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TotalBiscuit, The Cynical Brit

This video is an attempt to explain to those who don't understand videogame streaming better than BBC Newsnights feature on the subject, which drew hostility from a great deal of people due to its condescending and misleading approach. Footage used under Fair Use doctrine for educational purposes. Free Online MMORPG and MMO Games List - MMO Hut.


Lion's Gate - Guild Wars 2 Life. Puzzle Quest Captures - CMorrigu's Mind. [ Captures | Video | Graphical | Mounts | Visual | Other ] Monster Capture Walkthroughs (Aegisofer) Move the left skull all way to the right to complete the skull set Guess what? Do the same with the lone purple on the right, but towards the left (D´oh) Meh, complete the remaining sets... (Aegisofer) Move the central skulls outwards (<-S S->) Complete the purple sets Complete the green ones and done (ZeroTheLegend) Complete the set of the light yellows, then the right greens Switch the top middle green and blue In the middle 2 columns, switch the purple and the red Switch the highest left purple with the S-Skull Switch the highest red on the right with the S-Skull and done.