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Who’s Your Disney Spirit Animal? We all grew up with Disney films and have a slew of wonderful female role models to guide us through life’s tough road to our own very own happy ending.

Who’s Your Disney Spirit Animal?

Lucky for all of us mostly-white, heteronormative ladies, we can still learn lessons from these fine women of the animated screen. I present you with my favorites – see if you can spot who you identify with most (note: your mother has to be dead if you want to be a princess)! The Princess – You’re not really sure why you got a happy ending, but you’re also not the most stable person since you spend your free time making tiny clothes for tiny animals. Somewhere at some point there was something about you being hard working and virtuous, but as far as Disney goes, you mostly just get rewarded for putting up with abuse.

You don’t try to solve your own problems, you wish and hope them away and then luck out. The Sushi Princess – You have zero self-respect and are kind of boy crazy, to the point of stalking. All images Ⓒ Disney, except Mrs. The destructive culture of pretty pink princesses. Girls the world over often go through a "princess phase," enthralled with anything pink and pretty — most especially the Disney princesses.

The destructive culture of pretty pink princesses

When it happened to Peggy Orenstein's daughter Daisy, the contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine stepped back to examine the phenomenon. She found that the girlie-girl culture being marketed to little girls was less innocent than it might seem, and can have negative consequences for girls' psychological, social and physical development. Orenstein's exploration took her to Walt Disney World, the American Girl flagship store in New York City and a child beauty pageant. She details her quest in the new book, "Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New Girlie-Girl Culture" (Harper Collins, Jan. 25).

Princesses Disney féministes. Depuis l'intéressante série d'Euterpe sur les princesses Disney et suivantes, j'ai trouvé sur le site I blame the kyriarchydes princesses Disney féministes -détournées évidemment !

Princesses Disney féministes

Le Prince : nous vivrions heureux La Princesse : est-ce que cela signifie que j'aurais ma propre carrière et que je contrôlerai mes finances ? La Princesse : Houah, pardon mais quelle partie de moi, alors que je dors ici seule, implique mon consentement ? Blanche-Neige : Ils n'ont pas arrêté de me dire que je dois haïr les hommes, puisque je suis féministe. Ils n'ont rien voulu entendre de ce que j'ai dit à propos des rôles de genre qui oppriment les hommes et les femmes ! What’s Wrong With Cinderella? Ranked: Disney Princesses From Least To Most Feminist. It's hard to be liberated in a clamshell bikini.

Ranked: Disney Princesses From Least To Most Feminist

I just saw Brave, and it got me thinking about the grand tradition of Disney princesses. Brave is a Pixar movie, and its heroine, Merida, is a fairy-tale feminist. Disney princesses for the most part, are not. Most need to be rescued by their male love interests; almost all the Disney Princess movies end in marriage or engagement. But that doesn't mean they're all equally regressive. Now, I know ranking anything by perceived feminism is problematic, as your professor might put it, but go with me for the sake of discussion. 10. The early Disney films were all strange fables with beautiful scenery and women who made no choices for themselves; Sleeping Beauty is the apex of these. 9.

Yeah, about all that sleeping… well, Snow White also conveniently falls asleep for much of this film, and waits to be rescued by a Charming (but otherwise featureless) prince. 8. Cinderella can't catch a break. 7. 6. 5. La princesse comme modèle de la féminité au profit de l'homme. 1. : sa sexualité naissante représentante une menace pour une autre femme, elle est donc tuée.

La princesse comme modèle de la féminité au profit de l'homme

Son unique atout, sa beauté physique, est ce qui la sauve à la fin. 2. La Belle au Bois dormant : fiancée dès la naissance pour consolider une position politique, elle est tout de même tuée par une autre femme. Son propriétaire..hem...fiancé la sauve avec un baiser. Le sexe est donc son unique recours. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cultures G » Blog Archive » Dessins animés: où sont les feeeeeeeemmes? Pixar’s Female Problem: Please Stop Asking Me, “What About Jessie?” Pixar’s Female Problem: Please Stop Asking Me, “What About Jessie?”

Pixar’s Female Problem: Please Stop Asking Me, “What About Jessie?”

Awhile ago I posted some art for Pixar’s upcoming film Brave, its first with a female protagonist. And, naturally, I pointed out that Pixar has seemed almost perversely incapable of creating a female protagonist and how utterly offensive that is since they’ve made films about Anyway, among the comments someone inevitably asked “What about Jessie? What about Sally in Cars?” I started to answer and then realized this deserved its own entire post.

L'évolution du stéréotype de princesse dans la littérature jeunesse. Sexisme dans la littérature enfantine et développement des enfants.