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FFMPEG Installation - Webcam Site Plugins for Video Streaming, Chat, Conference, Recording, Presentation. Our server install team can setup latest FFMPEG on your virtual private server or dedicated server. This includes codecs required for converting between Flash and HTML5 formats: x264, theora, mp3lame, ogg, faac, speex, nellymoser.

This can be used for sharing video for web and multiple HTML5 enabled devices (iOS, Android) with solutions like Webcam Video Recorder. Optional: If you have Wowza Media Server installed and running, our staff can enable iOS HLS transcoding (to allow broadcasting live from site webcam to Safari including iOS devices) with Live Streaming. No additional fees required. This will be done by trusted personel that also handles our hosts. Order Order FFMPEG Installation for 69USD Our staff can also install RTMP servers for an additional fee. Red5 / RTMP Server Installation Send by email or tickets the ip and root password for linux servers or administrator details for windows servers.

Change the password when everything is done and tested. RTMP Applications - Webcam Site Plugins for Video Streaming, Chat, Conference, Recording, Presentation. VideoWhisper RTMP side for wowza allows specific configuration properties: <Properties> <Property> <Name>acceptPlayers</Name> <Value>true</Value> </Property> <Property> <Name>webLogin</Name> <Value></Value> </Property> <Property> <Name>webKey</Name> <Value>VideoWhisper</Value> </Property> <Property> <Name>webLogout</Name> <Value></Value> </Property> <Property> <Name>webStatus</Name> <Value></Value> </Property> </Properties> These are documented on: Edit other Wowza options in conf/videowhisper/Application.xml as explained in Wowza quickstart guide .

Configure <Streams> ... <Stream Type> for your needs: Use live for live streaming, live-lowlatency for video chat and conferencing, record for video recorder. Combos are also available as explained in the guide. Configure video saving location in <Streams> ... Allow access to rtmp only from certain domain(s): <Connections> <AutoAccept>true</AutoAccept> <AllowDomains>,</AllowDomains> </Connections> <Modules> ... VideoWhisper Video Conference Integration. Intranet : 10 points pour optimiser votre page d'accueil. 1. Le temps de chargement Quoi de plus énervant qu’une page qui met un temps fou à se charger ? Pour éviter cela, monitorez le temps de chargement de votre page d’accueil intranet.

Certaines options peuvent se révéler très gourmandes, par exemple l’affichage d’une photo aléatoire d’un de vos derniers événement d’entreprise. 2. Lorsque l’on analyse l’endroit où l’œil se pose spontanément, on constate qu’il a tendance à se concentrer sur la partie supérieure gauche de la page. 3. Évitez de proposer de trop nombreuses rubriques, sous peine de voir les utilisateurs se perdre dans votre intranet. 4. Sur votre page d’accueil, il est essentiel de hiérarchiser l’information : quelles informations sont importantes ? 5. Quand vos utilisateurs se connectent sur votre intranet, ils veulent voir en un clin d’œil quelles sont les nouvelles news. 6. 7. Vos lecteurs s’intéressent à leurs collègues. 8.

Résistez à l’utilisation de la crème « Make My Logo Bigger ». 9. 10. How to build an Intranet with WordPress (using these 10 plugins and themes) - Pootlepress. [twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fblike style=”standard” float=”left” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”] [pinterest count=”horizontal” float=”left”][google_plusone size=”standard” float=”left” annotation=”none” language=”English (UK)”][divider_flat] WordPress has some great plugins and themes that can help you build an Intranet. Below I have listed 10 WordPress plugins and themesthat you should consider. I’ll be showing you ‘step by step’ how to build an Intranet with WordPress in the next month on the Pootlepress Academy. #1 WordPress Multi-site How to give each of your teams their own collaboration space I recommend you use WordPress Multi-site to build your Intranet. Each zone (or WordPress website) can have a different design or can be incorporated into your overall corporate brand.

[hr] #2 Wishlist member How to restrict access to your employees To restrict access to your Intranet you have 2 options. #3 The P2 Theme How to improve engagement and communication. Create a WordPress-powered intranet in 5 minutes | WPsense. WordPress is a great system for building beatiful websites quickly. However, you can do a lot more with WordPress than just building websites. Anything is possible, including a WordPress powered intranet, fully equipped with user profiles, status updates and user groups. What to keep in mind when building your WordPress intranet This tutorial will show you how to build a WordPress powered intranet, but what is important when building an intranet? Safety An intranet is usually meant for internal use only, therefore it will be password protected. User friendly To make sure we will not confuse those who are not used to working with WordPress, we will make sure that they cannot enter the admin area. Of course, users with an Administrator account (you) will still be able to enter the WordPress admin.

Installing WordPress Install WordPress the way you are used to installing WordPress – manually, or using an applications installer (like Installatron for DirectAdmin). Find and install BuddyPress More. Planning and Building an Intranet with WordPress. Ah, the Intranet. Long hailed as the red-headed step child of web portals, Intranet’s are increasingly becoming more sophisticated as companies realize the true potential of a well-designed central hub to share, collaborate, reference company and client information, and even manage projects and track time. While there’s no shortage of hosted Intranet solutions on the market, fortunately for the WordPress inclined a plethora of themes, widgets and plugins are available whether you’re looking to build an Intranet for 5 employees or 500.

Each company has different needs. Sometimes an Intranet only needs to be as basic as a password-protected reference site. Company directoryA Knowledge Base or Wiki allowing employees to create topics, categories, posts to build shared knowledge. Some additional considerations: Project Management / time trackingCollaboration tools, online workspacesSocial networking and member interactionCRM or CRM bolt-ins Potential BuddyPress cons: Possible overkill. Un intranet sous Wordpress: quelques plug-ins utiles. Étiquettes : intranet, principes fonctionnels, Web 2.0, wordpress Un intranet sous WordPress, pourquoi pas. Le logiciel n’est pas dédié au blog uniquement. Les organisations peuvent y créer des plateformes de communication interne simples, efficaces, utiles.

Explications Quelques plugins, en vrac, à utiliser pour monter un intranet sous WordPress CollabPress Le plugin CollabPress permet de gérer des projets, des utilisateurs, des listes de taches, des taches, et des commentaires. All-in-One Event Calendar L’extension Event Calendar remplace avantageusement le calendrier d’origine fourni avec WordPress et ajoutant de nombreuses fonctionnalités utiles pour garder une trace de tous vos événements. V-Cita Le plugin V-Cita vous permet de fixer des rendez-vous, de synchroniser vos calendriers, de créer des video meeting, d’analyser vos statitistiques, de manager vos utilisateurs et d’établir des campagnes d’e-mailing.

BuddyPress FAQ-Tastic Lite WishList Member BBPress Simple Intranet Plugin.