show you how to turn a big scarf into a wearable dress without using any pattern. Scarves add a chic touch to any outfit. They can be worn around the neck or wrapped around bag handles. They usually have the most beautiful prints so why don't wear them as dresses instead of accessories?

Oggi voglio mostrarvi come trasformare un foulard in un vestito ispirato all'ultima collezione D&G. You'll need: a ropescissors a dress form (discover how to DIY a dress form with duct tape here)or the help of a friend a big scarf how big? Avrete bisogno di: forbiciuna cordaun manichino da sarta (potete realizzarlo da sole con lo scotch!! Rifinite i bordi tagliati a mano o con lo zig zag. Potete indossare il vostro nuovo vestito con una cinta in vita o perchè no usare un altro foulard come cinta. Che ne pensate? JCrew Inspired Dress Tutorial. Hi everyone! I did it...I finished the "Green cardigan project" I have been working on. All I needed to do was to take a nice picture. Then, guess what... It SNOWED today! In the mean time, I am going to post a tutorial I did for the Knock-off Series at Kojo Design last week.

I love going through Anthropology and JCrew catalogs; there are many designs that inspire me. Today, I am sharing a dress I created inspired by JCrew. Golden Raindrop Dress... Isn't it gorgeous? Wow, I just woke up. Here is what I came up with; I call it Ivory Sunlight Dress... I used 100% cotton; it is textured, very light weight almost like gauze fabric. I am so in love with my new spring dress... I wish I could just take a small vacation to somewhere very peaceful and quiet. Ok, I will show you what I did... {Top part of the dress} 1.

{Cutting & Constructing the skirt and dress} 1. There are a few things... 2. 3. 4. Sew the elastic on the seam line where the top of the dress and the skirt meet (inside of the dress). How To Make An Easy Dress (For Cheap!) Two facts about me: I'm cheap.

I love dresses. I wear dresses probably 6 days out of the week. It's not that I one day just decided to wear dresses to feel cute and girly. Far from it. Back in November when I really started Talk2thetrees I kinda just wore pajama pants and sweat pants. Dresses are so comfortable, I can sit around the house and feel comfortable and cute. The only problem.. they are expensive! Here is a tutorial on a High Waisted Dress: For under 6 bucks! First you will need a ribbed tank top. I got mine from Walmart for 2.50 You could also use a t-shirt 3 yards of matching fabric.

Clearance section is my favorite. Cut the tank top almost in half. (I cut mine a little too short.. oops!) For the bottom part of your dress take the fabric and wrap it around your waist about 1 and a half times, and cut in a straight line. I never measure, I never use patterns... Next you fold your fabric in half. You have kind of a big blocky rectangle skirt. We are going to create a ruffle. Tutorial: how to sew a simple maxi dress.

The Plan. Fabric. You will be making a maxi dress so buy fabric accordingly. I stand 5′ tall (I know, I know, I am tiny) and I needed 2.5 meters of fabric with a 45-inch width. Preparation and Cutting. Sewing. Don’t forget the banana. Instructions for making the rosettes are HERE. The 30 Minute $6 Dress. Guest post by Rachael at Talk 2 the Trees. The perfect dress is hard to come by. I like my dresses to be cheap, and long enough. (I’m not a fan of super short dresses!)

Cheap and long dresses don’t seem to go hand in hand.. so, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself! Here is a tutorial for a simple yet cute dress. It takes about 30 minutes to make and costs much less than most dresses! Here’s Your Supplies List: 1. Here’s How you Make it: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Here’s the tutorial in pictures… Believe it or not, this dress only took about 30 minutes to make. About the author. Angrakha wrap tunic. How To Make An Easy Dress (For Cheap!) Skirt to dress (mini-tutorial) My new favorite dress used to be a long gypsy skirt. I’ve always wanted a long skirt with that thin crinkly fabric because I used to live with a girl who looked really cool in her gypsy skirt (Hi, Hazy!). I snatched one right away (P1oo) when the boyfriend and I had our almost-regular visit to the Sunday flea markets downtown.

I wore the skirt only once when I realized that the length is a tad annoying. Inspired by a Craftster post I saw, I decided to transform it into a halter dress. But the itch was so strong that I woke up after 5 hours and finished sewing the dress. Okay, on to the mini-tute. 1. 2. 3. Wear it halter style, tying the ends of the top part on your nape. Tutorial: how to sew a simple maxi dress. Corset Dress. KOJO”S Maxi Oasis. Today we are lucky enough to some how have scored Kirsten, from KOJO Designs (our partners in crime) amazing Maxi dress tutorial! I mean seriously? How awesome is she to share this amazing tutorial over here, I am not going to lie I kinda save the best ones for SINML ha! Just goes to show what an amazing person she is!

You are going to LOVE this tutorial! I may or may not have immediately walked out the door and bought fabric the second I read over it ha! Hey No Man’s Land friends! And we’re so excited to be sharing a Sewing for ME tutorial with y’all! When we saw this dress at Anthropologie, it was love on many levels. To assemble the skirt: Cut three rectangles of fabric- rectangle 1: 62″ wide x 28″ tall, rectangles 2 and 3: 64″ x 18″. Sew into a tube, stitching along 28″ edge.

Gather Tube 1 (made from Rectangle1) down to appoximately your waist measurement. Finish off the bottom hem. Add a casing along the top edge (just fold or iron the top edge down and sew in place). Cheers! Kelly. Short Dress to Maxi Dress. Just like my shirts, sometimes I have a dress that shrinks up a bit. Even if I know I shouldn't dry it, sometimes it makes it way into the dryer accidentally.

Whoops! Anyhow, that was the story with a little black dress I had. After taking matters into my own hands, now it looks like this. I love maxi dresses and they are big right now. Why do I love them? Let's be honest. Here was the dress before. I measured how much length I needed to add to the dress to make it floor length and then I divided it by two for the two layers. I stitched the top of each new layer using a basting stitch and gathered the fabric until it matched the width of the previous layer.

So, did I shave my legs today? What? I've been doing some hair homework to prepare for HAIR WEEK! Thanks for stopping by. The 30 Minute $6 Dress. Versa Skirt Dress tutorial. Jessica, one of my wonderful readers, contacted me last week with some advice on how to recreate a dress. I had just bought some striped knit from Joann’s on clearance with the intent to make…something. Maybe a skirt. I didn’t really know. After I got her email, I knew I had to use it for her dress. So I came up with this… And here is the original inspiration. I realize now that I should have not made it so tight!

This skirt/dress is really very simple. Let’s get started. First, measure yourself. 1. 2. 3. 4. I got 1 1/8 a yd. of the green 58 in. wide knit and it worked great. Now lay out your knit folded in half right sides together. Did I regret making that black dot in my fabric? You want the top of the skirt to be 1/2 an inch larger than your waist {1/4 inch seam allowance} Take your waist to hip measurement and mark where the widest part of your hips should lie. Pin and sew with a narrow zig zag stitch which is great for knits. Now cut a piece like this. Pin and sew into a nice neat tube. (tutorial) My Favorite Tee Dress. I love do it yourself.