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The Cultural Web - Aligning your organization's culture with strategy - Strategy Skills Training from MindTools. Aligning your Organization's Culture with Strategy © iStockphotoRidofranz Many aspects of organizations are interconnected.

The Cultural Web - Aligning your organization's culture with strategy - Strategy Skills Training from MindTools

What is the first thing that pops in your mind when you hear the term corporate culture? A great many people refer to the classic phrase coined by the McKinsey organization, that culture is "how we do things around here". And while that may be true, there are so many elements that go into determining what you do and why, that this definition only scratches the surface. Whether you can define it or not, you know that culture exists. Culture often becomes the focus of attention during periods of organizational change – when companies merge and their cultures clash, for example, or when growth and other strategic change mean that the existing culture becomes inappropriate, and hinders rather than supports progress. So, for all its elusiveness, corporate culture can have a huge impact on an organization's work environment and output.

SWOT and PPCO - what is PPC & how does it differ? Women in Leadership. Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work? Consulting.

Power Gen

Safety. Books on Leadership. Top Books for Todays Leaders. 15-Apr-2014 Read Books on Leadership: The Leadership Bookstore is much more than a short list of recommended books.

Books on Leadership. Top Books for Todays Leaders.

The Leadership Bookstore is your personal gateway to higher levels of business knowledge and leadership insights Ask any top leader how many books on leadership they have read. "Too many to count" will most likely be their answer. Top performing leader’s read across many subjects. Leaders are a rare breed of people that are pro-active in seeking knowledge; they're highly self motivated. The saying - “Knowledge is Power” is a timeless truth that all leaders understand. "The information-age we live in provides ever-increasing opportunities to learn and grow. " Leaders are connected; they are 'wired in' to current events, their market and industry news, trends and new leadership development tools and information. Are you connected? has established our library of tools and resources for your personal use and enjoyment.

The Ten Most Revealing Psych Experiments. Psychology is the study of the human mind and mental processes in relation to human behaviors - human nature.

The Ten Most Revealing Psych Experiments

Due to its subject matter, psychology is not considered a 'hard' science, even though psychologists do experiment and publish their findings in respected journals. Some of the experiments psychologists have conducted over the years reveal things about the way we humans think and behave that we might not want to embrace, but which can at least help keep us humble. That's something. 1. 'Lord of the Flies': Social Identity Theory The Robbers Cave Experiment is a classic social psychology experiment conducted with two groups of 11-year old boys at a state park in Oklahoma, and demonstrates just how easily an exclusive group identity is adopted and how quickly the group can degenerate into prejudice and antagonism toward outsiders.

Researcher Muzafer Sherif actually conducted a series of 3 experiments. 2. 3. The free five minute personality test! Index of free personality tests and intelligence tests. Personality test based on Jung - Myers-Briggs typology. The 16 Type Patterns. *Adapted from Linda V.

The 16 Type Patterns

Berens and Dario Nardi, Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code (Used with permission) There are 16 Personality Types. Each "Type" represents a unique predictable pattern of how the eight processes (functions) are used in everyday life. The Roles of the Processes In each of the sixteen types, each of the eight processes plays a different "role" in the personality.

The type code lets you know what role each process plays for each type. It is also referred to as the "hierarchy of functions": Dominant, Auxiliary, Tertiary, and Inferior. The roles are explained below to help you better understand the patterns. In truth, we have access to all eight cognitive processes—the other six are often in the background, playing other kinds of roles. The Primary Processes The primary processes are those used in the first four roles. Each process tends to emerge and develop at different times in our lives. The Leading Role (Dominant) The Pattern. Strategy and Performance. CULTURE. Sustainability.

Strategy. Dance your Powerpoint or PhD. Patrick Lencioni: The Most Important Leadership Trait You Shun. Leadership Theories. Psychology.

Organizational Psychology

Behavioural Economics. Ted Talks. Talent Isn’t Fixed and Other Mindsets That Lead to Greatness. In the creative world, we spend a lot of time talking about “talent.”

Talent Isn’t Fixed and Other Mindsets That Lead to Greatness

It’s that special sauce—a certain style, a certain perspective, a certain aesthetic. If you’ve got it, you’ve got it. And if you don’t, well… it can’t really be taught, right? Not exactly. According to Stanford University’s Carol Dweck, the psychologist behind the much-praised book Mindset: The New Psychology for Success, the attitude that we bring to our creative work—and to mentoring our juniors—can play a huge role in shaping just how much of our inborn talents we realize. If we believe that someone’s talent is fixed—including our own—we are effectively writing off any options for growth.

I chatted with Dweck to learn more about how a “growth mindset” can impact creative achievement on a personal and a professional level. When we’re children, we think we can do anything. It can actually stop as soon as we become conscious of ourselves.