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Definate Apartment Projects

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Inspiration: Teacup Crafts! | A variety of crafts made with teacups! So cute and feminine. More below!! Which one is your favourite? I really like the lamp and the hanging lights Tea Set Lamp DIY Teacup Clock DIY Teacup Terrarium or Flower Pot Hanging Teacup Lights DIY Teacup Cake Stand DIY Teacup Candles Teacup Chandelier This entry was posted in Candle Holder, Centerpiece, Chandelier, Clock, cute, DIY, Ecofriendly, Gifts, Inspiration, Lighting. Rainbow Rug from T-Shirt Yarn. Raised fishbone stitch. Map love. I love maps...and look at all the amazing things made with them... i can't remember how i found this site....but i love, love, love all the map goodness going on there...especially that heart broochand, of course, i had to include the union jack.check out more herenote....they have a great etsy store, too!

DIY Typographic String Art | Man Made DIY, is one of my favourite craft/DIY blog and they posted this tutorial. Which I am in love with! Its a very modern twist on the popular 7os trend of string art. It’s very simple to make, and looks amazing! Chris made this by projecting the words onto a piece of painted plywood and tracing it. Make it a kitsch stitch. Create Book Shelves. Everyday Mom Ideas: Scrap Paper Tree Centerpiece Tutorial (Featured guest blogger) Hi there! I'm Sharon from Two Girls Being Crafty, and I am so delighted to be today's guest blogger on Everyday Mom Ideas! Thank you so much, Julia, for having us.

My co-blogger, Tristin, and I create fun and inexpensive crafts that anyone could do. Our goal is to inspire. So come check us out! Today I would like to share with you all our newest craft. This simple project uses scrapbook paper leaves to create a bright and cheery Spring ambiance for your home. First, drag out your unseemly healthy assortment of scrapbook paper scraps. Cut out a template of your leaf from the cardboard (you can also use chipboard or card-stock).

Take your floral wire and cut strips anywhere from 5"-8" long. Lay down some newspaper next to your workspace. Now for the fun part! ...or make them funky. And you're done! Thanks again, Julia, for having us here today! How to Make Cherry Blossom Lights. Gift Ideas for poor creative souls (6) You know how it goes, a friend calls you and invites you to dinner at the last minute. OMG! What gift can you take?! You scrabble around the cupboards trying to find a box of chocolates or a bottle of wine but find that most of the chocolates have been eaten and the wine has gone. I thought this was a wonderful idea. You could make a few of these and keep them to one side for just such an occasion. You don't need many materials for this and it looks relatively simple to do. Even I could attempt this so I'm sure anyone else could too. Supplies : Patterned paper-one 12 x 12" sheet.

These directions will give you one flower. 1. 4. 5. Tip: For single sided paper. 6. Note: Florist tape is stretchy, just play with it and pull gently but firmly as you move down the stem. 7. Note, you will have to play around with the height of the petals, and where on the petal you start your tape. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. For tutorials on how to market yourself online, go here. Tile Coaster Tutorial. Inspired by Yulia Brodskaya. I can't get over how amazing these are.

I wouldn't be surprised if Yulia invented quilling. She is a 28 year old artist from Moscow who creates beautiful designs from vertical pieces of thin paper and her website is full of inspiration in color, line, shadow and technique. You don't have to be a fellow quiller to wish you were like this great lady. Even though her pieces would be amazing if they were drawn, it was the fact that they are 3d that caught my attention. I imagine one of her expert pieces would take hours, which I do not have... So I tried a simpler, version that can be displayed in any house. When my husband and I were engaged, I bought wooden letters to spell out 'save the date' and covered them with different patterned paper. (I couldn't resist showing our cute picture) The letters were already covered (I know, I didn't post a diy... I picked out 4 colors of paper that went with the colors in the pattern and had them cut into 1/2" strips.

I only have an h. Flight of the Pook: Sunny days & great big fat crochet. We've had some really beautiful days here lately. Recently, I made a small kitchen rug for Jon's mom. I like crochet because it's very forgiving. And it's quick. And fun. And relaxing. I didn't really use a pattern or anything. Anyway, it worked up in a few hours. This kind of thing is really fun and easy to do. As you can see, I get a lot of help around here... UPDATE: Due to popular request, I've created a vlog tutorial series on this project. DIY Tin Lanterns | Charlotte Hupfield Ceramics.

Thank you for visiting my post about DIY Tin Lanterns… You may also be interested in my individually handmade ceramic homewares, accessories and gifts in my shop – take a look! I’m in love with my new recycled tea light can holder! It was so easy to make, and the best part is anyone can make one – you don’t need any special tools or materials. Here’s what you do: Peel the label off an old tin can, fill with water and freeze in the freezer. Once frozen, draw a design onto the tin, and then pierce holes around the lines of your design using a nail and hammer. Once happy with your design, leave the ice to thaw out and wash off the pen marks.