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Projet CX - P2P (02) Basic Income etc

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100 Women in P2P: Jean Russell. Theconversation. The year 2011 is widely viewed as the peak of protest and dissent in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis and the austerity agenda that followed it.


It was the year of the Arab Spring, Occupy, UK Uncut, indignados, urban riots and anti-austerity and tuition fee protests – and in which Time magazine famously named “The Protester” as its person of the year. Yet in the UK, protests continue to occur at a rate rarely seen prior to the global economic crisis in 2008. Indeed, 2015 seems to have confirmed the suggestion, made at the beginning of the year, that 2011 was “really only just the beginning”.

Markets in the next system - The Next System Project. Markets before capitalism In her seminal work “The Origin of Capitalism,” the late scholar Ellen Meiksins Wood took on the credo that “capitalism emerged when the market was liberated from age-old constraints and when, for one reason or another, opportunities for trade expanded.”

Markets in the next system - The Next System Project

Plan C. Moi dit : 30 décembre 2009 à 15:37.

Plan C

Not Something Else. France is introducing laws “requiring all of the nation’s “collective restaurants” (school cafeterias, hospital cafeterias, senior living communities, prisons and other state institutions) to source at least 40 percent of their food locally”.

Not Something Else

“In addition to being locally sourced, the food served must be in season, organically grown and certified ecologically sustainable”. This post inspired by: New Law Could Change France’s Food System for the Better Photo: A new law requiring state institutions to source 40 percent of their food locally could revitalize rural French economies. Credit: Ownership unknown. An update on discussions around complementary currencies. An update on discussions and controversies, by Ruby Van der Wekken, who attended the Economics and the Commons Conference in Berlin, in May 2013, and the complementary currency conference in Hague, in June 2013 (see also (go to the original for the links) Money as debt shaping our relations.

An update on discussions around complementary currencies

Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons: Exec. Summary and Full Report. Strategies for Transforming Neoliberal Finance Through Commons-Based Alternatives By David Bollier and Pat Conaty.

Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons: Exec. Summary and Full Report

A Report on a Commons Strategies Group Workshop in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation. Berlin, Germany / September 8-10, 2015 Download this Executive Summary as a PDF. “Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons: Strategies for Transforming Neoliberal Finance Through Commons-Based Alternatives,” Download the full 54 page report here (PDF) 30 maps to help local change-makers and community organisers. Mapping a community’s needs and resources is one of the first things that many community groups do, when beginning their journey into local change-making.

30 maps to help local change-makers and community organisers

See also this post from the Transition Network that positions community mapping within the context of lots of other “ingredients” needed for community change-making (The term ‘ingredients’ is the Transition term for patterns in pattern language). Listed below are mainly UK maps and some global ones. There are maps that locate Timebanks, Cooperatives, community assets and community groups as well as local producers, growers or retailers, independent businesses of all kinds, organics, places for foraging and permaculture projects. There are also some great maps on regional soil types or wind speeds, cycle routes or typical farming, the potential for sea level rise and there’s even a bunch on local statistics maps with figures for things like economic trade and many more.

My Farm Food. Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons: Exec. Summary and Full Report. An update on discussions around complementary currencies. The Seven Stages of Establishment Backlash: Corbyn/Sanders Edition. The British political and media establishment incrementally lost its collective mind over the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the country’s Labour Party, and their unravelling and implosion shows no signs of receding yet.

The Seven Stages of Establishment Backlash: Corbyn/Sanders Edition

Bernie Sanders is nowhere near as radical as Corbyn: they are not even in the same universe. But, especially on economic issues, Sanders is a more fundamental, systemic critic than the oligarchical power centers are willing to tolerate, and his rejection of corporate dominance over politics, and corporate support for his campaigns, is particularly menacing. He is thus regarded as America’s version of a far-left extremist, threatening establishment power. Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn speaks during Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons, (Photo: PA Wire/AP) A P2P future — a thousand tomorrows. A P2P future Note: back in 2006, I interviewed Michel Bauwens of the P2P Foundation for Pantopicon’s blog “a thousand tomorrows”.

