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How to Allow User Registration on Your WordPress Site. Do you want to allow users to register on your site?

How to Allow User Registration on Your WordPress Site

You can enable user registration in WordPress to allow users to add posts, or comment, or perform other actions on your website. In this article, we will show you how to allow user registration on your WordPress site and how to manage users. Video Tutorial If you don’t like the video or need more instructions, then continue reading.


18 Creative Ways to Make More Money with WordPress in Q4. WP OffLine. How to Disable Gravatar Author Images and Add Your Own. WordPress allows us to use custom avatars that we upload to Gravatar.

How to Disable Gravatar Author Images and Add Your Own

The Gravatar images are assigned to our accounts and follow us from one website to another, helping identify the author whether it’s a blog post or comment. This creates a Globally Recognized Avatar, or Gravatar for short. What if you want to disable Gravatar author images and add your own? It’s possible that a contributor won’t have a Gravatar. It’s also possible they have one and don’t want to use it for your website. The easiest way to allow users to replace their Gravatars just for your website is by using a plugin such as WP User Avatar. Note – I apologize to Nathan ahead of time for what I’m about to do to him in this article. (Editor’s Note: No worries, Randy!) WP User Avatar WP User Avatar by flippercode allows you to use any photo that’s uploaded to your media library as an avatar. Settings After activating, visit the settings (in the dashboard, go to Avatars, Settings) and make your adjustments. Default Avatar. The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Multisite. Here at WPMU DEV, we’re more than a bit keen on WordPress Multisite.

We’ve been developing plugins for Multisite since the old days when it was WordPress MU, and we use it to power Edublogs, a huge network of blogs for educators and students. Personally I also use Multisite a lot. I use it to host client websites, to create sites demonstrating techniques I outline in my books and tutorials, and to keep everything in one place. In this guide to Multisite, I’m going to show you everything you need to know to get started with Multisite and create your own network of blogs or sites. I’ll cover: What is Multisite and how is it different from regular WordPress? But first, let’s get some terminology straight. 6 Best WordPress Landing Page Plugins For 2016. Note: This post has been rewritten and updated as of 2nd November 2016.

6 Best WordPress Landing Page Plugins For 2016

If you want the most effective way to move your readers to action, you need dedicated landing pages. You may have already taken the first step and started using a list building plugin. But if you really want to boost your list building or sales efforts, you need landing pages. Unfortunately, here’s the problem when it comes to WordPress and landing pages: The WordPress Editor is 100% incapable of creating highly converting landing pages. So if you want to actually create the kind of landing pages that move readers to click, to sign up, to buy…then you need a dedicated landing page tool. And that is exactly what I’ll discuss in this post. 21 Essential WordPress Plugins for Non-Profits in 2016 and Beyond. It’s a sad reality that many fantastic non-profits are underfunded, understaffed, and lacking in technical know-how.

21 Essential WordPress Plugins for Non-Profits in 2016 and Beyond

After all, a heart of gold doesn’t come pre-packaged with vast resources and a degree in computer science. As a result, the quality and effectiveness of many non-profit websites suffers. But they don’t have to. That’s why in today’s post we’ve compiled a list of essential WordPress plugins for non-profits. Each one solving technical problems that would otherwise prove difficult, if not impossible, for non-technical staff and volunteers to overcome. Thrive Landing Pages - Conversion Lift for WordPress. Pubble - Q&A Platform for Websites, Wordpress, Blogs & Facebook. Create a WordPress-powered intranet in 5 minutes - WPsense. WordPress is a great system for building beatiful websites quickly.

Create a WordPress-powered intranet in 5 minutes - WPsense

However, you can do a lot more with WordPress than just building websites. Anything is possible, including a WordPress powered intranet, fully equipped with user profiles, status updates and user groups. What to keep in mind when building your WordPress intranet This tutorial will show you how to build a WordPress powered intranet, but what is important when building an intranet? Safety An intranet is usually meant for internal use only, therefore it will be password protected. User friendly To make sure we will not confuse those who are not used to working with WordPress, we will make sure that they cannot enter the admin area.

Of course, users with an Administrator account (you) will still be able to enter the WordPress admin. Installing WordPress Install WordPress the way you are used to installing WordPress – manually, or using an applications installer (like Installatron for DirectAdmin). Find and install BuddyPress More. Shared, VPS, Dedicated or Cloud Hosting? Which is Best for WordPress? Zillacommerce - Themezilla. Themezilla - We build Premium WordPress Themes & Plugins.