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The Art of Manliness. How to Lie Without Actually Telling a Lie. I'm male, and straight, and married, but if you walked up to me and said: So, you're colorblind? (I am, and for some weird reason I don't want you to know about it) I might say: "Look, a purple flying elephant! " and then proceed out the nearest frying pan into an airlock filled with cheese while eating a fried turkey. OK, on a serious note, it's fairly difficult to misdirect someone away from such a direct approach, partially because it is unknown whether or not they already know the information and are simply testing you.

However, it is likely that isn't the case, since individuals rarely ask about that which they KNOW, only what they THINK they know, and there is a difference. An excellent misdirection in that particular case would be something simple that doesn't actually answer the question, like a mildly enraged: "Excuse me? " One method not discussed is to answer their question with a question. "Do I look like a lesbian?

" Organizing (and practical) principles that help keep clutter at bay. Uncluttering is a process, not something that happens overnight or that has an end point. Sometimes getting more organized can feel overwhelming and chaotic, but there are some basic principles you can use to stay focused on maintaining order. Here are five practical tips I often share with my clients (and use myself). They tend to be useful for many situations and can help you conquer clutter. Use positive self-talk It can be very easy to let negative thoughts clutter your mind, especially if you find it challenging to master a particular organizing strategy. And, since your actions are typically driven by your thoughts, you can find yourself feeling down and stressed, two emotions that can stop your uncluttering plans in its tracks.

Though your goals may seem daunting at first, remember that it’s normal to meet upon a few stumbling blocks. Wait before making impulse purchases Whimsical purchases can really creep up on you, even when you have your list in hand as you’re shopping. Beat Procrastination and Get Motivated with The Procrastination Equation. Very Clever. The science that I have discovered works well for turning procrastination into the jet fuel for success is determining what the stumbling block/fear is and discovering what information that feeling has to tell as to what to do next. Using the science of emotions, clients are able to know what is needed in the moment to move forward. What we resist – fight – persists. It is not about the forcing and managing procrastination and using behavior modification strategies to out wit procrastination but rather about aligning with your feelings and acting on the information they have to offer.

Going from the inside out vs outside in, you have a reliable system that works every time. Kiss Procrastination Goodbye 4 week Group Mastermind starts Sept 18th. How Can I Sell My Skills Beyond a Boring Resume? How to Focus and Stay Productive When You're Expected to Always Be Available. I used to close the door to my office, that way co-workers instinctively only came to me for important and urgent things. That said, you have to keep your door open for at least 70% of your time in order for this to be effective.

The door loses its effectiveness otherwise. Further, for email I use a little system that orders my email in three categories: - emails I can answer within 5 minutes; - emails I can answer this day; - emails I am not going to answer. Combine this with only checking your email 4-6 times a day and this system works. Only because I've trained my bosses by being relentlessly on top of every issue for the last decade. Yep. I also have a supervisor who I'm mentioned before that does not. understand. the term. On your second problem, I found the best answer was, "so it's OK to delay X? " Destress Your Tech with a Delete Binge. A Guide to F**king Up in the Digital Age. I disappointed a colleague.

I was in the middle of my divorce, living with my parents because I was trying to save up for a house in a high-rent area, and struggling to push my job the point where I was making enough money to support me and the kids without child support. I was close, so close. If I just made 10% more, I could give us a life where bills were paid, money was in savings, and I could show the kids the world. I bemoaned my situation to a friend, and he told me about a project he had lined up. I underestimated how stressed the divorce would make me. It took time, but eventually, I sat down with the colleague and told him was up at the time. I took my lessons from that time seriously. The Best Daily Morning Routine or Morning Ritual For Success. If you haven’t heard our amazing podcast on the importance of morning rituals, we highly recommend it. It’s a great introduction that explains what morning rituals are, and shows you how to set one up the right way.

What follows here are some refinements that we’ve made since we recorded that – based on the experiences of other Asian Efficiency readers and our own friends and acquaintances. There were a number of common issues that people came up against when trying to formulate their own morning rituals, so we decided to cover everything in detail in a text-based article. Some of these issues included length, knowing where the boundaries of the ritual were, and what sort of activities to include, and of course, how disciplined/strict you have to be to really see results from an effective morning ritual (or what some people call a morning routine). Essential Morning Ritual Components The first thing to reexamine are the essential component pieces of a morning ritual.

Water Bathroom Length. The Worst Coworkers and Workplace Annoyances (and How to Deal with Them) The workplace chatterbox. The lunch thief. All those pointless meetings. We've all dealt with annoying workplaces and coworkers at some point. Here's how to actually confront those problems and make your workplace better for everyone. P Earlier this week we asked you for your biggest workplace annoyances. Problem: The Lunch ThiefP SExpand Office kitchens are great when you don't want to spend money going out to eat every day, but it seems like every office has a thief who pops in and steals someone's lunch.

Solution: Moldy CamouflageP One of the best ways to counter an office lunch thief is to make their job harder. Swiping an already-made sandwich is one thing, but stealing all the fixings is another. If you're still having problems, you might also consider an anti-theft lunch bag that makes your sandwich look moldy at a glance. "To whomever ate my eggplant sandwich yesterday, I got up a half hour early so I could make a healthy lunch. Problem: The HovererP Solution: Hint HintP. Improve Your Evening Ritual for a Better Night's Sleep.