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Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc. The Process - Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre EL PROCESO de desarrollo de aplicaciones web - Learn HTML5 in 5 Minutes! I’ll cover the new semantic markup, canvas for drawing and animation, audio and video support, and how to use HTML5 with older browsers.

Learn HTML5 in 5 Minutes!

Might be a bit more than five minutes, but I promise I’ll keep it quick. Stick with me ... it’ll be worth it! Semantic Markup and Page Layout There’s a great story about a university who, when building their campus, didn’t create any walking paths. They just planted grass and waited. A year later, the grass was all worn out where people walked most frequently. It makes perfect sense! The HTML5 new semantic elements were based on that exact same logic (see the W3C design guidance to “Pave the Cowpaths”).

Semantic elements describe their meaning or purpose clearly to the browser and to the developer. Developers commonly use IDs and/or class names with these <div> tags. In HTML5, there are new semantically rich elements that can convey the purpose of the element to both developers and browsers. Here are a few of the new semantic elements in HTML5: <! <! Audio. Free Website Builder - Moonfruit - Total website design control. How To Build a Modern Website in 2011 - Tom Milway - Blog. How To Build a Modern Website in 2011 Over the past 12 months I’ve been on a self-imposed quest for knowledge.

How To Build a Modern Website in 2011 - Tom Milway - Blog

We’re at a changing - almost revolutionary - point with the web as I (start) writing this on November 1st, 2011. Here’s why: Uncertainty We as web designers have been trying to impose constraints on the inherently fluid and uncertain web for many years now. Now our users are viewing our work on a myriad of different devices, screen sizes and operating systems. So, with that said, I’m going to throw my hat in the ring, roll up my sleeves and say how I think it should be done. Mobile First, Responsive Design Our current bastion of strength for all that is right and sexy on the front-end is the mobile-first, responsive technique. Mobile-First Day one, ground zero, the first step. Earlier this year Luke Wroblewski also authored a book entitled Mobile First, and within its 123 pages contain the principles of designing for mobile first, ahead of the desktop.

Content First. The Most Important Parts of HTML5 « searching for signal. Or Why <video> and <audio> are Boring or The New Web Platform or An Introduction to HTML5 A Little Perspective The Birth of the Web 20 years ago today (Aug 6th, 1991), Tim Berners-Lee released the World Wide Web on the world while working at CERN.

The Most Important Parts of HTML5 « searching for signal

The initial browser could render documents written in HyperText Markup Language (HTML). WorldWideWeb Browser Running on a NeXT System The Rise of the Web In the next 10 years "the Web" exploded in terms of innovation, standardization (Footnote 1), number of users, browsers (installs and variations), web servers (installs and variations), and economic impact. The Fall of the Web At the turn of the century, Web innovation slowed due to the emergence of Microsoft's Internet Explorer as a near monopoly in the web browser market. The Rise of the Web (Again) In the last three years there has been a new explosion of Web innovation.

Web Browser Market Share (Wikimedia) W3C HTML5 is Boring W3C HTML5 is Important. HTML5 TUTORIAL. Discover the F12 developer tools in IE9. HTML 5 Tutorial.