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Facebook Twitter Is Your Site Mobile Friendly? Google Can Tell You. According to one statistic, half of all local searches are performed on a mobile device. With more people accessing websites using their smartphones, making sure you website is readable on a phone is not something you can ignore. Load times, readability and images often render differently on a smaller screen. If a website is less functional when viewed on a phone versus a regular PC or laptop, many mobile users will simply leave a site. Now Google wants to help make sure your website is mobile friendly. Its GoMo site, launched last November, lets you test the functionality of your website on a mobile device. Why Being Mobile Friendly Matters According to Google, 60% of users expect a mobile site to load in three seconds or less. How the GOMO Meter Works You go to the site, enter your URL, and the GoMoMeter will display what your site looks like on a mobile device.

Here are a few general tips from Google for making sure your site functions well on a mobile phone: Ready to Go Mo? Multi-Screen Resources Skip to content Make Your Website Work Across Multiple Devices Build a website that showcases your business on every screen from smartphones and tablets to computers and TVs. Your customers expect a great browsing experience regardless of what device they use. Whitepaper Building websites for the multi-screen consumer Learn about the most typical structures for multi-screen websites, with tips on how to create a great user experience and avoid some of the more common mistakes. Learn more. Case Study American Cancer Society mobilizes 7,000 web pages in one quarter The Society increased mobile visits by 250% and trippled mobile donations with a smart content strategy and deep understanding of visitor needs. Read more. Case Study Baines & Ernst’s new site increase mobile conversions Baines & Ernst launched a Responsively Designed Site. Read more.

Case Study Beyond the Rack’s mobile conversion rate doubles Read more. Case Study Plusnet sees traffic grow 2x and sales 10x Read more. 11 Google Analytics Tricks to Use for Your Website. Record & Share your Ideas | Create infographics & online charts |

Absentee.jpg (333×500) Business Cartoons - "I've called this meeting to discuss absenteeism." The Difference In Keyword Research For SEO vs. PPC. Often when I complete a keyword research project for a client, they ask me about keywords I may not have included, or they want to know what the relative competition on the keywords looks like. This happens often enough that I thought I would remind everyone that while research for SEO and PPC can go hand in hand, they’re actually very different. First, think about what your goals are with each medium.

What are you trying to do, and what constitutes success in that area? Next, think about how the keywords will be used. Where, when, how often? Finally, consider what your margin for error is. What… Is Your Quest? In SEO, your goal should be to understand the keyword landscape of a topic. For PPC, your goal should be to find the keywords that you can bid on. You should focus on keywords that suggest a purchase (or goal completion), that represent a category area that is profitable for you, and that you can’t easily get ranked for in organic (most of the time – there are exceptions to this).

Best Practices in White Paper Marketing Online. Ovetta Sampson - About. How To Setup Google Authorship for Guest Posts. Hopefully by now you’ve heard about Google Authorship and what it is. If not, here’s a brief overview. Authorship is the means by which you claim authorship over an individual blog post or pages you wrote on the internet. Until now, Google could read your name as being associated with a blog post, but there may be hundreds of potential people who have the same name as you.

How can Google be sure that YOU were the author of that post? Enter Google Authorship. With a few simple steps you can connect your Google+ profile with specific blog posts – whether on your blog or not! As I mentioned, it is the expressed, validated connection between a specific person (represented by their Google+ profile) and a piece of content. When the authorship connection is made, and when Google decides to show the authorship expression in the search results, your Google+ profile image will appear next to the search result.

That’s it. A Google+ profile is a prerequisite for Authorship markup. Everything Marketers Need to Research & Create Detailed Buyer Personas [Template] Finance Manager Margie. IT Ian. Landscaper Larry. Do you know who your business's buyer personas are? And exactly how much do you know about them? Buyer personas (sometimes referred to as marketing personas) are fictional, generalized representations of your ideal customers. Personas help us all -- in marketing, sales, product, and services -- internalize the ideal customer we're trying to attract, and relate to our customers as real humans. Having a deep understanding of your buyer persona(s) is critical to driving content creation, product development, sales follow up, and really anything that relates to customer acquisition and retention.

