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How to Create a Porcelain Skin Effect in Adobe Photshop CS6 (Exclusive Tutorial) Creating this stunning porcelain skin effect is easier than you may expect. I'll show you step by step how to achieve the effect in Photoshop CS6 but this tutorial works in any version of CS. But before we start, check these useful resources for photo manipulation that will help you create an amazing effect on your photo: This tutorial uses a non-destructive method of photo editing. All editing is done on adjustment layers leaving your original photo intact. Subscribe to our newsletter and get a huge bundle with design freebies and useful tutorials once in two weeks: Get Notified of New Posts Via Email 1. 1a. 1b.

Set your solid color layer to pure white. 1c. Once you click OK you will see that your adjustment mask has been added. 1.d 2.Now we are going to set our layer properties. 2b. Note the current settings: Holding down the ALT key click on the Right side of the marker for the Underlying layer marker. Notice the icon for the Color Fill layer has changed. 3. Make a few tweaks if you desire. Packaging Templates. Extreme Costuming. The most important question should be what stitches did they use? I remember, long ago, being told that the Elizabethans only ever used a straight running stitch to sew their garments together, but I disbelieved it then, even though I knew no more about Elizabethan needlework than the average modern seamstress.

Subsequent years of research turned up several different styles of stitches used for construction and finishing work, some before the decorative work, some after. None were limited to just one stitch, though a casual look at the sewn pieces might suggest such a thing. A lot of people are afraid of hand-sewing, not because of the time involved, but because it seems intimidating. In reality, it is less complicated than machine sewing, as apart from embroidery, there are only a few styles of stitch used over and over again, and they apply to all fabrics. » Vintage Analogue. Skill Level: Intermediate In this tutorial I’ll show you how you can achieve an old analogue camera style effect with washed out colours and light leaks, all in Photoshop.

First open up your photo in Photoshop. Click on the adjustment layer button at the bottom of the layers panel, and choose Curves. Choose Green form the dropdown box, and move the green line to a horizontal position as shown above. Then choose Blue, and move the blue line to a diagonal position as shown above (the red line can stay as it is). Now change this layer’s blending mode to Soft Light. Next add a Solid Color adjustment layer, and set the colour to 927cff. Change this layer’s blending mode to Screen and it’s Opacity to 25%. Now add a Gradient adjustment layer. Set the Gradient as white to transparent and scale it to 150%.

Set this layer’s blending mode to Soft Light, and it’s Opacity to 75%. Next add another Solid Color layer this time using the colour ffdc7f. Set the blending mode to Soft Light, and the Opacity to 50%. » Dramatic Sky. Skill Level: Beginner In photos, the sky can often look muted and washed out due to over exposure. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to bring back definition and add drama to your sky. Open your photo in Photoshop. First add a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer. To give definition to the sky you need to increase the Contrast, and decrease the Brightness. Don’t worry about how dark the landscape in the foreground looks, we’ll fix that next. When you’re happy with how the sky looks, select everything in the foreground using the Quick Selection tool. Make sure the Brighness/Contrast layer thumbnail is still selected, then go to Edit>Fill and choose Black, then click OK.

You have now masked out the effect of the Brigtness/Contrast layer in the foreground of the photo. Next we’ll increase the overall contrast of the image. Add a Levels adjustment layer, and use the black colour picker to choose the darkest part of your image, and the white colour picker to choose the lightest part of your image. » Add cinematic drama to a photo. Skill Level: Intermediate Learn how to add cinematic drama to your photos by simulating lens blur, and adding photo filters, and sharpening detail.

The Final Outcome The stock photo I’ve used for this tutorial was provided by deviantART member Sunshine114, and can be downloaded for free here. Take the Quick Selection Tool and draw over the sky and buildings in the background. You can use the ‘[' and ']‘ keys to change the size of the brush, and hold down the alt key to subtract from the selection. When you’ve made the best selection you can, go to Select > Refine Edge. Use the Refine Radius Tool to draw over the edge of the hair, improving the edge. When you’re finished make sure the output is set to New Layer with Layer Mask, and click OK. With your new layer selected, go to Filter > Blur > Lens Blur. Use the same settings as I have in the image above, making sure the Source for the Depth Map is set to Layer Mask.

Click OK, and then wait for the Lens Blur filter to render. Thanks for reading :) » Pure White Portrait Retouch. Skill Level: Intermediate Learn how to whiten skin and hair in this quick Photoshop tutorial. The original photo is a little bit warm, so first we’ll add a Photo Filter adjustment layer set to Cooling filter (80) with a Density of 60%. Next we”ll bring the saturation way down. Add a Hue/Saturation layer and bring the saturation down to -90%. The last Adjustment Layer we’ll add is a Curves layer. Add two points to the chart, one at the dark side, one at the light side. Arrange them as shown above. Next we’ll slowly start to bring back some colour. Click on the Hue/Saturation layer’s layer mask. Take a large black brush with it’s Hardness at 10% and it’s Opacity at 5%.

Then paint over the model again, but this time leaving out the hair. Next paint over the area around each eye. Now reduce the size of the brush and paint inside each eye and around the edges. And then paint over the lips, not quite up to the edge. Decrease the size of the brush again, and bring the Opacity up to 30% . © DesignNocturne. » Cinematic Exposure Tutorial. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to give portrait photos a dramatic look, with strong, cinematic exposure and sharper definition. To get the best results your photo should have good lighting, with strong shadows and highlights. The stock photo I’m using can be downloaded here. First of all, duplicate your background layer, and call the duplicated layer ‘High Pass’. Next go to Filter > Other > High Pass, and set the Radius to 2 pixels. Duplicate the High Pass layer, and change both layer’s blending modes to Overlay. You’ll notice the image is now a lot sharper, with harder edges, and more defined skin pores.

