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Apricot. This EFL lesson is designed around an award-winning film called Apricot by Ben Briand and the subject of memories. Students describe and interpret photos, watch a short film and speak about childhood memories. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Advanced (C1) Learner type:Teens and adults Time: 60 minutes Activity: Describing and interpreting photos, watching a short film and speaking about childhood memories Topic: Memories Language: Vocabulary related to childhood and memories Materials: Short film, photos related to childhood and discussion questions Downloabable materials: apricot lesson instructions childhood memories photos memories discussion questions Support Film English Film English remains ad-free and takes many hours a month to research and write, and hundreds of dollars to sustain.

Step 1 Write childhood memories on the board, and ask students what springs to mind. Step 2 Step 3 Tell your students that they are going to watch a short film called Apricot about memories. 1. 2. 3. 4.