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Law Firm Of Pepper Hamilton LLP | Home. Team - MassGlobalParnters. Christa brings more than 25 years of experience in building global relationships – working in executive management roles in both the public and private sector Executive Director, Massachusetts Office of International Trade & Investment, managing teams in Boston, China, Europe and Latin AmericaOversaw 50 projects from 19 countries, leading to investment flows exceeding $200MMLed E.U. sponsored tech transfer project (6 E.U. regions+MA/40 Bio companies/200 meetings) Initiated formal collaborations to promote life science partnerships with regions/countries including Lombardy; Chile; Life Science Corridor, France; Haifa, Israel; China & othersEstablished Massachusetts Technology Center in China’s largest Hi-Tech park, supporting university, public and private sector collaborations between China and MassachusettsManaging Director/Group Head at Banc of America Securities and predecessor institutionsBoard of German American Business Council, immediate past Chair of Eastern Trade Council.

Attorneys & Lawyers for Boston & Providence - Burns & Levinson. PKJLaw. Hubtech21, Opens markets for technologies » Home. Frais d'inscription: les flux d'étudiants étrangers en Grande-Bretagne vont-ils se tarir ? English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary. How Will You Measure Your Life? Editor’s Note: When the members of the class of 2010 entered business school, the economy was strong and their post-graduation ambitions could be limitless. Just a few weeks later, the economy went into a tailspin. They’ve spent the past two years recalibrating their worldview and their definition of success. The students seem highly aware of how the world has changed (as the sampling of views in this article shows).

In the spring, Harvard Business School’s graduating class asked HBS professor Clay Christensen to address them—but not on how to apply his principles and thinking to their post-HBS careers. The students wanted to know how to apply them to their personal lives. He shared with them a set of guidelines that have helped him find meaning in his own life. Before I published The Innovator’s Dilemma, I got a call from Andrew Grove, then the chairman of Intel. When I finished the minimill story, Grove said, “OK, I get it. I’ve thought about that a million times since. How to Sell an Idea to Your Boss - Roberto Verganti - The Conversation. By Roberto Verganti | 9:01 AM August 30, 2010 “My problem is not how to be innovative. My team often comes up with interesting ideas.

But when we introduce them to top executives, they always turn them down. How can I convince my boss to invest in our ideas?” The question — asked at the end of a seminar on innovation at a major IT firm — did not surprise me. One of the hardest challenges for creative people — especially those working in units such as R&D, design, or marketing — is how to win top management’s support for their ideas. The solution to this problem is to have your boss onboard long before the idea comes up. Therefore, avoid situations in which you have to sell an innovative idea to your boss. Instead, start the interaction with senior executives earlier in the innovation process: Get an endorsement to investigate a business challenge.

I’m not implying that if you follow these steps, the idea that you ultimately propose will or should be accepted. The Biggest Mistake a Leader Can Make - Video. Four Mistakes Leaders Keep Making. The Idea in Brief Four behaviors deeply rooted in the managerial psyche block organizational change: 1. Failing to set proper expectations. Leaders announce shifts in goals or direction without spelling out specifics, saying who’s accountable, or setting clear deadlines. 2. 3. 4. Managers can best avoid these traps through small personal experiments that minimize risk and offer early payback. For example: Faced with an unacceptable rate of late shipments, an operations VP at an aluminum company organized and conducted a “model week,” during which 100% of orders would ship on time. The 50 years I’ve worked with business leaders have been marked by a dizzying rate of economic, social, and environmental change.

Deeply rooted in the managerial psyche, the traps are extremely difficult to recognize because they are almost always mechanisms for avoiding anxiety. Behavior Trap 1: Failing to Set Proper Expectations. A Simpler Way to Make It Simple - Michael Schrage. By Michael Schrage | 1:45 PM September 1, 2010 Before rolling out an enterprise innovation, Tesco (the UK’s supremely innovative supermarketer) insists that it must meet three conditions.

The first is that innovation must in some way be better for customers; second is that it should ultimately prove cheaper for Tesco; and, finally, the innovation must make things simpler for staff. While doing work with the company a decade ago, I quickly found Tesco’s innovators had little trouble arguing their proposals would be better for customers and successfully take costs out of the firm. That was the easy part. What killed roughly half of Tesco’s innovation ideas was the stubborn challenge of simpler for staff. Innovation champions are great at selling visionary benefits and kneading numbers just so. The most important thing I learned wasn’t how the supermarket giant made innovations simpler to understand and use. This may seem astonishingly obvious.

Who should be held accountable for that? Harvard Business Review Case Studies, Articles, Books.