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Ultimate Guide to Getting Started With Guitarix. What is Guitarix?

Ultimate Guide to Getting Started With Guitarix

Guitarix is a modular, virtual amplifier for Linux. With Guitarix you can choose different preamp and amp models, combine them with various effects and speaker cabinet emulations to come up with your very own tones. Guitarix comes as a standalone application but its modules are also available in the LV2 plugin format, which you can incorporate into your DAW of choice. Furthermore, it can even be run headless, so you can turn a Raspberry Pi, or any other such devices, into a dedicated amp modeler.

Libre Music Production. Things have been moving along for the Guitarix project lately.

Libre Music Production

First of all, they have a new website/forum theme. Also, their website now has a new domain at, while the source code is still hosted at sourceforge. Hermann Meyer has recently been working on pedal simulations generated from schematic files, using Guitarix's Ampsim Toolkit. Guitarix - GNU/Linux Virtual Amplifier. Guitarix. GRasPi, un ampli guitare qui tourne avec une Raspberry Pi et Guitarix ! Guitarix vous connaissez ?

GRasPi, un ampli guitare qui tourne avec une Raspberry Pi et Guitarix !

Il s’agit d’une application OpenSource tournant sous Linux qui permet de créer un amplificateur de guitare électrique totalement virtuel. Une de ces machines qui créent des effets sonores logiciellement en analysant et en déformant le son. Totalement libre, l’application tourne parfaitement bien sous Raspbian, le système d’exploitation de la Pi. Cela a donné l’idée à un ingénieux développeur Italien de créer GRasPi.