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Descrizione. It works! Opentherm Interface V2. We're Back after a very long break!

It works! Opentherm Interface V2

Last January I presented a schematic for a second version of Alex's JeeTherm to Opentherm interface. Well Alex finally had the time to test it and it works.... almost :-) The first part of the board related to the physical interface actually works (!) I.e. sending and receiving the bits and packets to the boiler. This part was done with good old technology and using an operational amplifier as an active load. The second part of the board was designed to power the remote controller from the loop power supply.

» OpenTherm relay JeeLabs. In Software on Nov 20, 2012 at 00:01 Now that the OpenTherm Gateway has been verified to work, it’s time to think about a more permanent setup.

» OpenTherm relay JeeLabs

My plan is to send things over wireless via an RFM12B on 868 MHz. And like the SMA solar inverter relay, the main task is to capture the incoming serial data and then send this out as wireless packets. First, a little adapter – with 10 kΩ resistors in series as 5V -> 3.3V “level converters”: (that’s an old JeeNode v2 – might as well re-use this stuff, eh?) And here’s the first version of the otRelay.ino sketch I came up with: The only tricky bit in here is how to identify each message coming in over the serial port. If there is a valid numeric or uppercase character, and there is room: store itif a carriage returns arrives at the end of the buffer: bingo, a complete packet!

This isn’t the packet format I intend to use in the final setup, but it’s a simple way to figure out what’s coming in in the first place. Controlling the central heating system. Home Automation Domotica Forum Europe, Bwired Forum. View topic - Alphatronics Visonic Wireless PC Interface. Some time ago i received a new interface i had never heard of or had seen before, made by Alphatronics.

View topic - Alphatronics Visonic Wireless PC Interface

It's called a Wireless PC Interface and it can be used for receiving 868 MHz Visonic Powercode and CodeSecure transmissions. With this interface i can receive all my Visonic sensor i have, Keyfobs are received very good as well. Here are 2 pictures of the Interface: Some details: Connection : RS-232, 9600,8,N,1. A very nice feature of this interface is that every received packet comes with information about the signal level, so you know exactly how good (or not) a specific sensor is being received. I got the interface from Waakzaam Wonen ( so if you're interested i would suggest to contact them for more information. There is also a HS Plugin available for some time now. OT-Protocol-Specification-v2-2.pdf. Efficient Heating and Cooling (LTH/HTC) E-Bus / OpenTherm Interface ZIF 250, 71,20 € ATP923G1064 - Honeywell ATP923G1064 Evohome Radiatoren pakket. Honeywell heeft een nieuwe generatie EvoHome systeem op de markt gebracht!

ATP923G1064 - Honeywell ATP923G1064 Evohome Radiatoren pakket

Preparing for OpenTherm Monitoring - Digits Domotica Blog. More and more my weblog is becoming an ‘archive’ of what I did and, more important, how I did it. I know that I can find that specific picture or other piece of information I’m looking for on my NAS or a local HDD somewhere, but a search on my own weblog is much quicker, and it works too, more and more. So I decided to write down every step I take with this OpenTherm project on my blog and in more detail than I’ve done before – I think I’ll thank myself for that later Before heating up the soldering iron, I spent some time reading the OT Protocol Specification v2-2. I won’t go into all the details, but here are some important things to know. OpenTherm is a point-to-point communication system between boilers and room units (the thermostat). The encoding method that’s being used is called Manchester, where a transition from low to high represents a ’0′ bit value and a transition from high to low is a ’1′; more about Manchester code here. - Cхемы соединения беспроводных модулирующих радиотермостатов HOFFMANN стандарта OpenTherm c котлом. Category: Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы Термостаты стандарта OpenThem® – это, в отличие от 2-х позиционных термостатов типа ВКЛ. - Cхемы соединения беспроводных модулирующих радиотермостатов HOFFMANN стандарта OpenTherm c котлом

/ВЫКЛ., термостаты с цифровым выходом: они способны обмениваться данными с котлом и обратно, наподобие того как это делают соединенные между собой 2 компьютера. В результате термостат становиться способен не только просто включить или выключить котел, но и плавно управлять его мощностью, что резко повышает эффективность управления (поддерживаемая температура в комнате становиться стабильней, без перегревов и недогревов, а котел работает с большим средним КПД, что способно снизить расход топлива до 30%), а котел в свою очередь может отправлять термостату сигналы о своем статусе – возникших ошибках, режимах работы и другую информацию, которую термостат может отображать на своем дисплее. HOFFMANN_diler_pricelist.pdf. Firmware for the OpenTherm Gateway. Fail-safe design Even though the gateway was designed in such a way that OpenTherm messages can be forwarded by the device using only hardware functions of the PIC after very minimal initialization, this is not the normal operating mode of the gateway.

Firmware for the OpenTherm Gateway

Simply passing on the OpenTherm messages unmodified would limit the possibilities of the device to monitoring only. However, the almost non-existing requirements for the code to be able to forward messages makes it ideal as a safety net for when things go completely awry. If the device ever resets as a result of a watchdog timeout, it falls back to this mode. The gateway also takes advantage of this feature during self-programming. Normal operation During normal operation the gateway collects the request from the thermostat and possibly manipulates it before sending it on to the boiler. Reports After power-up, each message that is received by the gateway is reported on the serial interface.

Errors The following errors are defined: Error 01. The Celcia 20 continuously reads(r) or writes(w) various data items at a rate of one per second.

Below you'll find what it does all day long while the function switch is in position "Programme 1" : r0-w1-r17-r25 (are higher priority items, exchanged about once per 5 seconds) r57-r27-w14-r29-w16-w24-r9 (are medium priority items, exchanged about once per 35 seconds) r48-w56-r15-r119-r116-r120-r123-w126-r127-w2-r3 (are lower priority items, exchanged about once per 385 seconds) 0 Slave Status 1 Control Setpoint 17 Relative Modulation Level 25 CH Water Temp 57 Max.

CH Water Setpoint 27 Outside Temp 14 Max. Rel. Modulation Level 29 Solar Storage Temp 16 Room Setpoint 24 Room Temp 9 Remote Room Setpoint (looks promising but it's not really used)** 48 DHW Setpoint Bounds 56 DHW Setpoint 15 Max. Cap. / Min. Monitor_sch.JPG (JPEG Image, 748 × 496 pixels) Controlling the central heating system.