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QFO Labs, Inc. Products. Windows Driver Installer Setup Program (For PL2303 HXD, SA, TA, TB, RA GC, GS, GT, GL, GE , GD, GR versions) Installer version & Build date: 2.0.6 (2021-05-13) Windows Vista/7/8.1/10 (32 & 64-bit) WDF WHQL Driver: v3.8.39.0 (01/08/2021) / v5.1.0.0 (05/13/2021) - Windows 10 Certified WHQL Driver (TH1 1507, TH2 1511, RS1 1607, RS2 1703, RS3 1709, RS4 1803,RS5 1809 , 19H1 1903, 19H2 1909, 20H1 VB, 21H1 versions) - Windows Vista, 7, 8.1 Certified WHQL Driver - Compatible with Windows Server 2016, Server2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2012R2, 2016, 2019 - Auto-download driver via Windows Update (Windows 7, 8.1, 10) Windows XP (32 & 64-bit) WDM WHQL Driver: v3.8.38.0 (12/01/2020) - Compatible with Windows 2000SP4 & Server2003 Windows XP (32 & 64-bit) WDM WHQL Driver: v5.0.8.1 (07/08/2019) - Windows XP Certified WHQL Driver - Compatible with Windows 2000SP4 & Server2003 Download Driver Setup Program: Windows 8/8.1/10 are NOT supported in PL-2303HXA and PL-2303X EOL chip versions. Digital Designer Virtual Building Software. How to: Arduino and Nintendo Nunchuck for pan and tilt camera interface. Hi all, this post is an "how to" for an Arduino pan and tilt camera moved by a Nintendo Wii Nunchuck. Here's the video so you can check how it'll be the result. The most important thing is the precision and responsiveness of the system. Here it is for all that asked me in the past and for those interested in putting something similar in their UAVs.

It's an "old" project I've posted the following video on YouTube more than a 5 months ago but never had the time to post schematics and the code online, even if a lot of people asked for it. I use an Arduino Diecimila board to have a Nintendo Wii Nunchuck control a camera mounted on a pan and tilt mechanism with two servos (Hitech HS-422). Nunchuck's accelerometer (an ADXL330) is used to move the camera. As you can see, if the Nunchuck's "Z" button is pressed, the camera position is locked. Here is picture of the pan&tilt mechanics with servos: First of all I got to thank a few people that before me putted their experiences online. The code is here. Zenta. Prototyping : Adafruit Industries.