A P2P future — a thousand tomorrows

By popular request, I hereby repost the original interview as the blog meanwhile went offline. Inhabitat - Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building. A new report envisions a nightmare scenario in which just three climate change-driven disasters could lead to global food shock, resulting in food riots as the price of basic crops skyrockets and stock markets experience significant losses.

Inhabitat - Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building

The risk assessment, which was produced by insurer Lloyd’s of London—with support from the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and vetted by academics from a number of institutions—shows just how close humanity may be to catastrophic collapse by mid-century unless significant changes are made to slow global warming.

The scenario posited in the report looks at what would happen if there were three simultaneous disasters; specifically a heat wave in South America, an explosion of windblown wheat stern rust pathogen across Russia and a particularly strong El Niño southern oscillation cycle—all perfectly plausible events given current climate trends. Réformer la comptabilité privée pour réformer le capitalisme - Chroniques de l'Anthropocène. La comptabilité d’entreprise, telle que nous la connaissons aujourd’hui a été codifiée au Moyen-Age[1] pour représenter le patrimoine des propriétaires de l’entreprise et son évolution.

Elle est née à une époque où la terre et les ressources naturelles sont considérées de fait comme infinie. The tube at a standstill: why TfL stopped people walking up the escalators. On 4 December last year, the London Underground ingested 4,821,000 passengers and spat them out at their destinations, and in doing so set a new record for a single day. If you paused to contemplate this for a moment, you might think of all those Oyster cards tapping, all those doors sliding, all those people moving, consider whatever mad visionary first thought of demolishing houses to dig holes in the ground to put trains in, and conclude that a subterranean public transport network is a small miracle.

Most of the time, though, commuters don’t pause, and don’t conclude anything of the sort. Economic Calculation (3): Can Distributed Energy Metering Be Considered as a Commons? Economic Calculation (3): Can Distributed Energy Metering Be Considered as a Commons? Michel Bauwens 23rd January 2016. Pour un processus destituant : invitation au voyage. Depuis quelques jours, on perçoit dans les cendres de la gauche quelques lueurs rougeoyantes : les réticences sur la déchéance de la nationalité française et l’appel à une primaire pour l’élection présidentielle à venir.

P2P Thermodynamics working group distribution list

Scholz platformcooperativism 2016. Petite plateforme coop et ses bonnes fées : 6 vœux à exaucer pour en faire notre future Pachamama… Petite plateforme coop et ses bonnes fées : 6 vœux à exaucer pour en faire notre future Pachamama nourricière. Platform Cooperativism vs. the Sharing Economy. The backlash against unethical labor practices in the “collaborative sharing economy” has been overplayed. Recently, The Washington Post, New York Times and others started to rail against online labor brokerages like Taskrabbit, Handy, and Uber because of an utter lack of concern for their workers. At the recent Digital Labor conference, my colleague McKenzie Wark proposed that the modes of production that we appear to be entering are not quite capitalism as classically described. We are Commons, Blockchain, Platform Coop. Reprendre le contrôle pour un monde plus humain. 10 principes pour que l’esprit des coopératives retrouve ses vertus d’alternative dans l’économie…

10 principes pour que l’esprit des coopératives retrouve ses vertus d’alternative dans l’économie digitale. L’un des problèmes du travail au XXIème siècle est l’absence d’alternatives réalistes. Blog. Platform Cooperativism. = concept and practice suggested by Trebor Scholz, in the article: "Platform Cooperativism vs. the Sharing Economy" [1] Excerpted : " Worker–owned cooperatives could design their own apps-based platforms, fostering truly peer-to-peer ways of providing services and things " ... of ongoing projects: Platform Cooperativism vs. the Sharing Economy. The backlash against unethical labor practices in the “collaborative sharing economy” has been overplayed. Recently, The Washington Post, New York Times and others started to rail against online labor brokerages like Taskrabbit, Handy, and Uber because of an utter lack of concern for their workers.

