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Mehdi Mirzaee

A man with water in his mind!

WaterPartners International. Food & Water. Water Industry Organisations. Global Water Partnership. Integrated Water Resources Management. Circle of Blue | WaterNews. WaterWired. This photo, from Justin Quinn, is titled, 'Uncle Sam's Bad Habit'. I like it. It's almost as funny as someone from The Nature Conservancy using a bottled water promotional video to advance the idea that groundwater is inaccessible. The following words of wisdom accompanied the Tweet: checkout this cool site that helps show why @nature_org doesn't count groundwater as easily accessible... What the person failed to recognize is that the groundwater flows at the surface as a spring, so the water isn't actually pumped from a depth of 8000 meters. Example of an 'inaccessible' resource. Spent a few days in Rapid City, SD. BooksPub from @NASciences 'Advancing Land Change Modeling: Opportunities and Research Requirements (2014)' Free PDF Pubs from @NASciences Cybersecurity collection PDFs free.

CaliforniaCalifornia drought policies just don't hold water. RT @GrokSurf San Diego regional water news roundup: Mar 24-30, 2014 - #cawater.

Pearltrees videos