Next add a Hue/Saturation layer, and take the Saturation down to -70. And finally, add an Exposure adjustment layer, tweaking the sliders as I have above, so the highlights are stronger but the shadows remain dark. Here’s the final outcome. Please leave a comment and use the share buttons below. Thanks for reading :) © DesignNocturne. » Painted Effect. Skill Level: Beginner In this tutorial you’ll learn how to give a portrait photo a painted look, so it resembles a digital painting.

A well lit, high quality portrait photo will work best for this tutorial. You can download the one I’ve used here. Open up your photo in Photoshop, and go to Filter>Blur>Surface Blur. The Surface Blur will allow you to blur smaller details whilst keeping the edges solid. Now duplicate this layer twice. Name one layer ‘glowing edges’, and the other ‘high pass’. Click on the ‘high pass’ layer first and go to Filter>Other>High Pass. A 20 pixel Radius should work best for most photo’s. Change the ‘high pass’ layer’s blending mode to Overlay.

This will have given a soft contrast to your photo. Now click on the ‘glowing edges’ layer and go to Filter>Stylize>Glowing Edges. Use the settings shown in the image above, and click OK. Set the blending mode to Screen. This will add smooth edges to your photo that resemble brushstrokes. Re-apply the Screen blending mode. » Pitch Black Skin Retouch. Skill Level: Intermediate In this tutorial you’ll learn how to blacken skin for a darkly surreal effect. Open up your image in Photoshop (you can download the image I’ve used here). First add a Photo Filter adjustment layer. Choose Cooling Filter (82) with the Density set to 20%. Next add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, and take the Saturation down to -95. Then add a Curves adjustment layer and bring the black slider towards the middle. Finally add an Exposure adjustment layer below the Curves layer. Take the Offset slider to the left, and the Gamma slider to the right – as shown above. With the Exposure layer still selected, go to Edit > Fill and fill the layer with Black to hide the effect.

Next we’ll go back and tinker with the layer masks a little. Go back to your Curves layer and take a small black brush with the Hardness at 0%. Use it to mask out the darkness in each eye. Use a slightly larger brush with the Opacity set to 70% and lighten the necklace a little. And here’s the final result. Самый простой рецепт холодного фарфора. БЕЗ КЛЕЯ!!! Простой рецепт холодного фарфора от автора Николета нам понадобятся: 1/4 часть чашки пищевой соды 1/4 часть чашки кукурузного крахмала (можно картофельного) 1/4 часть чашки воды Все смешать в сковороде с тефлоновым покрытием поставить на огонь, постоянно помешивая, буквально через минуту сода зашипит и начнут образовываться комочки продолжаем мешать, еще через пару минут образуется вот такой комочек, который легко отходит от стенок перекладываем на полотенце, осторожно он горячий и вымешиваем как обыкновенное тесто. тесто к рукам не липнет, и не требует использования масла и каких-либо кремов, комочек получается небольшой красила акриловой краской и помадой.

Налепила вот такие розочки, они не трескаются!!! Первый раз я попробовала этот рецепт в прошлом году. Все дальнейшие розочки и ягодки сделаны по этому же рецепту ведут себя хорошо, не трескаются, не крошатся. Браслеты из бисера. Эти браслеты из бисера не такие уж и трудные в плетении, как кажутся на первый взгляд. Всего три ряда, ромашки,а по середине лесенка ну и ещё застёжка, зато смотрятся изумительно. Такие браслеты из бисера замечательно будут сочетаться с летним лёгким платьицем. Браслет из бисера, версия в бронзе. Для изготовления этих браслетов из бисера, нам потребуются материалы: бисер размером 1.1 мм., бисер размером 0.8 мм., стеклярус я использовала 3 на 7 мм.

(гранёный смотреться эффектнее). Есть два способа как двигаться далее. Я опишу Вам и тот и другой, какой из них будет Вам более приемлем решать Вам. Способ 1. Способ 2. Теперь следующая задача. На этом этапе, существует тоже два способа. Способ 1. Способ 2. После того как заготовка браслета из бисера будет готова перейдём к застёжки для нашего браслета. Ответ на вопрос как сделать застежку. Дальше самое интересное. Декорирование браслетов из бисера. Нравится пост? Выбирайте на этом сайте стальной браслет для мужчин.

Код этой страницы для блога: Я.ру. Браслет "Кругло-квадратный" Ну вот, наконец-то дошли руки до этого браслета. Мой первый МК, дебют, так сказать. Приступим: 1) В первую очередь нам понадобятся: - иголки; - нитка или леска; - бисер; - терпение и время. 2) А сейчас начинается и сама работа. Плетем крестиком цепочку длиной в обхват самого широкого места вашей ладони +1,5-2 см и замыкаем ее. 3) Проплетаем еще пару рядов крестиком. оптимальный вариант 6-7 рядов. 4) Сейчас начинается самое интересное: рассшивка) На рисунке я просто провела иголочку сквозь бисеринки И на местах, где виднеется иголочка, вплетаем по бисеринке. То же самое проделываем по всей длине изделия. Этого не стоит бояться - в итоге будет держать хоть- какую-то форму 5) Теперь доплетаем второй ярус крестиком, используя вплетенные бисеринки. проделываем данную операцию и соседних рядах.

Вот готовый вариант. 6) Теперь вплетаем бисеринки вдоль браслета. И получаем: 7) Используем эти бисеринки для следущего яруса крестиков. Выходит: Дальше можно доплетать браслет как хотим.