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JavaScript Kit- Your comprehensive JavaScript, DHTML, CSS, and Ajax stop. <IFRAME> scroller. Note: Script completely rewritten June 09', 2004 for numerous improvements. Description: This scroller script overcomes one of the biggest usability hurdles of its counterparts- storing the scroller contents in a variable. With the help of <IFRAME>, you can use an external HTML file instead for the task, making updating and adding rich HTML to the scroller a breeze. Works in both IE4+ and NS6+, degrading well with the rest (simply not appearing)! Demo: Directions Step 1: Add the below code where you wish the scroller to appear on your page: Step 2: The script accesses an external .htm file for its content.

External.htm (save by right clicking, and selecting "save as") That's it for installation! Customizing the script First and foremost, customize the variables within the code of Step 1. Scripts Directory of PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, Java, Javascript, Perl and more! - Scripts. TextOpus - all text tools You need! A library of DHTML and Ajax scripts - Scrolling content. Demo Put this into your <HEAD> section Put this into your <BODY> section <! -- THIS DIV TAG IS ONLY NEEDED FOR THE DEMO --><div id="mainContainer"><!

-- Start of first scrolling box --><div id="scrollingContainer"><div id="scrollingContent"><p>This is the content of my first scrolling box. The content here is just plain HTML. The script has been tested in IE5+, Firefox and Opera 7+</p><p>You can have unlimited number of scrolling boxes on your page. Configuration Step 1: Write scrolling content The boxes are created by use of plain HTML. <! Note that you have two <DIV> tags. You put your scrolling content inside the second <DIV>, i.e. where <p>This is the content of my first scrolling box. Step 2: Call Javascript function Ther was a call to a javascript function in the code above. <script type="text/javascript"> initSlidingContent('scrollingContainer',3); </script> This "initSlidingContent" function applies scrolling features to your box.

Step 3: Box layout #scrollingContainer = ID of box. Paste Vertical scroller. Home / Free JavaScripts / Scrollers / Here Description: This is an awesome vertical scroller that supports rich HTML, and works across all major browsers (IE4+, NS4, NS6)! Example: Visit JavaScript Kit for JavaScript tutorials and over 400 free scripts direct links to Java applets and resources Stay up to date on current news and events.

Dynamic Drive is your definitive source for DHTML scripts and components. Directions: Simply add the below where you want the scroller to appear on your page: Just follow the comments inside to configure scroller. New on PhotoPeach. Javascript Scrolling Scripts with Example Source Code. JavaScript Scrolls. Programming and Web Development Help | Control.ScrollBar : Pure JavaScript/CSS scroll bars for Prototype. LivePipe has been deprecated and is no longer maintained.The author now works primarily on Thorax LivePipe™ : User Interface Components for Prototype Control.ScrollBar Pure JavaScript/CSS scroll bars for Prototype.

Introduction Why emulate a native UI component? This scrollbar implementation includes mouse wheel support, a proportionally drawn handle, and can accommodate dynamic content and layout changes with the recalculateLayout() method. Scroll To... Use the Mouse Wheel or Handle to Scroll Nulla facilisi. Convallis Felis ac Massa Accumsan Phasellus faucibus adipiscing quam. Eleifend Justo Nullam Semper Cras eros tellus, posuere at, condimentum eget, fringilla nec, lectus. Cras iaculis. Insert Paragraph and recalculateLayout() Control.ScrollBar requires a very particular HTML structure. <div id="scrollbar_container"> <div id="scrollbar_track"><div id="scrollbar_handle"></div></div> <div id="scrollbar_content">...

Free JavaScript For News Tabs With Scrollbar. Scrollbar is a popular tool for website designing. And if it can be used with news tabs, then many purposes are served well. First though, why is news tabs popular? It is known well that search engines love contents. The reason is simple. Contents tell the engines what web pages are about, and that in turn help them to decide the relevance of those pages with respect to the search queries used by the surfers. There are other factors like inward links, site structure, duplicate content, website’s age, and so on that play equally strong roles in the display of search results. The point however remains that the content still rules and will continue to do so. Look at the news tabs with scrollbar on the right, done with the help of free JavaScripts courtesy Nathan Faubion.

The content changes as the tabs, web video, about, and more are clicked on. Interestingly, when you click ‘more’ the scrollbar vanishes because it is not needed since the content is not enough to overfill the container space. Scrolls >>> Typewriter Scroller.