At the recent Digital Labor conference, my colleague McKenzie Wark proposed that the modes of production that we appear to be entering are not quite capitalism as classically described. We are Commons, Blockchain, Platform Coop. Reprendre le contrôle pour un monde plus humain. Les insectes pollinisateurs, facteur le plus déterminant des rendements agricoles. Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Martine Valo Un tiers de l’alimentation mondiale dépend de la faune pollinisatrice. Remise en cause des 35 heures : Anne Hidalgo dénonce « un débat du XXe siècle » « Voilà encore un débat du XXe siècle qu’on vient nous poser sur la table. » La maire de Paris, Anne Hidalgo (PS), a critiqué dimanche 24 janvier la volonté du ministre de l’économie, Emmanuel Macron, de remettre en cause les 35 heures. Lire le contexte : Emmanuel Macron prêt à mettre fin « de facto » aux 35 heures.

Eco Thermo

Interview with Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval on the Politics of the Common. Michel Bauwens (avec Jean Lievens), Sauver le monde. Vers une économie post-capitaliste avec le peer-to-peer, Paris, Éditions Les Liens qui libèrent, 2015, 268 p. Entretien bonus de "L'urgence de ralentir" / Mobilisations militantes 4. Comment la société produit des métiers «inutiles» L'ère de la bureaucratie prédatrice - David Graeber. News and perspectives on the commons. Can We Do It Ourselves? A swedish documentary on economic democracy.

Communs - Dardot Laval

Research Methdolology - FLOK Society (EN) Untitled. Rue89.nouvelobs. Wall Street: 99% des échanges n’apportent rien à l’économie et même aux investisseurs. Histoire du management : « L’efficacité devient une fin en soi » Uniting the Dispossessed. Making Poverty History. Mapping thinkers beyond the capitalist paradigm. Free Culture Forum 2015. How to put an end to the urban commons and “sharing” once and for all.

Lendosphere : crowdfunding et développement durable. Work - Employement - Digital technology : The new trajectories. Steve Israel: Confessions of a Congressman. The *My Basic Income* Project. Pourquoi le revenu universel n'est pas pour demain en France. Pourquoi le revenu universel n'est pas pour demain en France. Postcapitalism by Paul Mason, review: 'deeply misguided' PostCapitalism: A Guide to our Future. Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty, review. Addressing sustainability in research on distributed production: An integrated literature review.

Anticipated environmental sustainability of personal fabrication. PostCapitalism by Paul Mason review – a worthy successor to Marx? Rencontre avec Delphine Batho sur le revenu de base. La nature du capital : un entretien avec Jason W. Moore. Communist Revisionism and the Evolutionary Vision. Sign In. 'The Singularity & Socialism' - An Interview With Author C. James Townsend. Ce soir ou Jamais ! Cop 21 : quelle énergie aurons nous le droit d'utiliser ? - 4/12/2015 Download. Les unités de mesure de l'énergie : Joule, tep, kWh, etc.

Connaissance des énergies : infos pétrole,énergie renouvelable,photovoltaïque. Consommation d'énergie finale et primaire dans le monde : chiffres clés et explications. Tableau - 5.201D - Dépense de consommation finale des ménages par produit à prix courants (En milliards d'euros) Comptes nationaux annuels. Tableau - 2.201 - Consommation finale effective des ménages par fonction à prix courants (En milliards d'euros)

Thinking about the common with Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval. Translated Interview – Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval: “The challenge of the politics of the common is to move from representation to participation” Commun - Pierre DARDOT, Christian LAVAL. Key Research Paper Summaries Germane to Holistic Management. Copy of Planning, re-planning and coordination - Google Docs.

‘Collaborative Economy Honeycomb’ quickly expands from 6 to 12 industries and other verticals. RAPPORT anglais. RAPPORT francais. Quantifying the Sharing Economy - Survey. P2P and Marxism III — The limits of P2P. The sharing economy: if you can’t beat it, join it. Fast Company. P2P and Marxism III — The limits of P2P. Guns, Germs, and Steel. De l'inégalité parmi les sociétés. The Matrix of Economic Evolution. Economic Evolution. The Red and the Black. Economic Calculation Problem. How Sustainable is Digital Fabrication? Thermodynamic Perspectives on the Role of Technology in the Circular Economy. RammeltCrisp68. Fifth Structure Emergence in Economics.