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Top 10 CSS 3 forms tutorials - HTML5 & CSS3 form HTML5 introduced useful new form elements as such as sliders, numeric spinners and date pickers. This tutorial will show you how to create a form with HTML5, and make it look really cool with CSS3. A great way to get started in both CSS3 and HTML5.» View tutorial CSS3 form without images and JavaScript This tutorial is in French, but the result looks so good that I simply shouldn’t include it on that list. Stylish Contact Form with HTML5 & CSS3 I really love what British web developer Chris Spooner creates. Beautiful CSS3 Search Form Most search forms (Including the one I use on this site!) Prettier Web Form with CSS 3 This pretty simple tutorial will show you how you can create a form using some basic CSS3 properties, such as box-shadow.»

Slick CSS3 Login Form Once again, a simple tutorial to create a simple form using CSS3 but absolutely no images.» Glowform: Amazing CSS3 form Wow! Clean and Stylish CSS3 Form This form is simple, clean and stylish. 10 éléments à intégrer dans des onglets FBML de votre Fan-Page Facebook. Bonjour à toutes et à tous. Cela faisait quelques semaines que je ne vous avais pas parlé de Fan-Pages Facebook sur, et en particulier des onglets personnalisables en FBML. Je souhaiterais aujourd’hui vous proposer quelques fonctionnalités que l’on peut intégrer facilement dans ses pages, grâce à l’application Static FBML. Si vous n’utilisez pas encore cette application, voici un petit tutoriel détaillant les différentes étapes d’installation, ou encore un autre, qui a le mérite d’être illustré et donc probablement plus clair (mais en anglais). Concrètement, un onglet en FBML va vous permettre d’intégrer la majorité des fonctionnalités que l’on retrouve sur une page-web en HTML, si ce n’est qu’une application est requise et que Facebook propose certaines balises dans un langage leur étant propre.

Dans la majeure partie des cas, ces onglets ressemblent à celui présenté ci-dessous. 1. Newsletter commune : Newsletter via Feedburner : 2. Cadre « par nom » : Cadre « par icône » : 3. Design Your Facebook Fan Page With Pagemodo’s WYSIWYG Editor. Using the WYSISYG editor, you can add images and text, select your font, background colours and more. While there are drawbacks to using the free version of Pagemodo, it offers a great opportunity for startups or individuals, but for the serious entrepreneur, one of the paid packages will be more appropriate. If you haven’t already created a Facebook fan page, you can do so here, choosing the category, sub-category and page title. Once you’ve created your page, the next step takes place at Pagemodo. Registering for a free account will of course require you to connect Pagemodo to your Facebook account, allowing access to your basic information, send you email, post to your wall and manage your pages.

With a free account, you can create one branded tab, which will feature a Pagemodo footer. Once you’ve selected your template, click the customize button, and begin to add content. The WYSIWYG editor couldn’t be easier to use. The preview pane makes it easy to see the changes as they are made. [TLK] Like Button. Like button XFBML tutorial Full: Like-button + Language First, set up a new application: 1. Go to: 2. 3. 4. 5. Enter your site domain without in Site Domain , (for example: ) and click on Save Changes 6. 7. Important !

If you update from the old facebook-connect version (using the FeatureLoader.js.php + xd_receiver.htm) Then remove the next scripts from your site code: FB.init("123456789000000000","/xd_receiver.htm"); * And remove the 'xd_receiver.htm' file from your server. Removing the old scripts is important to do because otherwise the new SDK script will not work properly or at all. Important ! If you are using the regular share -botton script: Then you will have problems to also include the new JS SDK on the same page, What to do? O#1 : Move the Javascript ( ... ) to the bottom of your site code right- before/above the ending tag. O#2 : Use the XFBML version: O#3 : Create your own share button (without a counter) visit this post . Catalan. 34 Free & Beautiful xHTML/CSS Templates. NOTE: This post was originally posted on January 12th 2011. However, I still receive requests for quality xhtml templates and these templates remain great quality. Whilst WordPress is hugely prevalent, many designers and amateurs still regularly need a simple html template for their work.

Enjoy! 34 Free & Beautiful xHTML/CSS Templates Nowdays, more and more designers and developers start selling their work for money, and as time goes by less free xhtml/css templates are being released. However there are a small number of authors that really provide great and free templates to the community, which helps cater for the audience of people who aren’t willing to pay for a theme, or simply can’t afford it.

In the following collection, we have gathered an awesome pack of more than thirty beautiful css/html themes, that are absolutely free! Small Business Small Business is a beautiful, elegant and simple but very useful template for persons looking for a free, but awesome xhtml/css template. Mondays. HOW TO: Make the Most of TextMate. The Web Development Series is supported by Rackspace, the better way to do hosting. Learn more about Rackspace's hosting solutions here. For web developers, a key part of the toolkit is a solid text editor. Vi and Emacs wars aside, there are lots of good choices for web developers, ranging from the ultra-sparse to the full-on IDE.

One of the most popular text editors for Mac OS X among coders is TextMate. Despite not receiving many major updates since 2007, TextMate is still a favorite amongst developers, front-end coders and even writers (a few of Mashable's bloggers use TextMate to compose first drafts of blog posts). On its own, TextMate is a good program. With the right add-ons and modifications, however, TextMate can be a dream come true. Install Some Themes Out of the box, TextMate comes with a handful of themes, but there are many more options for your text editing enjoyment.

To install a theme, just double click it. Add Some Plugins Some of my favorite TextMate plugins include: