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Agences de presse spécialisées

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AEF, Agence de presse ESR française. Student Science. DigiSchool, Actualité pour les étudiants., Science & technology for global development news & analysis. Agence Science-Presse.

AlphaGalileo. Futura-Sciences. ScienceDaily. I N F O R M N A U K A, Agence de presse scientifique russe. Informnauka is a science news agency formed in September 1999.

The aim of the agency is to keep journalists informing of science-related events and research progress in Russia. Information presented by Informnauka is used for publication by many Russian national newspapers, journals, TV and radio companies. Informnauka was established by "Chemistry and Life" , a magazine of popular science with thirty-five year history. Informnauka has connections with research groups in academic institutions, state research centers and universities all over the Russian Federation and CIS countries.

Our reporters, who have higher education and working experience in science, write about the latest research findings in science, medicine, technology, health, and social sciences. We send a free newsletter with titles and abstracts to everybody who is interested, a full-text news stories - to our subscribers. Yours sincerely, Lubov Strelnikova Editor-in-chief.