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Arnac-la-Poste. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Ses habitants sont appelés les Arnacois[1]. Petite commune du nord de la Haute-Vienne. Cette cité possède un des meilleurs exemples d'église fortifiée du nord du département, l'église Saint-Martial du XIIe siècle fortifiée au XVe siècle (Guerre de Cent Ans). Elle possède des contreforts surmontés d'échauguettes cylindriques et conserve un reliquaire émaillé du XIIIe siècle. Une tour carrée, munie de créneaux et de mâchicoulis est l'unique témoin de l'existence d'une muraille qui faisait de l'église un véritable fort. La commune est également connue pour son nom burlesque et fait à ce titre partie de l'Association des communes de France aux noms burlesques et chantants.

Géographie[modifier | modifier le code] Situation de la commune d'Arnac-la-Poste en Haute-Vienne. Les communes qui l'entourent sont Saint-Hilaire-la-Treille, Saint-Sulpice-les-Feuilles et Saint-Maurice-la-Souterraine[2]. Toponymie[modifier | modifier le code] Toi meme ! (Une fois n’est pas coutume, je vais éviter...) Le Labo sous l’eau vu par -Boulet- (et récap’ du FestiblogBD2006) Le week-end dernier, se tenait à Paris, cour Saint-Emilion (Bercy), le Festiblog2006, 2ème édition. Je n'avais pas pu me libérer l'année dernière et m'étais promis de le faire la prochaine fois, ce fut chose faite : j'y suis donc allé, le dimanche, avec ShadowMoon.

Il y'avait pas mal de monde, plus que l'année dernière apparemment, le bouche à oreille ayant bien fait son effet. Bref, j'eu l'occasion de voir et/ou de rencontrer quelques auteurs de BD car comme il y'avait beaucoup de monde et de queue à faire, c'était pas trop trop possible de voir tout ces auteurs/dessinateurs... :-/ Bref, je vous raconte et je vous montre tout ça en photo dans la suite du billet, si ça vous intéresse, ne serait-ce que pour voir comment -Boulet- imagine "Le Labo sous l'eau" à sa manière...

(et franchement ça vaut le coup d'oeil. Merci encore Boulet !) Puisque je suis ce qu'il fait depuis un peu plus d'un an, assidûment. Rencontre avec -Boulet- donc et dédicaces. Cliquez sur la miniature pour l'ouvrir. Connexe. French Scientists Crack Secrets of Mona Lisa. White iPhone 4 delay: the challenges faced by Apple's glass supplier. This almost goes without saying, but it's truly been a wild ride for the iPhone 4 over the last three weeks. While most of us will just happily open our hands to Stevie J's freebies, there's one question that's still bugging us: what's actually holding back the white iPhone 4? Sure, Apple's now promised us an "end of July" delivery for its latest iTemptation, but it has yet to specify what the manufacturing difficulty is. According to Chinese newspaper 21st Century Business Herald, the problem stems from a little-known Chinese factory by the name of Lens Technology, which is apparently responsible for transforming fine raw glass into the majority of iPhone glass panels out there (and contrary to previous reports, there's no mention of Corning here).

Read on to find out what's causing our invisible hero to stall. Even if Apple does deliver the new batch of phones on the promised date, what about meeting the potential huge demand? Comments. Commandez votre Big Mac sur Internet. Apple Will Not Recall: "Wait For IPhone 5" | Apple | Iphone 4 | Recall | Tech Talk.

Apple Will Not Recall: "Wait For IPhone 5" Christer Holloman July 14, 2010 10:50 AM There you have it, end of discussion – Apple will not recall their phones because I and every management accountant in their head office says so, it will simply be too expensive. It has been confirmed by a number of independent sources by now that Apple indeed has a self-inflicted hardware fault on its new iPhone, causing some phones to drop reception if the antenna gets covered. To fix the problem they will have to redesign the entire phone to find a new place to stick the antenna. This means potentially sourcing new parts, create new design moulds, re-code factory robots and before you know it’s the summer of 2011 and the phone is called iPhone 5.

Ironically, the most recent study to confirm the antenna issue was carried out by the American equivalent of Which? But it concludes at the end of its report that the iPhone 4 is still the best available phone on the market. So, people will still buy it. Cliffhanger (fin ouverte) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le « cliffhanger » (expression anglophone) ou le suspens[1] ou l'accroche désigne, dans la terminologie des œuvres de fiction, un type de fin ouverte visant à créer un fort suspense.

On dira qu’il y a cliffhanger quand un récit s’achève avant son dénouement, à un point crucial de l’intrigue, quitte à laisser un personnage dans une situation difficile, voire périlleuse. Ce type de fin, très fréquent dans les feuilletons, implique souvent que le récit en question ait une suite (d'ailleurs, on voit parfois les mots « à suivre »). Le mot cliffhanger signifie « personne suspendue à une falaise », ce qui est un exemple emblématique de ce genre de situation : « Le personnage est pris au piège, il est en danger : va-t-il s'en sortir ?

Vous le saurez dans le prochain épisode ! » Littérature[modifier | modifier le code] Outre les romans-feuilletons, le cliffhanger se retrouve également dans certains romans contemporains. Exclusif ! On a retrouvé le coiffeur de MacGyver ! Tiens ! J't'en foutrai moi des prunes ! Mais des bonnes... ;) | TweetPhoto.

144 000. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. 144 000 (cent quarante-quatre mille) est un nombre positif. Plusieurs mouvements religieux lui accordent une signification particulière. Pour le christianisme, le nombre est éminemment symbolique. Il est utilisé dans l'Apocalypse de Jean (Ch.7) pour indiquer le nombre (symboliquement complet) des élus.

