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Good Governance: Do Boards Need Cyber Security Experts? In today’s digital world, with near-instantaneous conveyance of information and data, cyber-events could (and routinely do) rapidly impact brand and shareholder value.

Good Governance: Do Boards Need Cyber Security Experts?

While opinions differ on the need for cybersecurity experts on certain boards, there is a general consensus among management, boards, and investors alike that this need is growing. Given this trend, I spent time with Bob Zukis. Bob is the founder and CEO of the Digital Directors Network, professor of Management and Organization at the USC Marshall School of Business, retired PwC Advisory Partner, and author and speaker on digital governance and the impact of disruptive technology on business strategy. We spoke about what companies can do to minimize cyber threats. U.S. data breaches and exposed records 2018. Federal budget to spend up to $1 billion on cybersecurity.

Next week's federal budget is expected to make a significant investment in building up Canada's cyber defences and encouraging tech firms and talented programmers to work with the federal government, CBC News has learned.

Federal budget to spend up to $1 billion on cybersecurity

Several government sources say up to $1 billion has been requested by federal departments to address a growing number of cybersecurity issues across multiple departments and agencies. Details about which departments will get funding and where the money will be spent are still being ironed out. Federal ministers will be briefed on the exact allocations on Sunday, said sources familiar with the requests across multiple departments. A major portion of the money will go to fund a long-overdue update of the National Cyber Security Strategy, first introduced by the former Conservative government in 2010.

The revised strategy will not be in the budget itself. New money coming to protect 2019 election Fighting the brain drain in the tech sector Made-in-Canada security solutions. Marketing Firm Exactis Leaked a Personal Info Database With 340 Million Records. The 18 biggest data breaches of the 21st century. Not long ago, a breach that compromised the data of a few million people would have been big news. Now, breaches that affect hundreds of millions or even billions of people are far too common. About 3.5 billion people saw their personal data stolen in the top two of 15 biggest breaches of this century alone.

The smallest incident on this list involved the data of a mere 134 million people. CSO compiled this list of the biggest 21st Century breaches using simple criteria: The number of people whose data was compromised. Home Depot Agrees to Data Breach Settlement With Banks. Data Breach: Yahoo Agrees to $50 Million Settlement for Those Affected. PDF: Understand and Assess Risk White Paper. PDF: cyberattacks and cybersecurity. Digital Risk Calculator. Responding to a Breach. If You Can't Secure It, Don't Connect It. On February 15, 2018, the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics’ Business, Internet, and Technology Ethics Programs held back-to-back panels about cybersecurity ethics.

If You Can't Secure It, Don't Connect It

The event was sponsored by the Ethics Center’s Partners in Business Ethics. Panelists: Sri Athi Vasudevan, Executive Director at EY Cybersecurity: Emerging Technologies Center of ExcellenceBrian Gin, Director of Legal Services at CiscoJeff Klaben, Chief Information Security Officer, SRI International The panel was moderated by Irina Raicu, Director of Internet Ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.

Mark Zuckerberg tapes up his webcam. Today, as Instagram celebrated reaching 500 million monthly users, Mark Zuckerberg posted a photo of himself enjoying the moment.

Mark Zuckerberg tapes up his webcam

But after he did, some sharp observers noticed another detail: the laptop on his desk, which seems to have a webcam wrapped up with tape. Zuckerberg is apparently paranoid enough about hackers that he took the extra security step, in a move to shut down any prying eyes savvy enough to gain control of the camera. There also appears to be some sort of obstruction on his mic jack, although it's unclear what — tape, or some kind of dummy plug? Tough Challenges in Cybersecurity Ethics.

Ethics — moral principles that govern a person’s behavior — is a critical part of any sound cybersecurity defense strategy. Without clear ethical standards and rules, cybersecurity professionals are almost indistinguishable from the black-hat criminals against whom they seek to protect systems and data. The study of cybersecurity ethics, which encompasses a wide array of approaches and schools of thought, does not offer a simple solution to the many complex ethical dilemmas IT professionals, chief information security officers (CISOs) and organizations face on a daily basis.

A Shaky Moral Compass The cybersecurity landscape shifts every year. As a booming, immature industry, organizations are desperate to fill the growing chasm of security jobs amid a serious shortfall of skilled graduates. In this frenetic climate, we tend to focus on developing individuals’ cybersecurity knowledge and talent and putting them on the front line as quickly as possible. Network Administrators Love Ethical  Hackers.

Learn why small businesses are protecting their systems by hiring good guy hackers.

Network Administrators Love Ethical  Hackers

The cyber warrior 'princess' who guards Google. Meet Parisa Tabriz, the 31-year-old with perhaps the most enchanted job title in engineering -- "Google Security Princess.

The cyber warrior 'princess' who guards Google

" Her job is to hack into the most popular web browser on the planet, trying to find flaws in the system before the "black hats" do. Amazing mind reader reveals his 'gift'.