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300 Chinese Foxconn Workers 'Threaten Mass Suicide' At XBox Plant, Reports Claim. Around 300 Chinese workers who manufacture XBox consoles took to a factory roof and threatened bosses with mass suicide over a dispute about pay, unconfirmed reports have claimed.

300 Chinese Foxconn Workers 'Threaten Mass Suicide' At XBox Plant, Reports Claim

The workers were employed at the Foxconn Technology Park in Wuhan in Hubei province. Foxconn is an independent, global manufacturing partner to companies including Apple, Microsoft and Sony. Microsoft said on Wednesday that it is investigating the incident. According to unverified reports emerging from anti-government Chinese news websites, about 300 workers took to the roof of the Taiwanese-owned factory on 2 January to protest against their employers. Those reports have sinced been repeated by websites including Kotaku, but neither Foxconn or Microsoft has yet confirmed the incident took place. Elium Studio - - global & industrial des. Edward Burtynsky [ Photographic Works ]