Les 12 tribus d'Israël de 12 000 membres chacun seront les « serviteurs marqués du sceau divin ». Dans le calendrier maya, 144 000 jours correspondent à un cycle de temps nommé baktun. Ce nombre a également une signification dans le courant New Age. Les 144 000 Élus et les Anges retenant les Vents. Le passage qui évoque les 144 000 est dans l'Apocalypse de Jean : 7:1- Après quoi je vis quatre Anges, debout aux quatre coins de la terre, retenant les quatre vents de la terre pour qu'il ne soufflât point de vent, ni sur la terre, ni sur la mer, ni sur aucun arbre. Portail de l’arithmétique et de la théorie des nombres. How to price a home. How To Price A Home A home will sell for two reasons: price and exposure. In the real estate market for the 21st century, exposure has taken a new turn with the advancement of many Internet technologies for real estate.

Be it as it may, the real estate industry’s new exposure tools will not help a home sell if the home is not priced correctly. When considering putting your home up for sale, it is very important to first analyze your real estate market on a subdivision level, not a metro-area level, to derive the features and amenities that are driving the value in your neighborhood. You must then establish a pricing strategy in accordance with your financial and timing needs. Identifying Selling Needs No two real estate transactions in today’s world are identical. Always focus on your timing needs first. Are you going to need a certain amount of equity after closing on your home? Understanding Your Local Market The next step to selling your home is to make sure that you have leverage.

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How do people ride these deathtraps? | TweetPhoto. MATT DAUGHTERS PHOTOGRAPHY » Welcome to @shihik "Event organizer, event contractor, event concept production, event consultant". / Je fais ce que j'ai dit ici : ! ;) Par contre, pour les petits malins, y'a pas de tour de manège en suppl. gratos ! ;-P. Acquire Cash While Building Your Own Quality Downline. IM + Email + Social Networks. Jocélio Viana. How to be prepared for your angel investor. Incredible Examples of Snowflake Photography. Although the web is a great place to look for quick inspiration for a project, nothing can beat going on a long walk in nature. The summer brings us sunny days, fields full of crops and plenty of insects and wildlife, whereas the winter brings us rain, icy roads and snow. When Christmas comes around we often find people looking at plastic tree decorations saying “snowflakes don’t look like that!”. That, of course, is where they are all wrong. With a decent camera and zoom or macro lens, things we wouldn’t normally pay too much attention to become a complete world in themselves, making them a magnificent source of inspiration for artists and designers all over the world.

Below we have collected some incredible close-up/macro shots of snowflakes to really get the arty-side of you in full flow this Christmas season. Compiled exclusively for WDD by Callum Chapman, a freelance designer from Cambridge, UK. What did you think of these photos? | News for Entrepreneurs. Is Google at Risk of Becoming the Next Microsoft? Editor’s note: Is the law of large numbers getting to Google?

Innovation is hard, especially when a new idea needs to create billions of dollars in revenue for it to count. In the the following guest post, author and former venture capitalist Peter Sims talks about the challenges Google faces not to suffer the same fate as every other dominant tech company before it. Sims is co-author of True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership with Bill George. His next book, Little Bets, will be published next spring. In late April, JP Morgan invited me to a “thought leaders dinner” to discuss the latest goings on in Silicon Valley and digital media. Anyhow, after about an hour and a few glasses wine, Jimmy raised the main question he was curious about: “I want to know from each of you: which company would you go long on and which would you short?”

I, too, was surprised. Product manager candidates, for example, are told they must have computer science degrees from top universities. Messageworks. The Hybrid Theory Manifesto: The Future of Marketing, Advertising, and Communications Part Two. InShare0 Part Two of Three In the book Engage! , I use music as a metaphor for the business approach necessary to execute socialized programs flawlessly. I suggest that today, many organizations approach new media with the style of jazz improvisationalists. A conductor who possess social prowess and business savvy is necessary to creating and managing a holistic social media program that extends from the top down, from the center outward, from the bottom up, and also from the outside in.The quest to find the conductor and the members of the orchestra rekindle the debate to who owns social media.

Again, a hybrid approach is essential. Advertising Must Look Beyond Madison Ave. Advertising, along with every form of marketing, communications, and service, is not immune to the radical changes that amount to nothing less than the complete transformation of business and culture. This view is as extreme as it is dire. From Campaign to Continuum The Death of CPM and CPC and the Birth of Resonance.

Découvrir WordPress et ses extensions (plugins) en français... sur How To Make Sure People Will Remember Your Ideas — Zachary Burt's Blog. Welcome to - business social networking and community marketing site. The Creativity Crisis. Back in 1958, Ted Schwarzrock was an 8-year-old third grader when he became one of the “Torrance kids,” a group of nearly 400 Minneapolis children who completed a series of creativity tasks newly designed by professor E.

Paul Torrance. Schwarzrock still vividly remembers the moment when a psychologist handed him a fire truck and asked, “How could you improve this toy to make it better and more fun to play with?” He recalls the psychologist being excited by his answers. In fact, the psychologist’s session notes indicate Schwarzrock rattled off 25 improvements, such as adding a removable ladder and springs to the wheels. The accepted definition of creativity is production of something original and useful, and that’s what’s reflected in the tests.

Nobody would argue that Torrance’s tasks, which have become the gold standard in creativity assessment, measure creativity perfectly. The potential consequences are sweeping. Now the brain must evaluate the idea it just generated. : Ben Fon. Why teens love to sink their teeth into vampire books, movies. Evgeni Plushenko - Sex Bomb. TechSmith |, online video sharing, 2010-07-15_1643. Comme ya pas le multitâche il faut le faire seul ! | TweetPhoto.