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Wire Self-Portrait

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The Chicken Wire Sculptures of Ivan Lovatt. Artist Ivan Lovatt has recreated the faces of celebrities such as Michael Jackson or The Beatles, using nothing but chicken wire.

The Chicken Wire Sculptures of Ivan Lovatt

Ivan Lovatt is one of those artists who are always looking for new media to experiment with, and for him chicken wire proved to be just what he needed. Before starting to mold chicken wire into intricate portraits, Ivan used it to give structure to some of his earlier sculptures. At one point, he began creating wildlife out of the unusual medium, and as his skills developed, he moved to celebrity portraits. Most of his wire portraits take over a month to complete and about one and a half times larger than life size. Somehow, he manages to twist, bend and pin the wire in such a way that his portraits end up so detailed you can actually see every hair on their head. Fubiz™ - StumbleUpon. Coup de coeur pour les étonnants travaux de l’artiste Gavin Worth avec ces différentes sculptures en fil de fer.

Fubiz™ - StumbleUpon

Actuellement basé à San Francisco, il conçoit à partir de 2 mètres de fil des oeuvres et des profils de personnages. A découvrir sur son portfolio et dans la suite de l’article. Wire Sculpture. CALDER.

Tools & Materials Usage

Elizabeth Berrien. Alexander Calder. Chicken Wire Sculpture.