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7 Best Haircuts for Curly Hair. We know -- you've pressed, chemically straightened, and probably even begged your curly hair to please, for the love of all that is right in the world, just cooperate. And when it doesn't, you curse it -- and all those straight-haired girls who don't know how easy they have it. But what if we told you it's time to stand up and be proud of your coarse, sometimes unruly mane? Before you start cursing us, here's the good part. We're not suggesting you let your curly hair run amok. Rather, we'll give you the secret to getting the most flattering curly haircut for your specific type of curls. See the 7 best curly haircuts now. Cutting curly hair is tricky business. Most curly-haired girls live in fear of their hair exploding into a frizzy mess. . • Use a moisturizing conditioner when showering.

. • Look for products that have olive oil, coconut oil, and other hydrating ingredients in them. Now that you know how to prep your curly hair, here's how to find the perfect cut and style for you. Organix ® Beauty. Pure & Simple. 6 Beauty Secrets To Steal From Your Grandma (Plus 2 To Skip) The Beauty Brains. Burt's Bees Citrus Facial Scrub by Burt's Bees, Exfoliators, Scrubs Review. Beautyheaven - Reviews. News. How-Tos. Makeupalley - Street Smart Beauty - Homepage. Sally Beauty Supply has hair products, salon supplies, spa supplies, cosmetics, and more! Hot Right Now: The Waterfall Braid.

Skin Deco. Water Marble Tutorial. Supplies: orange stick or... Water Marble Tutorial. Supplies: orange stick or toothpick, shot glass or cup (the smaller the circumference, the less polish you end up wasting), room temp. water, nail polish, tape (optional, but it helps with the clean up) I like to begin by prepping my nails with base coat and one coat of polish. Here I used China Glaze Innocence for a nice neutral base. Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Most importantly, have fun! We would love to see pictures of all your water marbling attempts, so get dipping! Style. Beauty Tips, Product Reviews, and News from Total Beauty. Wacky Beauty Products That Actually Work. It's a weeknight at 2am and you can't sleep. You turn on the TV and see commercials for random beauty products that do everything from "remove calluses" to "automatically tweeze your 'stache.

" They always claim to be miracles, and they never cease to amuse. Skip to see the wacky beauty products that work here. Cut to a lazy Saturday. Fast forward to you, at work, when you have a moment to sneakily read your favorite beauty blog. Alright, enough with the hypothetical situations. Pocket Rocket Lip Gloss. DIY Teeth Whitening. ^riza^ / CC by 2.0 Are you a soda/coffee/tea drinker (guilty, kinda guilty and guilty) lookin’ for a quick and easy way to whiten up those used-to-be pearly whites? Peta2 to the rescue! The magical ingredient in today’s DIY beauty blend is strawberry (have you noticed our fruity theme on the peta2 blog?).

Strawberries contain malic acid which helps remove tooth discoloration. Add a little baking soda into the mix (as a buffer), and BAM—you’ve got yourself a natural tooth whitener! What you’ll need: 1 ripe strawberry1/2 teaspoon of baking soda Mash the strawberry and mix it in with the baking soda. Tags: Beauty. The kitchen spa. Help your skin survive unpredictable weather with these two essential steps: exfoliation and moisturization. Skin-cell buildup leads to dryness, poor circulation and blemishes. Exfoliation eliminates these dead cells, revealing fresh skin that is better able to absorb moisture. And guys, take note: While men’s skin tends to be oilier than women’s, men may be more prone to epidermal dehydration.

Food: Avocado Purpose: Moisturizer The scoop: Loaded with vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as potassium and fat, avocado is the perfect moisturizer. This natural soother is ideal for mature and weather-worn skin, reducing roughness, cracking and irritation. Recipe: Take a spent avocado peel and using gentle upward strokes, lightly massage your face with the inside of the peel. Food: Cucumber The scoop: Cucumbers contain compounds known to tighten pores and reduce inflammation, which is why they’re the classic choice for minimizing puffiness around the eyes. Food: Oatmeal Food: Peach Purpose: Exfoliant. Makeup Magic! Fashion News and Gossip. The actor-turned-artist is at it again! We thought we had seen the very best that Shia LaBeouf had to offer last month when he live-streamed himself sitting through literally every single movie he'd ever been in… but we were wrong.

That's because for his latest piece of performance art, the 29-year-old is currently accepting any and all phone calls at his call center alongside two of his other artist friends. Photos: The Best Reactions From Shia's Movie Marathon! Seriously — his number is +44 (0)151 808 0771!!! (Yes, sadly it's an international line — they're at The Foundation for Art and Creative Technology in Liverpool, England!) For the next 3.5 days, Shia, Nastja Säde Rönkkö, and Luke Turner will be partaking in their piece #TOUCHMYSOUL, where they will be answering any questions while the entire thing gets live-streamed for your entertainment. The only catch is that they'll only be answering questions from 3-10 a.m.

What'll he think up next?? [Image via #TOUCHMYSOUL.] 9 Warm Weather DIY Hair and Skin Care Recipes.