"Okay, so personas are really important to my business. Ahh ... the million dollar question. Now for the even better news: We've put together an interview guide and a free template for creating buyer personas, so it's easy as pie to do your persona research and compile it all into a beautiful, presentable, palatable format. 1) Customers 2) Prospects. What Happens When A 35-Year-Old Man Retakes The SAT? These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America. An Ex-Pixar Designer Creates Astounding Kids' Book On iPad. E-books are already a fraught subject for many readers, writers, publishers and designers, but children's e-books are even more so. Is it rotting their minds? Is it as good as good ol' paper? Is it too interactive for their own good? Obviously there are no practical answers to such questions, but at least one children's e-book/app/thingie (what do we call these things, again?)

Every page has some delightful, hidden feature embedded into it. Part of why the book works so well is its top-shelf creative pedigree: author William Joyce is also an accomplished illustrator and animator who's published New Yorker covers, won a bunch of Emmys, created character designs for some of Pixar's first animated classics, and worked on many others for Dreamworks and Disney. Designing interactive interfaces for kids is no mean feat, and the Moonbot team really made some great choices with "Morris Lessmore. " [Buy "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Dim Sum Warriors: Comic Book Snacks that Talk Back in Two Languages. The other day, I was in Chinatown in New York City, eating dim sum with Yen Yen Woo and Colin Goh.

They’re a married couple, transplants from Singapore. For reasons that’ll soon become clear, I couldn’t help imagining that those little Chinese snacks we were eating were…alive. Now, some Asian food items really are alive when you put them in your mouth—but that’s a different story. The dishes we we’d ordered weren’t moving, except for the fact that I’d just viewed them in another form—walking, talking and fighting.

Here’s a taste of Goh and Woo’s creation, Dim Sum Warriors: “Their bravery and skill have inspired millions worldwide, while the mere mention of their names causes enemies to quiver like tofu.” Dim Sum Warriors is a comic book that started as an iPad app. Goh and Woo created Dim Sum Warriors partly for their daughter, Kai Yen Goh. On an iPad, you can read Dim Sum Warriors in English or in Chinese. Nick Sousanis is a big fan of Dim Sum Warriors. Kids seem to like it too. Google. 13 Must See Lead Generation Examples You Need…To Grow Your List | This weekend I was trying to find a post about good examples of lead capturing , but I couldn’t find anything useful…I saw the opportunity and this is the result.

I spent all Sunday looking for websites that I believed did a good job at using an email list form and applied well known practices in marketing. On all of the examples I marked the persuasion tactics most commonly used that you can apply to your business or blog/website. A lot of the content on this post is easy to apply but I learned this weekend even some well known websites fail to use them. If you’re using a good email service provider integrating an email sign-up form should be a walk-in-the-park. Now I understand if your goal is NOT to capture people’s email and build a relationship with your list then these examples might not be useful for you. Social Triggers Viperchill Social Media Examiner Smart Passive Income SlideDeck I Will Teach You To Be Rich Kissmetrics DIYthemes Dan Zarrella Copyblogger Big Brand System. How Facebook Will Fix Its Like Button Problem. You can't deny the success of Facebook's Like button. Its popularity quickly skyrocketed; it took less than a month for the button to appear on more than 100,000 websites.

Now it is a standard method for endorsing something on the social web. But that's exactly the problem — the Like button is an endorsement. If you run across an interesting article and share it, it's seen as an implicit endorsement. And although that has gotten Facebook this far, the social platform is ready to go further. The company did some internal research and found that users, especially younger ones, were afraid to "Like" because of the implied endorsement. Facebook's bet is that more people will click a button that says they've "Listened" to a song or "Watched" a video, rather than simply liking it. Called Gestures, these actions are the next step in integrating Facebook with every part of the web.

(42) What are some top strategies for conversion optimization. Brands who created webisodes. Online Activities for Kids and Families | Let´s Play Please. Let's play please.