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Damn You Auto Correct! - Funny iPhone Fails and Autocorrect Horror Stories. Please be kidding... The five stages of incessant pop music. Bottom of an iceberg that just rolled over. Words. Nothing racist going on here. English as a second language... Goats on a roof. 28w0z88_original.jpg (JPEG Image, 1278x1144 pixels) 1602_c8c0.jpeg (JPEG Image, 500x667 pixels) - Scaled (81. Yahoo...Answers? Weird Awesome Stuffs. Top 10 Hilarious Websites Of Human Misery. It’s seems like people have always been hardwired to laugh at the misfortune of others.

It transcends all cultures, nations, and ages. As you read these words, a group of school kids in Hong Kong are peeing their pants laughing at a kid who did a faceplant into a mud puddle, somebody in Paris is guffawing at a guy getting a whifflebat to the crotch, and a grandma in Texas is chuckling under her breath at a cousin who doesn’t know his fly is undone. As long as it isn’t happening to you, personal humiliation can be totally hilarious. Before the Internet, the only way to experience these hilarious events was to be in the right place at the right to time. 10. The biggest retail chain in the world, WalMart offers its customers a wide variety of consumer goods at reasonable prices in convenient locations. 9. Everybody screws up sometimes. 8. For those of you who don’t know it, is a website for people who want to sell their handmade crafts. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. By Geoff Shakespeare. 10 MORE of the Greatest Yearbook Moments of All Time from Look What I Found.

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