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Tinkerpop/gremlin - GitHub. API. NoSQL Databases - NoSQL Databases. In his presentation at WindyCityDB, Marko Rodriguez, discusses graph traversal patterns. This is the first part of a multi-part series that will discuss this presentation. Specifically in this posting we are going to discuss the various types of graph structures. We will be discussing graph databases and graph traversals in a following posts. So what types of graph structures are there? It's an interesting question and one I did not know the answer to until this presentation. Graph Primer Dots are verticesLines are edgesDots and Lines make a Graph Undirected Graph Vertices All denote the same type of objectEdges All edges denote the same type of relationshipAll edges denote a symmetric relationshipExamples Collaborator graphRoad graph Directed Graph Vertices All denote the same type of objectEdges All edges denote the same type of relationshipAll edges denote a asymmetric relationshipPrimer Directed edge is a line with an arrowExamples Twitter follow graphWeb href-citation graph.

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