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Google. 50 Google+ Circles Teachers Should Know About. Google+ Google Plus Analytics and Statistics. G+ stats analytics. About Google... Lernen. BildungsBlog. Learning & Teaching. Group Work. 50 Fabulous Web Tools for Group Projects | Rated Colleges. Web Tools for Collaboration. Group projects can cause a lot of stress for everyone involved. For some people, the idea that a portion of their grade is dependent upon the work of others can be agonizing. Between trying to coordinate work and make sure deadlines are being met, group projects can be a real headache. Luckily, several useful online tools are available to help you keep your group project running smoothly.

Here are a few of the most useful. Remember the Milk Once of the challenges to group work is making sure everybody completes their assigned tasks in a timely manner. Google Docs When working on a group assignment, you need to be sure to share what work has been done. Diigo Being able to share sources and references while working on projects can help keep everyone on the same page regarding the work. Backpack This web tool offers a lot of utility in just one program. Wridea Meeting for brainstorming sessions can be difficult for students with busy schedules or online classes. Visual thinking: Diagrammatics / mapping. eLearning. Research Manager. Teacher resources. Learn For Free (Full Curriculum and Learning Resources)

Twenty-first century learning. Mind Mapping. Soziologie - Kritik zu Heinz Bude: „Bildungspanik. Was unsere Gesellschaft spaltet“ Folgt man der Devise Pierre Bourdieus, dass Soziologie ein Kampfsport sei, dann tritt Heinz Bude mit seinem aktuellen Essay in der Schwergewichtsklasse an. Denn um das richtige Bildungssystem wird mit harten Bandagen gekämpft.

Der in Kassel lehrende Soziologe verspricht nun „überraschende Lösungen für diesen „kulturellen Klassenkampf“. Dass es die tatsächlich bräuchte, zeigt die Kompromisslosigkeit der Gegner. Auf der einen Seite stehen die Apologeten der Gesamtschule, die mit dem gemeinsamen Lernen die „institutionellen Ghettos im Bildungssystem“ abschaffen wollen. Auf der anderen eine bildungsbeflissene Mittelschicht, die zunehmend panisch um den Statuserhalt ihrer Kinder bangt. Gegen die Pläne der „Zwangsmischung“ von Charlotte und Kevin verteidigt sie das Gymnasium energisch als „Refugium der Selbstähnlichkeit“. Bildergalerie: Theatrum Familiae Katharina Mayer. Free software. Info Management. PowerTips. Browser Automation. Healthcare. Health Data. Update of WHO/Europe statistical databases. White House launches ‘big data’ initiative.

Healthcare stands to reap big rewards from the government's $200 million "big data" project, launched March 29 by the Obama Administration. [See also: Farzad Mostashari: Man on a digital mission] Aiming to make the most of the fast-growing volume of digital data, the Obama Administration announced a “Big Data Research and Development Initiative,” pledging to “extract knowledge and insights from large and complex collections of digital data,” to help address the nation’s most pressing challenges.

“In the same way that past federal investments in information-technology R&D led to dramatic advances in supercomputing and the creation of the Internet, the initiative we are launching today promises to transform our ability to use big data for scientific discovery, environmental and biomedical research, education and national security,” said John P. Holdren, assistant to the president and director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The initiative aims to: 4 tips for leveraging big data.

Cost savings are always key drivers of new initiatives. And in today's healthcare industry, as priorities continue to shift and pressure is added to increase revenues and improve outcomes, one element could be a key player in making it all happen: big data. "We think it's going to separate winners from losers in many markets over the next five years," said Russ Richmond, MD, CEO of healthcare solutions and consulting company Objective Health. "The institutions that are capable of first understanding where the market is going … are going to have tremendous advantages over the ones who can't or won't do this. We believe that over time, it's going to become a core competency for hospitals, and it won't be something seen as extra or nice to have – it's going to become a core part of how they operate going forward.

" Richmond outlines four tips for leveraging big data at hospitals. 1. Understand what kind of data you have, and where it's stored. 2. Health Data Initiative Forum. 5 reasons to get sold on analytics. VNORNET | med entomology. VBORNET is a network of medical entomologists and public health experts, funded by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The network supports ECDC activities in the area of arthropod vector surveillance within the European Union to improve preparedness towards vector-borne diseases.

ECDC started the VBORNET network in September 2009, bringing together entomologists and public health experts that represent all aspects of vector-borne disease-related research and public health activities in Europe. The network’s main tasks are: to produce distribution maps of the major arthropod disease vectors and related surveillance activities; to define priority strategic topics concerning the public health perspective of vector-borne diseases and vector surveillance. Updated maps on exotic mosquitoes and on ticks and phlebetomines are published at the ECDC website to provide the ECDC stakeholders and the general public with the most updated information on vector distribution. 1. Update of WHO/Europe statistical databases. EUVACNet. Health Data. EpiNorth. Managment Healthcare. Health Innovation. Security Compliance & Tools. Measurement/Metrics. ⬛ NHS (org) Healthcare, Hospital Management Software Solution,

Healthcare, Hospital management, Healthcare, Blood Transfusion Verification Solutions, The Patient of the Future. Gym rat: In his quest to optimize his health, Larry Smarr recently underwent tests to measure his peak oxygen consumption, maximum heart rate, and other physiological indicators. Back in 2000, when Larry Smarr left his job as head of a celebrated supercomputer center in Illinois to start a new institute at the University of California, San Diego, and the University of California, Irvine, he rarely paid attention to his bathroom scale. He regularly drank Coke, added sugar to his coffee, and enjoyed Big Mac Combo Meals with his kids at McDonald’s. Exercise consisted of an occasional hike or a ride on a stationary bike. “In Illinois they said, ‘We know what’s going to happen when you go out to California. You’re going to start eating organic food and get a blonde trainer and get a hot tub,’ ” recalls Smarr, who laughed off the predictions.

I have ulcerative colitis, a cousin of Crohn’s, and I am intrigued by what Smarr calls his “detective story.” The place makes my imagination dance. EURO - Europe. UK. France. EURO - Europe.