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Master Your Workday Now ! The 10 Best Productivity Apps of 2011. This has been a hectic year for nearly everyone I know.

The 10 Best Productivity Apps of 2011

Thankfully, technology is one of the best ways to manage an over-active schedule. 2011 has also been a very busy year for app developers, and we’ve seen them churn out productivity apps right and left. But out of all the apps we’ve come across, only 10 shine as the most practical and enjoyable to use, all of which are examples of beautiful design and precise attention to detail. Some of these apps have been growing and improving since 2010, while others are completely brand new this year. Here’s TNW’s list of the 10 best productivity apps of 2011: Evernote Evernote is for anyone with a less than perfect memory who uses a computer, smartphone or tablet. Students use it to keep track of their class notes, teachers use it to store lesson plans, shoppers make shopping lists, travelers plan trips and bloggers write stories.

. ➤ Evernote, Available for nearly everything Dropbox ➤ Dropbox, Available for Mac/PC/Linux and Mobile Sparrow TeuxDeux. The 10 Best Mac Apps of 2011. The Mac App Store launched at the beginning of 2011 and has already surpassed 100 million downloads.

The 10 Best Mac Apps of 2011

The Mac App Store isn't the only place for users to get Mac apps — and not all apps (or publishers) are in the Mac App Store — but the uptake amongst developers and users has been swift. As 2011 comes to a close, we wanted to look at 10 of our favorite Mac App Store apps from its first year of existence. Mac App Store rules and sandboxing policies preclude some worthy apps (namely Parallels Desktop 7) from this list. Additionally, we tried to include apps that had launched in 2011 (or had significant updates in 2011). There are thousands and thousands of apps in the Mac App Store, and we just aren't able to highlight each app we love — so feel free to share your favorites in the comments. GTD (Getting Things Done) – S’organiser pour réussir. Phrase-résumée de « Getting Things Done – S’organiser pour réussir » : Pour être efficace, il est nécessaire d’avoir l’esprit clair comme de l’eau de roche ; pour cela il faut le désencombrer de toutes ses pensées parasites qui viennent nous distraire en permanence, ce qu’il est possible de faire en plaçant dans un système externe automatisé toutes les choses que nous devons ou voulons faire, pour décharger notre cerveau de l’obligation d’y penser – chose qu’il fait mal, sans aucune gestion des priorités et sans la conscience du moment propice pour le faire.

GTD (Getting Things Done) – S’organiser pour réussir

Par David Allen, 272 pages, publié en 2001. Titre original : Getting Things Done : The Art of Stress-Free Productivity Imaginez ce que vous pourriez faire si vous pouviez choisir de vous consacrer pleinement à vos tâches, sans la moindre interruption, pensée parasite, rêverie et autre source de distraction, tout en restant détendu et en pleine possessions de vos moyens.

Le rêve, non ? C’est possible. Espagne. Ou Voiture. 1. 2. 4. 5. Hypster PDA fr.