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Big Data Start-ups

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Big Data Jobs at Jive Software. Jive is on a singular mission to transform the way we work. We’re the first company to bring the social innovation of the consumer web to the enterprise. And in doing so, we’re making work great. We’re breaking down the barriers separating employees, customers, and partners making it possible for the first time to engage socially and genuinely around what matters most to them. That’s a Big Data problem. We regularly process multi-terabyte datasets that encompass the public web, enterprise systems of record, social graph and interaction data, and more. Data is securely spread across multiple compute clusters, across multiple data centers. We work extensively with open source software on big data, social graph, and machine learning problems and creating an active, adaptive platform tuned to solve key business challenges. We contribute to various big data open source technologies: Apache Hadoop, HBase, Pig, ZooKeeper, Flume, Mahout, Neo4j and other open source projects.

And we’re hiring. Big Data Startups. Packetloop. About Kaggle and Crowdsourcing Data Modeling. Kaggle is the world's largest community of data scientists. They compete with each other to solve complex data science problems, and the top competitors are invited to work on the most interesting and sensitive business problems from some of the world’s biggest companies through Masters competitions. Kaggle provides cutting-edge data science results to companies of all sizes.

We have a proven track-record of solving real-world problems across a diverse array of industries including life sciences, financial services, energy, information technology, and retail. Read more about our solutions » Our community Our community of data scientists comprises tens of thousands of PhDs from quantitative fields such as computer science, statistics, econometrics, maths and physics, and industries such as insurance, finance, science, and technology.

They come from over 100 countries and 200 universities. Interested in competing on Kaggle? Our Business Read more about our solutions » Our story. Hortonworks Develops, Distributes and Supports Enterprise Apache Hadoop. Palantir. Cloudera. Datameer - Big Data and Hadoop Analytics. The DataSift Platform. Social data is noisy. Whether you’re trying to social analyze trends within an industry, or mentions of your products or brands, you need a platform that can filter out the noise and allow you to focus on the data that’s most relevant to you. This is especially important when you are paying for the social data you receive. At the heart of the DataSift platform is a high-performance filtering engine with which you can find the exact content and conversations that are relevant to your business.

Go beyond keywords and filter on more than over 300 unique fields including author, location, language, and demographics. Filter with greater precision by using advanced search operations including regular expressions, text pattern matching, and substrings to get the most relevant data. Create filters visually using our Query Builder or code them using our powerful Curated Stream Definition Language (CSDL). DataSift | The Leading Social Data Platform. Rocket Fuel » Digital Advertising Campaigns Run Better on Rocket Fuel » Rocket Fuel.