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Slotomania - Slotomania - Slot Machines. Inspirograph. Unique Word Game - StumbleUpon. Welcome to Improbable Island. MoTD | Log In to see your Distractions | Report a problem | Enquirer - Blogs, Forums and Wiki | Twitter | Improbable Island Merchandise! How did I end up here? It's a question that you must have asked yourself at one point in your life or another. Probably after pulling your head out of the toilet bowl, remembering the little rhyme about drinking wine on top of beer, and then feeling rather poorly again. You might have asked that question while standing naked in the pouring rain holding a coathanger in one hand and a rather large purple sex toy in the other, trying desperately to break into your own car while two policemen stroll up the street towards you. However, this time, you mean it literally. Or rather, you would, if you had gotten around to asking that question. You know that you're lying in grass.

The unmistakable roar of a low-flying jet plane going overhead, and the muffled thumps of explosions in the distance... now, that's not so good. Reluctantly, you open your eyes. Think. Grid Game by Mark James. Adverputt. Amanita Design. Grow Island. Puzzle Pirates. Hello Worlds! The Kingdom of Loathing. Where am I? The Kingdom of Loathing (or KoL, as it has come to be known by its player base) is a free, comical RPG, brought to you by the folks at Asymmetric Publications . KoL is currently in open beta -- it's open to the public to play, but it's not quite finished. More features and things to do are being added on a nearly daily basis. Despite its unfinished state, it has already attracted a thriving community of interesting, intelligent, and helpful players. KoL is, and always will be, free to play, but donations are appreciated and rewarded.

KoL is played from the comfort of your browser, and is adorned with a staggering array of stunning hand-drawn images. An Adventurer is You! Choose from one of six intoxicating character classes, including: Places to go, People to see The Kingdom is broad and deep. Danger! The Kingdom contains scores of terrifying monsters. Fat Loot! Hundreds of usable and equippable items fill the dungeons and wildernesses of the Kingdom, including: Meatloaf Helmet. Main FAQ.

Flash game junk

Fire fluid simulation. Z-Type. DNA/Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Infocom Adventure. History There was a time when computer games didn't have graphics. Or at least they couldn't have graphics and sound at the same time. They certainly couldn't have graphics, sound and enough content to keep even a human being amused for more than a few minutes. So they had text. This was radical - a computer game you could control by typing in commands. Then graphics games came along and the computer using portion of the human race forgot all about 500,000 years of language evolution and went straight back to the electronic equivalent of banging rocks together - the point'n'click game. Something strange has now happened. And now some news ... If you've read this far, congratulations, you clearly have one of the necessary requirements to play the actual game online.

If you don't have Java, then may we suggest the BBC's rather excellent 20th Anniversary Edition? Enjoy! Text Adventure Games | Iron Realms Entertainment. Home :: Dark Legacy :: Multi User Fantasy Text Game.