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About - Escape Pod. Escape Pod is the premier science fiction podcast magazine. Every week we bring you short stories from some of today’s best science fiction stories, in convenient audio format for your computer or MP3 player. We pay our authors, but we will always be 100% free. We are supported through listener donations and sponsorship, so if you like what you hear, please consider donating via our PayPal button! Escape Pod is produced and distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

Interact with our audience and staff in our forum. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Escape Pod Staff: Editor: Norm Sherman – editor @ escapepod.orgPublisher: PC HaringAssistant Editor: Nathaniel LeeProducer: Mat WellerFounder: Steve Eley – steve @ Escape Pod is a production of Escape Artists, Inc. Pearls of Weber (Introduction) | David Weber. We would like to take this chance to thank Joe Buckley (, one of David’s most tireless fans, for his many long hours of effort that have helped us bring this section to you. Joe has chronicled David’s responses on Baen’s Bar for years, and it is because of Joe’s hard work and organization that we are able to bring you these thoughts and answers about the many worlds of Weber. I promise I wasn't really smoking any prohibited substances when this came to me.

But, I thought, what the heck, if Heinlein could do it, so can I. I wonder if it's fanfic when the author does it? Despair reigned on HMS Shan-wei’s flag deck as the Gbaba fleet closed in. What had given them away, she wondered? But the how didn't really matter. Howsmyn looked at the display, showing the rest of her fleet. “Deploy and spot the missiles,” she ordered. “Deploying the missiles, aye, Ma’am,” Commodore Cayleb Baytz, her chief of staff replied, hiding his own despair under the crispness of professionalism.

Dossier librairies : Scylla et Charybde à Paris. RUE RIESENER à Paris, derrière une vitrine discrète, c'est une caverne d'Ali Baba d'un nouveau genre qui recelle de trésors. La librairie Scylla est l'un des repaires des amateurs de science-fiction et de littératures de l'imaginaire, où les nouveautés se partagent les étagères avec des ouvrages introuvables car jamais réédités. Mais le maître des lieux, Xavier Vernet, n'en a pas eu assez d'une seule librairie. Avec trois confrères, il a inauguré en juin dernier une nouvelle enseigne : Charybde, spécialisée dans la fiction, rue de Charenton cette fois. L'occasion de tester une nouvelle formule avec tout autant d'énergie et de convivialité.– Par Claire Cornillon FACE AUX GRANDES SURFACES qui imposent un rythme industriel à l'actualité du livre, comment les petites librairies survivent-elles ?

– Mélange des genres réalité de la chaîne du livre. " LES BLOGUEURS ET LES FORUMS constituent des relais efficaces. . – Travail militant mini-concert. Płytki CD od Baena. For all Baen Free Library CDs, zipped ISO images are provided - click on "ZIP" to download them or on the title/picture to browse contents. If you are wondering why some numbers are duplicated, but some other numbers are missing in the names of the CDs, the answer is Because Baen made it so - I have kept their original numbering. I am in no way affiliated with Baen. I just downloaded the images via BitTorrent (see or for details) and put them here as a courtesy to those who cannot use BitTorrent. If anyone is curious about the legal status of those files, here is the appriopriate quotation from one of them: The files on this CD are not encrypted.

Jim doesn't understand the logic of making his books hard for people to read. Neither do I, though we seem to be in the minority among publishers and authors. You're not supposed to sell the files. Have fun! BaenCD at the Fifth Imperium. Eric Flint. Today's Free Kindle Books | Free Speculative Fiction Online: Authors A-E. 365 tomorrows : A New Flash of Science Fiction Every Day. Six Word Stories. Bienvenue dans le BookCrossing. Welcome to Tuebl. Baen Books Science Fiction & Fantasy - Home Page. Open access ebooks.