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Know and show what you got - TwentyFeet - Social Media Monitoring & Ego tracking. CiviCRM Community Site | Open source constituent relationship management for non-profits, NGOs and advocacy organizations. The Standard for Influence. 8 Media Sosial untuk Kesuksesan Personal Brand | Bukik Ideas. Jaman dulu kita mengenal kartu nama dan CV sebagai identitas diri kita. Bagaimana dengan jaman media sosial ? Apa media sosial yang bisa mendukung kesuksesan personal brand kita? Media sosial memungkinkan setiap orang untuk tampil di panggung global. Kita tidak hanya mengunduh dari internet, tapi juga mengunggah karya kita. Karya yang kita unggah ini adalah identitas, bukti penguat dan alat untuk meyakinkan akan personal brand kita. Pernah suatu saat sebuah stasiun tv berita menghubungi saya untuk tampil sebuah talkshow.

Ketika di tanya, siapa Bukik? Kehadiran kita di media sosial memungkinkan profil diri kita bisa diakses kapanpun dimanapun dan oleh siapapun. Hadir di media sosial tidak bisa instan langsung dikenal banyak orang. Apa saja media sosial yang bisa mendukung kesuksesan pembentukan personal brand kita? 1. Blog itu ibarat rumah kita. Kedua, pengunjung bisa mendengar cerita berbagai aktivitas baik dari biodata maupun dari kegiatan yang kita ulas di posting blog. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I. How Far Did Your Tweet Travel? | TweetReach. :: Isu Wanita :: Topik Hangat :: Fakta Menarik Twitter :: 22 Sep 2011 Siapa tak tahu twitter? Saat ini, twitter menjadi salah satu media sosial yang sangat terkenal di dunia, termasuk di Indonesia.

Twitter jadi seperti diary, pesan singkat, bahkan 'tempat sampah' untuk menuangkan semua yang dirasakan. Bagaimana dengan Anda? Suka bermain twitter juga? Atau mungkin Anda termasuk orang yang ketagihan twitter? Berikut ini tujuh fakta menarik seputar twitter di Indonesia, menurut survei dari, pada Januari 2011. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Five Recent Facebook Upgrades That Nonprofits Need to Know About. If there is one thing that nonprofit social media managers are learning (or should be learning) from utilizing new media it’s that technology is now constantly in flux. As soon as you learn and become comfortable with a tool set, it’s replaced with a new one. The best social media managers will adapt quickly, embrace a state of constant learning, and not allow themselves to become easily agitated by modern nonprofit technology.

That said, in recent months Facebook has launched a slew of new features for Facebook Pages. My favorite five are listed below. The others will be covered in my upcoming webinars on Facebook and Facebook Apps for Nonprofits. 1) New App Center Launched, “Giving” Category Dropped Facebook has launched a new App Center for Timeline and Mobile with over 600 Apps. App Center > Lifestyle > Causes App Center > Lifestyle > LIVESTRONG.COM App Center > Utilities > Petitions 2) New Facebook Pages Manager App 3) Ability to Schedule Status Updates in Advance 4) New Promoted Posts.

Membongkar Motif Akun @TrioMacan2000 Oleh @kurawa. Guided tour. 5 Alasan Mengapa Lembaga Non-Profit Perlu Pengelola Media Sosial. Is your social media campaign on track? [Infographic] | Digital Marketing Blog | Return On Digital. Following the success of our webinar on social media: ‘ Is your social medial campaign on track?’ We have put all our hints and tips into an infographic. The infographic covers how to interact and increase brand engagement within the three main social platforms, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, in order to create a starting point for those who may be new to this arena.

Our Social Media Executive, Tim states: “Social is still really new in the grand scheme of things, and is evolving all the time. We know from experience what techniques are more likely to work for SMEs and which ones could be harmful to their brand image. With more than 900 million users on Facebook, approximately 360 million users on Twitter, and at least 161 million LinkedIn accounts, these growing networks can be targeted for business leads and sales with the correct strategy.

However, without an effective strategy and an understanding of their customer’s online behaviour, it could be a waste of valuable business hours.” Power Us - Give a gift to support Liberty Web Alliance. Liberty Web Alliance runs solely on the freely given support of our community. Make a difference by helping the Liberty message spread! What do your hard earned funds go towards? Your contribution increases the footprint of liberty online by keeping our server running and allowing us to host many great sites. We bring together some of the most proficient and liveliest activist-bloggers that attract curious minds to these important ideas. Ideas that we know will spark a fire in this ocean of knowledge, the Internet. In order to reduce complexity and compliance risk, the Liberty Web Alliance will not be organized as a non-profit for tax purposes. If you want to mail us a check please contact us for information on how to do that. Donate with PayPal Please send PayPal donations to or fill out the form below.

Why Guest Posts Can Be Good For Your Nonprofit Blog. Photo by ELEOTH In a recent blog post, one of our readers asked about guest posts on nonprofit blogs. Here was the question: To that, Gisele Navarro Mendez and I responded with an emphatic “Yes!” It’s true that many organizations—not just nonprofits—are a little hesitant to feature guest posts from people on the outside. There are many reasons for this, but I think there are good opportunities these organizations are missing out on. Here are 4 reasons why your nonprofit blog should feature guest posts from individuals outside the organization: Better Content People outside your organization can offer a fresh perspective for your blog. More People Meet You Bloggers that interact and engage their community bring their networks to your blog when they guest post.

Make New Friends Aside from casting the net wider and wider with different guest posts, you have the chance to create real relationships with people who want to support your cause beyond the guest post. SEO Juice.