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How to Provide Feedback that Helps Employees Improve. Make your feedback have the impact it deserves by the manner and approach you use to provide performance feedback.

How to Provide Feedback that Helps Employees Improve

Your feedback can make a difference to people if you can avoid provoking a defensive response. These guidelines will help you help employees develop their performance. Here's How You Can Best Provide Feedback: Effective employee feedback is specific, not general. What Employers Do About Employees Surfing the Web at Work. Employees spend between one and three hours a day surfing the web on personal business at work, depending on the study reviewed.

What Employers Do About Employees Surfing the Web at Work

Since most studies depend on employee self-reported data, this productivity loss, combined with the concerns employers have for where their employees are surfing the web at work, causes more employers to monitor employee use of the Internet. Employees shop, do banking, visit sports sites, pay bills, chat on Facebook, tweet on Twitter and more. With most employees, these are occasional activities that they pursue on breaks and lunch. If they do spend a few minutes of work time, they likely make up for it answering email after the kids go to bed. But, a small percentage of employees abuse the privilege. In another, the change in position of an employee’s computer, making the view of its screen impossible by anyone except the employee, made IT suspicious.

Employer Surveillance of Employees Surfing the Web at Work. What People Want From Work - Motivation. By Susan M.

What People Want From Work - Motivation

Heathfield Updated October 25, 2015. Every person has different motivations for working. The reasons for working are as individual as the person. Improve Workplace Communication - Interpersonal Email Phone IM Social Media Meetings HRIS Newsletters - Improve Workplace Communication. How to write a job description and person specification. Before you place a vacancy with a recruitment consultancy, it is a good idea to spend some time evaluating exactly what you require from a candidate.

How to write a job description and person specification

A job specification is a detailed description of the role, including all responsibilities, objectives, and requirements. A person specification is a profile of your ideal new employee, including skills, experience, and personality type. Why they help Writing a detailed specification forces you to think about exactly what skills and experience are required for your role and the type of person you want for the team. Giving your recruitment consultant a comprehensive brief will allow them to work more effectively and quickly in finding you the perfect candidate.

Specifications also give candidates a better idea of exactly what you are looking for. HR Magazine - Home. Employment. The former interns battling to change the culture of US work. The time-honoured tradition of the unpaid internship is increasingly coming under attack in the US, as former interns sue - and increasingly win cases against - the companies that allowed them to work for free.

The former interns battling to change the culture of US work

Before Lucy Bickerton started studying to be a doctor she wanted to produce films. However, her first taste of the business - a four month internship, working long hours and getting paid nothing on the current affairs programme The Charlie Rose Show - left her questioning her career choice. "While I was doing my internship, it didn't really occur to me that I was really doing the work of a production assistant and not this unpaid intern job, whatever that really means," says Ms Bickerton. LinkedIn profile tips for recruitment and HR - Business Insider. Comedy Central/South Park LinkedIn is the largest professional social media platform in the world with more than 347 million members in over 200 countries.

LinkedIn profile tips for recruitment and HR - Business Insider

The platform's popularity has grown to such a size that there are now 3 million active job listings, an almost a 10-fold increase on the previous year. But according to a new independent study, "An Executive Recruitment Game Changer? ," by Norrie Johnston Recruitment in the UK, HR managers don't seem to care or use your LinkedIn profile as much or in the way that you may think. In a survey of 100 HR senior decision makers who represent British companies with a minimum of 250 employees. The survey included 100 HR senior decision makers from private and public sector organisations who were telephone interviewed in December 2014.

Less than 50% of companies use LinkedIn to check out candidates Norris Recruitment Job references or "recommendations" aren't the most important factor in assessing potential candidates. Work, on-the-job training and you. The G4S fiasco has highlighted not just a failure to recruit enough peoples to cover Olympic security, but also a failure to properly train their staff.

Work, on-the-job training and you

The media is awash with G4S applicants recounting stories of their scant training with only 10 days before the Olympic start date. But how common is lack of staff training and what are your employment rights on this kind of situation? Well, for starters it's more common than you think. The UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) recently published their skills survey of 85,000 employers and found that almost 1.5 million of their employees did not have the skills required to perform their job role.

Managers were the surprise losers, with only 45% of managers receiving any training. The most common reason for not training was found to be that employers considered their staff to be proficient and/or did not need training. A lack of proper training can have a disastrous impact on your career. Recruitment: My place or yours? Look like your interviewer? You'll probably get the job. By Rachel SavageWednesday, 26 August 2015.

Look like your interviewer? You'll probably get the job

Étudiants RH - Accueil étudiants - WK-RH, Informations et solutions pour les professionnels des ressources humaines - WKRH, éditions Lamy et Liaisons Sociales.