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Learn About Wolves

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Canis lupus 101. Western Gray Wolf: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Wolf restoration in the Northern Rocky Mountains (NRM) has been an amazing success thanks to both the resiliency of wolves and the cooperative efforts of Federal, State, and Tribal agencies, conservation groups, and private citizens; including ranchers, sportsmen, and outfitters.

Western Gray Wolf: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The most recent data available (end of 2013) indicate that the NRM wolf population contains at least 1,691 wolves, at least 320 packs, and at least 78 breeding pairs. This population has exceeded its recovery goals since 2002. What People Should Know about Wolves. How do Wolves Improve the Environment?

Wolf Species and Subspecies

Wolf Conservation and Education Sites and Facilities. What do wolves eat? Wolf Education for Youth. Do Wolves attack People? Wolf Science. USFWS Wolf Information.